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07/15/2019 10:09 PM 

Journal # 65

       I'm back. It's been kinda hectic around here lately. Me and Kenny are trying to find a new place to live in a matter of two weeks, so it's pretty stressful. My friend Korri said she has tones of boxes that I can use to pack. My mom is bringing some over tomorrow. I plan on packing sh*t up tomorrow. I will be packing as much as I possibly can. I am not going to pack stuff that I know I will need to use. I need to do the laundry tomorrow too. I defiantly have a tone of things to do tomorrow. I need to do some dishes tomorrow too. At least two or three loads.        I got this new book today from the Little Libraries in Madison. It's actually a super helpful cat book. It tells you why house cats do certain things. I figure, I might as well learn more about my pets! Who know's maybe it will help me to understand them better and have an even better relationship with them that I have right now. I am almost done reading Dog Beach. I counted a total of five chapters left to read till I am done with the book. I like to know these things for some weird reason. I always use two book marks. One for the chapter I am on, and one for the next chapter so that when I am reading the chapter, I know when the chapter is almost over.       I still have to go through my long sleeve shirts. If they don't fit me, I will probably end up giving the ones that do not fit me to Reyna or I will pack them away and have a garage sale next summer. Hopefully by next summer I will have even more cloths to get rid of and sell. By then I hope to be working full time at a job I will stay at and make a career out of. I plan on updating my wardrobe through good will and name brand websites of cloths that I like, the biggest one being Hollister. I don't think I will be buying anything from Aeropostle though. I have enough Aero shirts right now. It's Hollister that I want to wear all of the time. Hollister and Pink. Of course I will have other name brand cloths, I am no longer the tiny little twig that I used to be. I'm at a healthy weight now. I don't plan on loosing much weight. I am totally fine with my body except my stomach. My stomach fat needs to f***in go lol. Besides that though, I am happy with my weight and my wardrobe. I defiantly want more cloths that are updated and stuff to replace all of the cloths I have lost due to no longer fitting anymore. For the longest time I was trying to squeeze into my wayyy too small for me cloths. I wasn't used to gaining weight. I never did before! Now I actually have cloths that fit me. I have gotten some jean shorts that now fit me which by the way are a size 8 or 9 now. I used to be a size 0 to 00. That is just crazy to me.        I hope Kenny gets home soon. The cats are really hungry. We ran out of food this morning so they haven't had dinner yet. I haven't had dinner yet either though. Were all just a bunch of hungry f***s right now. I'm more worried about my cats though than myself. I won't die from hunger. Them on the other hand, are way more than half my size so I worry. I'm such a good mom. I just want my babies to be happy.        I really hope that I can go drop off my books and go look at new ones in the little libraries. We were supposed to do this like 4 days ago but every single time, Kenny has something come up. Its really starting to piss me off. Tomorrow, no if and's or but's about it, we are going. I am so sick of being in the house. I WILL get out of the house with or without him. Maybe my friend or my mom would be willing to take me to do that sense my boyfriend doesn't give a sh*t weather I'm depressed or not. Being home all of the time all day every day can get super depressing and I am defiantly reaching a depressed state. If he doesn't take me tomorrow I am going to get super bitchy and that won't be good. But, if he's smart enough, he should know by now that I will start to get mad.         Well, I should probably go. I really should try on all my long sleeve shirts. I need to figure out what cloths to put in my new apartment and what cloths need to go in a bag in storage or get donated or sold. Wish me luck guys! This is going to be a long two weeks! It's going to be hectic as F***! Talk to you later.                      

