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06/22/2020 07:10 PM 

Current mood:  confident

This website is so much fun omfg thank u to everyone who has interacted w me you're all so sweet mwah

love, friends, new,


06/22/2020 07:09 PM 

new account
Current mood:  angry

I saw a video on tik tok bout this page being bad and i got scared and deleted my old account. If you had me on my old account please add me. MOSTLY IF WE TALKED. cause i dead ass liked everyone i was talking too:( 

friends, new, add me


06/22/2020 07:09 PM 

New Bakugou Layout!
Current mood:  accomplished

✬✧✬✧✬✧✬✧★✧✬✧✬✧✬✧✬Today I have created yet another layout! I have pasted the code below so you can also use it for yourself :). As of right now, it's what's being used by me on my profile! <style type=text/css>.pimp_my_profile { Generated at Pimp My Profile }  table, tr, td {   background-color:transparent;  }   table, tr, td {   background-color:transparent;  border:none;  border-width:0px;  }   table table table {   width:100%; max-width: 600px; } table table table table { width:100%;;  }   body, .bodyContent  {   background-image:url(;  background-position:Center Center;  background-attachment:fixed;  background-repeat:repeat;  border-color:DDA0DD;  border-width:4px;  border-style:Groove;  scrollbar-face-color:000000;  scrollbar-highlight-color:F0F8FF;  scrollbar-3dlight-color:87CEFA;  scrollbar-shadow-color:Transparent;  scrollbar-arrow-color:FFDDDD;  scrollbar-track-color:FFDDDD;  cursor:crosshair;  }   table table {   border:0px;  }   table table table table {   border:0px;  background-image:none;  background-color:transparent;  }   table table table {   border-style:Groove;  border-width:4px;  border-color:F0F8FF;  background-image:url(;  background-attachment:fixed;  }   table, tr, td, li, p, div,.text,.redtext, .blacktext12  {   color:E0FFFF;  font-size:10pt;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  }    .whitetext12, .orangetext15 {   color:DDA0DD;  font-size:14pt;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  }    .lightbluetext8, .blacktext10, .redbtext,.btext  {   color:AFEEEE;  font-size:12pt;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  }    .nametext {   color:A9A9A9;  font-size:8pt;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  }   a:active, a:visited, a:link, a.searchlinksmall:active, a.searchlinksmall:visited, a.searchlinksmall:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited, a.redlink:link  {   color:FFC0CB;  font-size:10pt;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  text-decoration:underline;  }   a:hover, a.searchlinksmall:hover, a.navbar:hover, a.redlink:hover  {   color:FF69B4;  font-family:Arial;  font-weight:bold;  font-style:italic;  text-decoration:underline;  }  .blacktext12 { visibility:hidden; display:none; }   </style> <p align=center><a href=";><img src="; alt="MySpace Layouts" title="Myspace Layouts"  style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;"></a><br><a href=";>Myspace Layouts</a> - <a href="; target=_blank>Myspace Editor</a> - <a href="; target="_top">Funny Pictures</a> </p> 

bakugou, layout, theme, bakugo, bnha, mha


06/22/2020 06:48 PM 

venting sesh
Current mood:  ashamed

So I always wanted to speak on something that has been bothering me to friends, but I feel very disgusted and upset. So I hope I'm able to relieve myself on here. A year ago I was in a relationship, it was one that truly made me realize what love should be like and feel like, honestly, it was truly pure and I'm still not sure if I'll ever achieve that again any time soon. During the fall I ended up falling down the rabbit hole of depression, overthinking, pretty much anything negative; I was constantly thinking. I ended up ignoring all of my friends and my boyfriend, I would have constant mood swings, and it got to the point I wouldn't want to see anyone of my friends at school (this was all due to seasonal depression as well I felt as if I were to speak about my emotions I would get shut down as my 1st bf, he would really dislike how I would speak about anything that would upset me. It ended up sticking with me and I still to this day afraid to speak about my problems and emotions).The worst part though is I said really disgusting things to my boyfriend and would deny that I was acting like an a**hole; it got truly bad to the point that he made a gc with a couple of my friends to ask what was going on with me, and he ended up having a panic attack (which I didn't know about until we broke up). I never recalled the things I said when someone showed me screenshots of my messages, I cried for months, and recently his gf ended up posting on her spam about the things I did. It ended up making me have a panic attack and truly felt as if I didn't deserve happiness for the way I acted if I had the chance I would tell my old self to not say such stupid sh*t, the thing is I don't understand why she thought it was a good idea to speak on this situation now when she could've done it a year ago. Why now? when I'm trying to better myself to communicate well with others, to never treat anyone like the way I treated my ex, I've always wanted to properly apologize to him for the way would ignore him and speak to him. Though right now it's not the time to do so, because of his relationship, I'm very glad he found happiness and I hope it stays like that forever. I'm so sorry for treating you that way...  



