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01/03/2020 02:45 PM 

Simple ways 2 pimp ur profile + little HTML lesson

Of course not everyone who wants to use friendproject knows HTML or CSS, but you don't really need much knowledge to make your profile look awesome! I thought I could give everyone a little starter lesson and a list of useful websites etc. And no, you don't have to be a programmer to do this. HTML is really easy if you learn the basics, and it's mostly only about styling. It has nothing to do with being a programmer or a smart hacker kid or anything (as a programmer this kinda pisses me off, not sure if you can tell). Ok, rant mode off, let's start :) Actually, you don't even need to write a single line of code yourself to get a cool layout on your profile. There are a lot of websites where you can find custom layouts or even generate them yourself with nearly unlimited options. I'd suggest using, it's the best one I can think of, but of course you can use other ones too. Click on "Myspace" in the menu and choose either "Pre-made Layouts" or "Layout Editor", depending on what you want to do. All you need to do then is to copy the code, go to "Edit Profile" on friendproject and paste it in the "About Me" section (every other section should work fine too btw, but this one is recommended). That's just what I did first with my profile too, I started editing my code and adding new stuff on top of that later. So I would actually recommend for everyone to start with a custom or generated layout, it will probably save you a lot of time even if your experienced in webdesign. Here's another example of what you can do by simply using a generator: (Shoutout to him btw, this guy is a legend uwu) If you want to do a little more, style things different, add stuff that's not possible with a generator, you'll probably need to dig into the code yourself. I know it looks confusing at first, but you'll understand at least a bit of it soon I hope :) Let's start from the bottom of everything. HTML is written in different tags. Some tags are for text styling, some can be a link to another website, some can be images, audio files and a lot of other stuff. Most tags look like this: <example></example> Some special ones also look like this: <example> For example, there is this tag: <p></p> The <p> tag defines a paragraph. It's used for putting text inside it and styling it, and at the end of the text, a new paragraph will start. These three lines of my profile are done by simply using 3 <p> tags. The code would look like this: <p>Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> <p>Birthday: 12. December </p> <p>Relationship status: taken by the most wonderful, beautiful girl ♥ </p> In the first section of the tag, you can give it properties. Properties can do different stuff, but here they are mostly used for styling, aka CSS. Let's say you want the first paragraph to be pink. Now some quick introduction into hex colors. They are the most common way to tell your CSS to use a specific color. Just google "hex color picker" and use the picker to choose the color you want. For the pink we want here, the hex code of the color would be #ee00ff (you can also paste it into the picker to check it out). To style our text, we give the <p> tag a "style" property. It looks like this: <p style="">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> In the style="" we can now use CSS to specify the text color. Text color in CSS is specified with "color" and the hex code we picked assigned to it. Let's do this. <p style="color: #ee00ff;">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> And it should look like this: Maybe we could give it another font now? The best way to use a font you like is looking up Google Fonts. You can choose an huge amount of fonts there. Pick the one you like! For this exmple, I want to use "Amatic SC", because why not. Click on "select this font", open the popup and copy the whole <link> tag under the "STANDARD". Go into your profile editor again an paste it anywhere (I'd suggest at the end or the beginning of everything else). Now you copy the other piece of code under the "Specify in CSS". This one goes into the style property of your <p> tag, right behind the color. <p style="color: #ee00ff; font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;">  Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> Now we should have this: Of course it looks horrible, but we're here to practice, right? As you may have noticed, the style property is already getting pretty long. If we would want to center the text, make it italic, give it another size etc, it would maybe be a bit too much. Let me introduce the <style> tag. Inside it, you can just use plain CSS and assign it to your HTML tags by using classes. Sounds confusing? Let me show you how it works. First, get rid of the whole style property inside your <p> tag (maybe save it into another file so you won't have to write it all over again) and give it a "class" property instead. Think of a good name for the class, something that isn't confusing. I'll just use the name "pinktext" here. Now your code should look like this: <p class="pinktext">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> Now we add a <style> tag above the <p> tag and define the "pinktext" class inside it. I'll only show you how the next step should look like on this one. For a better explanation on CSS classes you should read this: W3 Schools HTML classes It can be pretty confusing sometimes, even to me. <style>  .pinktext {  } </style> Now you can simply paste the CSS you had in the style="" property before into the .pinktext class! <style>  .pinktext {   color: #ee00ff;   font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;  } </style> If you did everything right, it should still look the same, but your code is much cleaner and better readable now :) I think that's it for now, I hope anyone even read until here and that it actually helps people who are new to all of this. I definitely have a lot more for you, so pls let me know if I should do more! If you have any issues with your code, you can always message me, I'll do my best to help.