Redemption News Intel

07/12/2019 01:16 PM 

President Trump Fights Sex Trafficking
Current mood:  angsty

St. Irenaeus Church And Vanguard University Team Up To Fight Child Sex Trafficking By: Constantine Adams                 Saint Irenaeus Catholic Church in The City Of Cypress teamed up with Vanguard Christian University to partake in a very important presentation to show the effects of child human sex trafficking on our modern day society, and how each citizen can step up in our own personal way to prevent this tragedy from further deteriorating the very fabric of our great nation. Vanguard Christian University sent their task force called, “Live 2 Free” to provide an informative seminar to help engage Orange County in fighting against the horrors, and heinous crimes of child sex trafficking, and slave labor trafficking as well.                 Both child human sex trafficking, and slave labor trafficking is a worldwide epidemic that effects all races, creeds, and cultures. It unfortunately also affects both women, and men, young, and old. It is a crime spree that affects its many victims, and reflects many diverse faces. No one is immune to this dark occurrence that has gained more attention in the media as of late. Child sex trafficking, and slave labor trafficking, is a $150 billion dollar industry that ranks in these types of financial figures every year.                 These types of crimes against humanity mostly take place in “third world countries,” where there are less government regulations, laws, and security. There are also less chances for educational, or sociological advancements. Sometimes, the victim’s very own government are in on the injustice, and enforce a system of slavery, rape culture, and oppression, like in Muslim, or Communist countries like Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, North Korea, China,  Cuba, or Russia. The regions of the world that share mostly in this type of societal problem are The Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Slavic countries that used to be part of Communist Russia,(or the U.S.S.R.), and Communist Asian countries.                 From forcing small children to help grow, and cultivate drugs in the cartel controlled fields of South, and Central America, to forcing children to be child soldiers in the plains of Africa, to forcing children to become Muslim terrorists in the Middle East, or forcing young children to walk their local “red light district in Russia,” the vicious cycle is despicable. The statistics presented to us by the “Live 2 Free,” Task Force are just as appalling. When it comes to sex trafficking, 94% of the victims are female. 41% are children, and 75% are American Citizens. The other 88% are minorities.                 “It is not only in foreign countries overseas,” states Janet Bica, who is one of the lead executives of Saint Irenaeus Catholic Church’s new Anti-Sex Trafficking Task Force for the Cypress Region. “It is here in America too. Our local law enforcement here in the Orange County District has developed a cutting edge Anti-Sex Trafficking Task Force of its own, to combat these types of crimes in our cities; especially around what we call, “The Blade.” This particular area titled by law enforcement, and anti-sex trafficking freedom fighters called “The Blade,” is based around very notable sex worker, and labor exploitation zones around Orange County like Beach Boulevard, Down Town Santa Ana, Fullerton, Eastside Buena Park, and the Anaheim Hotels around Disneyland.                 “Many of these criminals, and pimps that are exploiting women, and small children are getting much more precise, and sophisticated,” explains Bica. “They are covering their tracks, and are being much more secretive about their activities by going online. Recently the Department Of Homeland Security has managed to shut down websites like Backpage, Redbook, and some other features on Craigslist. Still, for every one major dark web internet site that we shut down, another five more immediately replace it. This is why we can’t stop fighting.” When asked about what more can the government, and law enforcement do to stop this catastrophe from continuing to spread within our nation, Bica had the following to say, “the government needs to continue to push new stricter laws to help stop this.”                 Two weeks ago, our current President Donald J. Trump heeded the call, and valiantly signed the ‘Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act,’ therefore ratifying it, and making it an official part of our nation’s legislation. In an interview with, President Trump further commented on the new law, and the overall effect that it will have on combating both human sex trafficking, and illegal labor trafficking occurrences. "Human trafficking is a modern form of the oldest and most barbaric type of exploitation. It has no place in our world. You've endured what no person on Earth should ever have to endure, and we are going to do everything in our power to make sure that traffickers are brought to a swift and firm justice.  And I've heard statistics where trafficking in the world is more now than it ever has been ever in the history of the world."                 Many American citizens may wonder, along with President Trump of how these types of crimes can still exist in a First World Society like that of the United States even with former President’s implementing questionable unconstitutional laws, and what many call invasion of privacy beacons like George W. Bush’s ‘Patriot Act,’ or Barak Hussain Obama, and Dianne Feinstein’s, ‘Operation PRISM, and Operation CISA.’  With these major acts of government overreach of its own American citizens, and each one of us being under constant 24 hour surveillance at all times, how is it that these pimps, and predators, can still get away with such crimes while still flying under the radar? President Trump also is skeptical, and asks that same types of questions, and went on to add the following, "And you wouldn't believe that with, you know, modern-day everything.  But they use modern-day better than law enforcement can use modern-day, whether it's the Internet or anything else.  And you wouldn't believe that.  But trafficking, it's probably worse today than at any time in history."                 