06/22/2020 06:08 PM 

Current mood:  hungry

I want OLIVE GARDEN SO BAD RN😡😡😡😡😡😡 𝔁𝓾𝓮🥶𝓱𝓾𝓪🧚‍♀️𝓹𝓲𝓪𝓸😻𝓹𝓲𝓪𝓸🗿𝓫𝓮𝓲👺𝓯𝓮𝓷𝓰🤩𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓸😼𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓸👣


06/22/2020 07:05 PM 

Hey :))
Current mood:  confused

Im still not quite sure how to use this...Were all stuck at home tho so i think this will be good for getting to talk with people :)


06/22/2020 12:09 AM 

why do people put up with me

im so humourless and unreliable i honestly do not know why people put up w me. genuinely shocked that i have friends.

my life is a joke, pls be my friend, im so lonely


06/22/2020 07:07 PM 

lets be friends
Current mood:  aroused

okay so since i have no real friends and no one nos the real me i guessssss this will be the one free space i have 


06/22/2020 05:45 PM 

have i gone blind ?
Current mood:  worried

 the art of lying is a science: i'll put on my lab coat and tinker inside your head until all you see is what i want you to see. you'll wonder, 'have i gone blind? or have i been blind all my life and it's only now that i've realized what all this is?' and i'll grin, baring my teeth in a way that hopefully doesn't threaten you, tucking my demon tail away and out of sight, pleasantly answering, 'i don't know, you tell me.' what a farce it is, a tasteless, turgid, terrible show, poorly written and scarcely rehearsed. the actors are all shams, ghouls and frauds, devils and beggars and theives and cheats. such a shame that something so beautiful could actually be so ugly. not many can see behind the thick draping of those velvet curtains, but i see. i see everything. and you see nothing, because i've kept it all from you. take a scalpel and slice through my chest, peel back the thick draping of this velvet flesh, crack at the cage of ivory bone, and have a peek inside at all these holy terrors. they're living in you, they're living in me, so be careful what you advertise, someone scary might see. (this isn't a horror story, nor is it a horrible declaration of self-emaciation. it's a warning. be careful who you believe.)

poetry, poem, writing, original writing, oc


06/22/2020 07:02 PM 

life bro
Current mood:  depressed

Take me away from hereeverybody so fakeeverybody so fake i swear


06/22/2020 07:06 PM 

Current mood:  content

i love dogs. that's all. i just love dogs with my whole heart


06/22/2020 07:05 PM 

welcome 2 my bloggggggggg :) dog w a blog
Current mood:  blessed

hey yall !dog here and im starting a new blog called dog w a blog LOL ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I will b posting about new ultra rare SOUNDCLOUD bangers I find ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​feel free to send suggestions !!!

music, rap, soundcloud, new music, cool

𝔥 𝔞 𝔦 𝔴 𝔢 𝔶

06/22/2020 06:57 PM 

Current mood:  awake

                    okei hi! xP so my name is Boxxy and um itz been awhile o_o since i made a new video so i decided that becuz of recent eventzz that i could make a ~ NEW VIDEO ~ O.O              and... ummm  so ya :) 

boxxy, scene, scene queen


06/22/2020 07:05 PM 

Current mood:  confused



06/23/2020 12:05 AM 

im new to this
Current mood:  confused

i really don"t know how to use this but hi from a confused ingrid

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