01/02/2020 11:57 PM 

Holiday nearly over
Current mood:  awake

I have to go back to work next week.Not looking forward to it, but what can you do?I have been on holiday for the last two weeks, I have not gone anywhere, just holed myself up at home and avoided interacting with as many people as possible. Just the way I like it!I have watched a lot of movies online, today I watched Patchwork.I’ve seen it before but decided to watch it again.It is a really awesome character driven film, the dynamic between the three main characters who end up sharing the one Frankenstein monster-esque body and their getting to know one another and deal with their predicament was really fun and interesting to watch, also the actor who played Fred Weasley as the friend, Garrett, who was trying to help them, turned in a pretty awesome performance. I liked Ellie, Jennifer and Garrett and the ending left me wanting to know what the next adventure will be for these characters.I've got to say, I am truly at my happiness when I am at home watching movies online and am not interacting with other human beings. If only I could get paid to do this, how the hell do you become a film critic anyway?


01/02/2020 08:28 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

It's real dad hating hours   



01/02/2020 06:30 PM 

Current mood:  crazy



01/02/2020 01:03 PM 

good morning
Current mood:  okay

Made it to the second day of the new year wooo xDCute stamp of Wright and Edgeworth for good luck 



01/02/2020 12:12 PM 

i dont know how to use this

i thought it wuz kewl tho :p


01/01/2020 11:28 PM 

Current mood:  intimidated

Since I'm new n allll I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do  I'm also not good at starting conversations so plz message me first ;_;



01/01/2020 09:08 PM 

new years resolution
Current mood:  amused

my new years resolution is to be more emo, listen to more bands, and go to more concerts!!! and lose weight lol 

new years resolution


01/01/2020 08:59 PM 


ah i wish i knew how to code so i can have a rad layout like everyone else. also cant decide what to put as my pfp xP 


01/01/2020 07:50 PM 

Happy New Decade, everyone!
Current mood:  excited

Happy New Year!  We have officialy entered a new decade aswell! The roaring 20s is here!! The term "20s" will no longer be about the past unless you make it clear of what era or decade you wanna talk about. I had a nice celebration with my family and i got to eat a lot more then i expected. It was so exiting to see all the fireworks! I hope everyone had a great start to the year 2020! I have a lot in mind that i need to accomplish. This is also my graduation year for college in the UK. Hopefully i can look back and be proud of myself. 


01/01/2020 06:43 PM 

Hello from the void
Current mood:  anxious

Sooo I stumbled across this site on Tumblr and now I'm hereee ... I vaguely remember MySpace so idk how dis will go but let's make the 2020s just another 2000s :P



01/01/2020 04:49 PM 

hehe hello!! x3
Current mood:  energetic

hehe im new to this site x3 i LOVEEE jojos xd especially part 5!! im a kinnie but dont bully me!! still getting used to html and stuff x3 hope everyone is having a happy new year !!! x3 

jjba, kin, abbacchio,


01/01/2020 08:06 PM 

new here!!
Current mood:  nervous

hello im new here i barely know how to work this lol but hiii im jay and i hope to make new friends!!!! 



12/31/2019 08:48 PM 

h4ppY n3w y34r!!!



12/31/2019 05:54 PM 

2020 Vision
Current mood:  excited

Excited for the New Year!

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