Still, there is some good news pertaining to President Trump’s new Law that will add some proper control to the previous chaos of past Presidential Administrations., explains that the bill "allows the government to prosecute websites which knowingly help or promote sex trafficking, and also allow users to sue those websites." United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions continues to explain it all with the following, "For far too long, existed as the dominant marketplace for illicit commercial sex, a place where sex traffickers frequently advertised children and adults alike, but this illegality stops right now. The Department of Justice seized Backpage, and it can no longer be used by criminals to promote and facilitate human trafficking. I want to thank everyone who made this important seizure possible: all of our dedicated and committed professionals in the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section and our U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of Arizona, the FBI, our partners with the IRS Criminal Investigation, our Postal Inspectors, and the Texas and California Attorney Generals’ offices. With their help, we have put an end to the violence, abuse, and heartache that has been perpetrated using this site, and we have taken a major step toward keeping women and children across America safe.”                 United States Congressman Ed Royce and The U.S. House Of Representatives also have passed a total of 11 Bills on to the Senate to await official ratification. Some of which are ‘The Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act,’ or (H.R. 1188) where the legislation strengthens sex offender requirements and enforcements, expands federal registry access to Native American Tribes, and authorizes funding for programs intended to address and deter child exploitation. ‘The Improving support For Missing And Exploited Children Act, ‘or (H.R.1808) where legislators update and streamline The Missing Children’s Assistance Act in order to help the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children strengthen its programs and better serve vulnerable children and their families. And ‘The Protecting Young Victims From Sexual Abuse Act,’ or (H.R. 1973) This Bill requires prompt reporting of suspected abuse, as well as mandatory training and implementation of policies and procedures for sexual abuse allegations at amateur athletic governing bodies. This particular Bill is implemented to hold school and sports leagues accountable for covering up, or hiding child molestation occurrences like that of Michigan State University and Gymnastics Doctor Larry Nassar, or Penn State University’s Jerry Sandusky, and Joe Paterno’s football camp fiasco.                 Jasmine French, who is the Live 2 Free Task Force’s Senior President, states strongly that everyday citizens can, and should boycott goods, stores, and products that harm, exploit, or wrongly use children. Whether if it is a situation where young workers are being used in sweatshops to make discounted goods or clothes, or if it is just a corporation that exploits children sexually, citizens need to be doing research into where their household products are coming from, and how they are manufactured. Also paying attention to who exactly are certain companies are affiliated with, sponsored by, or what kind of organizations that these entities donate to also comes into play. “We have reports of 40.5 million sex slaves, and labor slaves all over the world,” says French. “It has always been a problem, and we need to go after the perpetrators who use forced fraud techniques, and cohersion to target young victims. People also really need to pay attention as to where their food, jewelry, and clothing are coming from. We learn a lot, and have seen a lot in the field. This is not just a problem in third world countries anymore. It is right here in America. Our port states, and water front states are the worst(New York, California, Florida). This is where foreign sex slaves, and products that were illegally created from child slave workers come pouring in. From the water front states, these child sex slaves, or exploitation manufactured products make their way from state to state. Every state has this problem now. No region is immune.”                 French blames technology, but most notably social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with the uptick in the exploitation of young children for either sex slavery, or forced slave labor. “These platforms kill the children’s social skills, and isolates them. They wind up talking to weird strangers that they don’t even know, and then they get coerced into actually making physical contact with these predators.” These platform’s security protocols are also considered by many to be inadequate. French also blames the inadequacy of the orphan, and foster care systems here in America as well. “More needs to be done to protect our youth in the orphan, and foster care system. 75% of social services, or children that age out of the foster, and orphan systems, are the most targeted by predators. Pimps have been most noticeably seen to patrol orphanages for young women that age out of the system, those women wind up getting kidnapped, and forced into prostitution, or forced manual labor.”                 Both Bica, and French want the public to use the following resources to help combat child sex slavery, and child worker exploitation, in their area. To combat child slave labor violations, Bica and French say to check out the website This website shows you which products in stores were made with child slave labor, and which stores promote the products. The customer can then boycott the store, or their items. The cell phone app called “Sweat And Toil,” also shares these same features. They also tell citizens to only buy products that have the “Fair Trade,” stamp on them to symbolize that they do not use child slaves to create, or to cultivate the particular product. If a citizen suspects a situation where human sex trafficking is involved, they are advised to contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888)373-7888 or the Live 2 Free Task Force at                                                                            

Christ aids needy, President Trump Fights sex slavery, Trump Drains Swamp, illuminati freemasons gay sexual sayonces, bohemian grove, pizzagate exposed, kill satan!,

Redemption News Intel

07/12/2019 12:47 PM 

Politics And Corruption Deep State Agenda
Current mood:  aggravated

BP Council Woman Sunny Park Blindsided By OC Residents Demanding Her Resignation And An Election Recall By: Constantine Adams                 Sparks started flying at this week’s Buena Park City Council meeting down at city hall. At the meeting Buena Park Council Woman Sunny Park was blindsided by several Orange County residents who called her out for corruption, demanded that she resign, and then proceeded in serving her recall papers, and demanded a ballot recount. The local residents then handed her a petition of citizens that are telling her to step down, and are questioning the legitimacy of her election victory. Park, along with some of her other liberal constitutes are under suspicion of voter, and or election fraud.                 Park first came under fire when she put a gigantic target on her back when she was caught red handed, and on videotape driving around town stealing campaign advertisements, and signs, of her Republican rival Buena Park Mayor, Virginia Vaughn. Park was spotted by local residents, who called the police. Law enforcement officials then tracked both Park, and her wheelman, down and arrested them together on October 9th, of last year as reported by KTLA 5 News. Suzanne Marques of K-Cal 9 News also broke the story and displayed further footage of Sunny Park nervously trying to ward off a man with a camera who got b-role content of a pile of Mayor Virginia Vaughn supporter signs in the back seat of her car.        defines election fraud as, “criminal activity that impacts the integrity of an election. Election fraud can include bribery, tampering with ballots, or other illegal ways to interfere with the result of an election.” Therefore, it can be said that Sunny Park tried to alter the results of the election by purposely stealing advertisements, and campaign signs, of Mayor Virginia Vaughn that were meant to bring her movement publicity, and attract voters to vote for her. Less visibility, and advertisements, therefore less publicity, and less voter turnout on her behalf. One cannot win elections if they are not visible, or made, or manipulated  purposely to look that way.                 Just imagine if the tables were turned in a crazy twist of fate, and it was a Conservative, or Republican, type of candidate that committed the same, or similar actions as Park? Think of the uproar that would be committed by liberal constitutuents, the mainstream liberal media, or the chaos in the streets with alt-leftist domestic terrorist organizations like “Antifa,” rioting; or the socialist type of propaganda that would be spewed by hate groups like the ACLU, or the Southern Poverty Law Center? I am sure that if a Conservative had stolen campaign signs from someone on the alt-left socialist’s side to try to purposely hinder, and alter their campaign’s chances at obtaining victory, they would want to seek out justice. They would whine, and gripe, to their higher ups to form some type of a “special council,” to conduct a “thorough investigation,” into all involved in the matter, or would have one of their higher ups unconstitutionally “use the power of their pen,” to enact some type of executive orders to purposely target all on the other side?                 Either way, the residents of Orange County made it very loud, and clear, that they are tired of all of the deceit, corruption, injustice, and obstruction, that has been forced upon them by democrats within their local government, and vast regions. This week’s Buena Park City Council Meeting was the tip of the boiling point, as two speakers addressed the high council, with one stating the communities demands that Sunny Park be brought to proper justice, while the other man stormed up on stage to hand off recall papers, and a petition signed by many Orange County Residents demanding that she be impeached from her current position of Buena Park Council Woman who is in representation of District 1. Park was completely caught off guard by the move to action, and had a shocked, and embarrassed look on her face. “You were caught stealing signs, you could spend 6 months in jail. You even have a case number 18NM18216,” exclaims Marvin Aceves, who is a resident of Buena Park. Aceves is the head of the School Oversight Committee, and is also the President of a Crime Watch Site. He also was once the President of the PTA for another city before moving to Buena Park with his family.                 “You need to vacate the position, your presence there diminishes the integrity of the position,” Aceves sternly stated before the crowd. “This is a perfect example of how one bad apple can spoil a whole bunch. People from all over Buena Park…from Orangethorpe to Rosecrans, from La Mirada to the Country Club, the people of Buena Park are tired of you, and the drama that you have brought them. Many of the Buena Park Residents have angrily asked ‘ how can a woman who has committed such a crime still serve as a City Council Woman? How could she even have gotten elected?’ You are an embarrassment, and we implore you to have some sort of integrity, and step down from your position.”                 Aceves then added, “yes you won the election, but at what cost?” Aceves, as well as many local Orange County residents are alluding to what seemed to be rather bizarre, and shocking outcomes during California’s last historical election cycle in 2018. Citizens from various types of regions of the Golden State are now researching, and are questioning the validity, and integrity of some of the political races, and their overall outcomes. It has been well known for decades that Orange County, along with both San Diego, and Sacramento or Colusa County, jurisdictions of California are the most densely Conservative populated areas within the state. Local Pentecostal Christian Pastor Sungjee Cho of Holy Fire Ministries here in Buena Park once said during one of his famous Holy Sermons that, “Orange County has the highest number of both Protestant Churches, and Catholic Cathedrals, in one concentrated area within all of America.” This fact was further solidified with Richard Flory’s investigative articles for  And yet, decades of social, political, and Spiritual, traditions that made up the core of the region’s statues all of a sudden coincidentally managed to shift overnight in less than an hour? In an article for titled, “Orange County Vote Count Suggests Fraud,” it is shown that all of Orange County in all Congressional Districts (jurisdictions of 39,45,46,47,48, and 49) all voted for, and endorsed Republican contender John Cox for California’s Governor over Gavin Newsom. Yet, the voting patterns all suggest in the most asinine way that these same staunchly Conservative, and Traditionalist, voters all flipped at the drop of a hat to vote for a highly liberal local government within their local enclaves.                 “The traditionally Conservative Southern California Enclave of Orange County has turned entirely democratic in The House elections after finding tens of thousands of votes since Election Day,” states the article from “While the county went for Republican John Cox over democrat Gavin Newsom in the governor’s race, all six House districts were won by the democratic candidates,” adds Jim Hoft of The Gateway. A commenter of the article didn’t hesitate to point out the fact that, “I find it hard to believe that voters would split the ticket voting Republican for an unknown guy governor, and a democrat for a super liberal congress person, it just seems like a big red flag.” Only as far back as 2016, Orange County was still Conservative Red, and voted for President Trump along with Republican local legislators, yet as of last year it completely shifted to complete liberal blue?                 Most if not all of the Conservative candidates were winning by big margins during the election cycle here in Orange County, then instantaneously the scenario flipped. “Some of those Republicans won by eight points,” said Rush Limbaugh about Orange County’s elections. “Then counting the undervotes, and counting the overvotes, and counting the late votes. I mean we didn’t see what was going on out there because everybody was focused on Florida, the recounts in Florida. But they played games out in Orange County. To show you how odd it is, in Orange County the vote for the Republican candidate for governor of California was 200,000 votes higher than the democrat candidate got. Yet, every Republican member of Congress loses? Some people think this is highly suspicious and are looking into it. Dubious Department of Motor Vehicle/Motor Voter registration, and ballots were sent out, people that went motor voter to register were also sent a bunch of ballots, and many of them were returned.”                 All of California has had a continuing problem of voter fraud for decades, from DMV and voting station officials purposely turning the other cheek and allowing illegal aliens to unconstitutionally vote when in fact they do not possess the right to, people voting more than once, “zombie voters” where partisan powers vote for particular candidates with stolen information of residents who have been dead for decades, or who can forget NBC, ABC, and CBS’s on location footage of people in California still going into voting stations to vote all late hours of the night in predominately liberal neighborhoods, when the brochures that were sent door to door clearly stated that all voting centers were to close strictly at 8pm sharpe, and that staff at the voting stations were supposed to close the doors, and completely cut off the line? “Ballot Harvesting is the magic word,” states Aceves. “It was the key to win for Sunny Park in Buena Park. On the very last day with only less than an hour to go, Park won the election by just 16 votes. She picked up blank absentee votes, and had people write them in! Whistle blowers within her own camp have come to me, and have given me this information.”(Ballot Harvesting) is the practice of voting on someone else’s behalf without their consent, or knowledge. reported that the Judicial Watch legal team filed a lawsuit, and uncovered that the state of California had in fact (not) been removing inactive voters from their voter registration rolls for the past 20 years. The website notes that, “The Supreme Court affirmed last year in Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Inst., 138 S. Ct. 1833 (2018) that the NVRA makes this removal mandatory.”                 Fellow District 1 Council Member candidate Val Sadowinski (who is supposedly listed as an independent), showed his face at the city council meeting, and took to the podium after Aceves. He came to the aid of Sunny Park even after what she was caught doing, and stated the following, “the election is over, it is all over. It is done. Just let the voting results stay as they stand.” Sadowinski then took a personal jab at Mayor Virginia Vaughn by saying, “I may be a loser, but at least I ain’t a sore loser.” Right after he said this, a group of women from the back of the auditorium screamed out loud, and said “I’m so tired of this!” They then booed Sadowinski. One of the women then shouted again, and said this time, “how does it feel to be on the flip side now Val?!”                 Secondly, Buena Park Councilman (democrat) Conner Traut took to the podium in defense of Park, and predictably did what every liberal always routinely, and rather tirestly does…he plays the racist card, and the discrimination card. He boldly blames the election recall on Mayor Virginia Vaughn, and says that both her, and her supporters are “racist against South Koreans, and are acting as puppets to special interest groups,” and that Mayor Virginia Vaughn “is a puppet vote for the wealthy.” This is a rather asinine statement to make, and is rather hasty do the fact that Assemblywoman Young Kim, and her political cabinet fully supported, and endorsed Mayor Virginia Vaughn throughout her duration of serving the Buena Park community. Assemblywoman Young Kim is of a South Korean background by the way. A youtube video proves this titled “Vote Virginia Vaughn For Buena Park,” posted by Pasquale Talarico. It must also be noted that Mayor Virginia Vaughn had many South Korean Religious Leaders Pray, and speak at her Prayer Breakfast event recently, like the Honorable Reverend Jacob Woo Lee who supported, and endorsed her. Her event was also sponsored by many South Korean business owners like The Law Offices of Yohan Lee.                 Lastly, Sunny Park decided to take to the podium to say her piece, and had the audacity to try to quote The Holy Bible after all that she has done, and was videotaped doing. “God Bless The City Of Buena Park, I serve God, and He is my witness,” she opens with her statement. The citizens are wondering what “god” Park speaks of? If it is The God Of The Holy Bible (Jehovah)…she must have missed the Holy Scriptures “Thou shall not steal!”(Exodus 20:15), or “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”(Exodus 20:16), or even “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.”(James 1:26) Heck, there is even one for both  Sadowinski, and Traut. “Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.” (Exodus 23:1) Park would then continue to nervously stutter through her speech, and try once again in true typical ‘progressive’ form to play the race, and discrimination card. Park accused both Mayor Vaughn, and her supporters of being racist against South Korean people, and of being self-serving. She would go on to say that Mayor Vaughn, and her supporters are catering to the rich, and are apparently harassing her, and her family. “They only care about themselves,” she exclaimed to the crowd.                 The local media tracked down former Buena Park Mayor, Virginia Vaughn with a request for comment in regards to the events that took place at this past week’s City Council Meeting. She took the time to issue the following statement, “look, in regards to the Sunny Park Recall situation, I was not part of the recall efforts, and I did not start the recall efforts. From what I have heard, it was the local residents of Buena Park, the people themselves that did the recall filings. One other thing that I will say is that I was in fact contacted in around April by the RSP Committee, and they wound up asking me if I would consider being the candidate again if Sunny Park winds up being officially recalled. I took some time to think about it, and responded that yes, I probably would give it another try.”                 It looks like the citizens of Buena Park will just have to wait, and see what the outcome will be in means of Sunny Park’s fiasco as she, and her corrupted actions remain the be the center of attention within the California enclave that is better known as “The Center Of The Southland.”                

Politics, political corruption, satanism, deep state agenda, impeachment, evil democrats, lion's club, illuminati freemasons, truth is out there, New world Order, drain the swamp, court cases, military tribunals, wwg1wga


07/11/2019 12:06 PM 

eyez set 2 kill
Current mood:  loved

ill give u my all

emo, love, bf, gf


07/09/2019 11:16 PM 

Tuesday, July 9th 2019
Current mood:  discontent

My mom forced my little sister and I to go on a trip to Colorado... She’s freaking out and getting angry over everything. Meanwhile, I’m trying to make a comic. I also want to start making music, but I only have $300 and no laptop. I want to make music like angelspit... Anyways, I’m staying in Colorado until the 18th, so let’s see if I survive that long. 



07/09/2019 09:36 PM 

I'm new here and testing out the blog post feature
Current mood:  curious

I wasn't on the internet during the days of MySpace so I'm learning how to use this place through trial and error. What do people usually use blog posts for here, and how does the use differ compared to updates? I'm not sure, but I'll learn! Anyways, don't mind me! Just have a nice day!


07/08/2019 01:49 PM 

myspace questions yaaaaay
Current mood:  bouncy

everybody loves 2 talk about themselvesWhat were you doing an hour ago?Driving to work When did you get up today?EH I set my alarm for 9:30 but didn't really get up until 10 or 11 lolIs there anyone that could make your day if they showed up at your house?OH absolutely. Unfortunately either they're too far away or probably wouldn't randomly come over to surprise me :(Do you live west of Ohio?nope!Do you live east of Colorado?Yes!Does your middle name begin with a A, M, or S?nopeHow old was the last person you rode in a car with?24What color was the last vehicle you were in?black!Do you have big plans for the weekend?Probably swimming. And crafting and painting things. How many of your top friends have tattoos?oh jeez i have no idea lemme know guys How long have you lived at your current residence?my whole life fam How long has your ex been your ex?I have many exes, the last one ended...4 years ago I think?When was the last time you were up at 5am?Probably within the last few days. I've had trouble sleeping What was the last movie you saw in theaters and who did you go with?Probably the last Avengers movie, went with my brother, boyfriend, and boyfriend's buddies When was the last time you went bowling?Ooh I think it was last year for my boyfriend's birthdayHow about swimming?a few weeks ago!Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?no not yetThe Eiffel Tower?no but i would loooove to The Great Wall of China?no but another one id love to seeWhen you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook?Haha I used to go fishing as a kid and I wasn't too afraid of getting them off the hook but I was bad at it so my dad usually had to helpHow old were you in 1999?1 lmaooHow many funerals have you been to this year?I think oneWhen was the last time you spent a night stargazing?I did that last night!Are you taller than 5'6"?i'm pleading the fifth on this one What was the last thing you cooked?vegetables and rice it was bombWho were the last three people to call you?Mom, boyfriend, and best friendWhat were you doing last night at 10pm?Watching a show about UFOSDid you go to daycare when you were little?Nope, my mom stayed at home with us for a few yearsDo you have a favorite pillow you always sleep with?YES I have two I have a My Pillow and a Pusheen pillowWhen was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed?When I stayed over at my boyfriend's momma's house Are there any candles in the room you’re in?no i'm at my office :c we need candles thoughIf you turn around, what is behind you?the rest of my office lolWould you dye your hair hot pink for $50?oh heck yes i'd love to try thatHave you ever had someone like you that you didn’t like back?yeah :/Do you usually fall for people who also fall for you?Luckily more often than not. But it doesn't always end wellDo you have any step or half siblings?nopeHow many people have you kissed in the last 48 hours?kissed my momma on the cheek and kissed my boyfriend a lot!!If you switch ‘e’ with 'a’, 'n’ with 'c’, & 'l’ with 'x’ what’s your name?          Still Sam lolWould you ever visit a nude beach?lol I actually haveWhen was the last time someone gave you a compliment?yesterday! my boyfriend is sweet Do you take any prescription meds?ugh a whole damn lot What color is your underwear?I had to check lmao pinkWho was the last person you dreamt about?AN old friend who I don't talk to anymore... it made me sad because I miss him and in the dream he said he missed me too and he wasn't mad at me and everything was okay..Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?I actually don't know I think it belong to my mom Where was the last place you spent more than $50?hm... haven't had much money lately so I don't know. Groceries probablyWhere is your favorite place to be kissed other than the usual place?forehead c: Do you hate getting hickeys?on the contrary, i love em Who was the last person to hug you?boyfriendAre there any buttons on the clothes you’re wearing?just my jeans!How about zippers?still just jeans What percent of your day includes music?a whole lot. I listen to music at work my whole shift, and at home I sit outside and listen to music as much as I can. Also in the car. Have you had any fruit today?not yet, I brought an orange with me tho so I'll probably eat it soon hahaWho is on your mind right now?an old friend Do you keep a diary/journal?yeah, many at a timeIn how many years will you be thirty?9 years oh jeezDo you set your marshmallows on fire when you roast them?i must admit yesDo you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?usually unsweetened Have you ever dated someone whose name began with ’D’?I don't think so Have you ever kissed someone whose name began with 'K’?yesHave you ever hugged someone whose name began with 'E’?my boyf!What scent is your favorite perfume/cologne?I wear opium oil all the time it is my favorite scent to wear everrrrHave you showered today?no i am a greasy ratIf you went on a blind date, and it turned out to be your ex, you would:depends on the ex lolWhen was the last time you took a nap?yesterdayWhat are you plans after this?keep doing random sh*t at work 


07/08/2019 01:17 PM 

Current mood:  froggy

except i'm answering them all at once rules are for LOSERS\🐰- do you believe in soul mates?yes uwu💌- diary or journal?i call mine a journal because i put whatever i want in there, not just diary entries (it's actually mostly doodles)✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?aa i don't know tbh!! i project onto zim mostly but honestly i'm not much like him 💕- are you crushing on someone?no :/ but i want to be💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?rain because the rain is everything🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis  it's a bit all over the place but i mostly just say scenecore or kidcore🍼- what is your favorite memory?meeting my best friends vani (klaus on here) and akhe (who i met online) at a cute tea room🌸- what is your favorite flower?i love lavender and cornflower :))💖- have you ever been in love?no :(🍰- strawberry or vanilla?strawberryyy🍯- describe your favorite smellim not sure KGJSHFLGKS i love the smell of lavender and of vanilla but i also love fruity scents and theres just too much to offer aa🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?- world peace, for everything to be worked out- spiritual, mental, and physical well being for all people forever- the ability to shapeshift🍪- cookie dough or cookies?cookiess!!☕- coffee or tea?tea, i don't like coffee🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?both, and i am a mermairy and we all are very happy🍂- what’s your middle name?i have 2 so i'm not gonna say💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?i'm not sure, astrology is a weird trigger for me for some reason lmao so i don't research it🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?cuddle my kitties🍭- how tall are you?4'10 (TINY)💒- which show would you want to live in?my own (i don't have one but i'll make one and then transport myself into it!!!)🎄- what is your favorite holiday?i love christmas and halloween🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?lavender 🎶- favorite song right now?i have no idea anymore GHFLKSGJHSD💘- 3 ways to win your heart?be forgiving and understanding when i get awkward and anxious, love my cats, have my stupid sense of humor SGHDFKGDS i feel like thats too much to ask for but ig thats the dream🍩- current mood?i wanna make myself some toast❄️- what is your favorite season?summer uwu💍- your current relationship status?single ready to pringlee📷- a photo of yourselfno i am anxiety💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?i mean yes but i dont WANT to be GKLDFJHGSDLKJ🕊️- 3 habits you have?clapping whenever anything remotely exciting happensbouncing whenever anything remotely exciting happensdancing literally all the time for some reason🦄- how do you perceive yourself?chaotic cute🦋- how do you think others perceive you?ew🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guysaa i try not to be picky cause i feel bad but tbh i like a cute smile n huggable and FRINGES. sdfhgskdlj for some reason im not attracted to long hair or """"Masculine"""" guys but i think everyone is beautiful even if i'm not necessarily attracted to them.🍓- one secret about yourselfim a little gay for dib shh🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?i uwu really hard and get super flustered and act like a dumbass💔- the reason behind your last breakup?ive never been in a relationship GJDFHLGSKJ💬- what your last text message says?"his drink too small for he goddamn mouth"🎥- what show are you currently binging on?crazy ex girlfriend!!⛅- what is your morning routine?wake up, go back to sleep💗- who do you miss?i miss my siblings since they're older and live a while away but im going to see them in a couple days :))🥀- last time you cried?i might have cried earlier today when i couldnt figure out where to watch moominvalley but i know i cried a few times yesterday oops i'm sensitive🎁- when is your birthday?sept. 9th🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?one halloween we were going to trick or treat but this drunk lady we whose house we were going to starting cussing us out and my dad being the sh*t he is kept making it worse by insulting her back and i started crying and it wasn't fun💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?uhh as long as it's not too much of a difference i really don't care🎀- any question you wantWHY ARE YOU SO GAYIDK IM JUST REALLY GAY DAB


07/07/2019 12:15 AM 

Current mood:  optimistic

hello fp! it's been... literally forever because I'm not good at keeping up with any social media except tumblr. lots has happened! so i thought i would put it down here so that people can know, or maybe later i can read back and be like "o cool". the first few months of this year absolutely Sucked (lots of time in the hospital and stuff) but things have rlly turned around!! i started HRT early in june, and have been doing that for about a month and a half. the changes are slow but they're coming along and i feel rlly good about it all!! it's also helping a lot with my physical and mental health, so I'm able 2 do a lot more now which is gr8!! I've got a job for the first time in over two years!! It's a clerk job in a reeeeally local little bakery in my city. I start on the 25th, and while it's really early shifts, I'm rlly excited! Apparently the owners do witchcraft, and the place is haunted by a nice old lady who used to live in apartments that were built on the property a long time ago! :3c I think it'll b really fun and it pays well, so finance stuff will b easier to deal withSystem/DID stuff has been pretty good recently, too. the HRT is helping my more masculine alters and we're working rlly well together lately. the ppl in our life are really good for us all, and rlly understanding of our switches and all of us! the ppl who used to be in our life used to have a lot of drama between different alters with us, and it made it rlly hectic and difficult all the time, but now - there's no drama at all rlly! the ppl who are in our life are really sweet, really important and mean the world to all of us now!! it's rlly nice to have such a good group of friends and ppl who love us. ALSO THE FFVII REMAKE HAS A CONFIRMED DATE, AND THE COMBAT SYSTEM WAS EXPLAINED, AND THE NEW CONTENT SHOWN AT E3 THIS YEAR SHOWED SEPHIROTH. he's so pretty i luv him so much and i will die once i'm able to play it TvT 

update, personal, did, mental health, positive, transgender, trans, lgbt, nonbinary, system, ffvii


07/06/2019 12:30 PM 


u ever feel ur teeth n ur like....... wow i rlly got Mouth Bones


07/04/2019 01:17 PM 

Current mood:  ecstatic

oh yes! im dying my hair on the 6th!! finally. very tired of this dark purple-reddish. im going fully red ;)

random, hair dying, red


07/04/2019 01:02 PM 

in conclusion, f*** the police

happy july of the fourths lmao. time to listen to american idiot almost all day and watch several spiderman movies.

yeehaw, fourth of july, green day, spiderman


07/04/2019 01:26 PM 

Current mood:  ditzy

Current Music: Bang! - Break of Dawn   I FRIENDPROJECT'D i am shamefaced :c :O   I just tried 2 wrap my whole watch around my head cuz i thought it would fit like a bandana. happy 4th of julie and stuffs!


07/03/2019 11:05 PM 

therapy (vent)
Current mood:  exhausted

i rly dont wanna go back to therapy. like im doing kinda better than i was and i Hate talking to people abt my problems but i dont wanna disappoint my parents by not oging n idk. im just tired.



07/03/2019 10:09 PM 

Current mood:  aggravated

every1 at school is SO FAKE!!!! ugh >:P

babble idk

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