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06/22/2020 07:03 AM 

k1nda hungry :P
Current mood:  hungry

G00d m0rn1ng y0u angels ♡

lil piss baby

06/22/2020 10:01 PM 

idk what tf im doing

chileeeee am i doin this right


06/23/2020 12:01 AM 

late nite vibe$
Current mood:  high

kinda high, wanna get higher but i wanna sleep cos i got school ew rip :(


06/22/2020 09:59 PM 

Current mood:  aroused

super cool website, i love it so far. 


06/22/2020 09:58 AM 

Current mood:  accomplished

I think I figured out the layout game ;) Woohoo!


06/22/2020 09:51 PM 

Current mood:  hungry

still thinking about this one day two years ago when i met a drxg dealer who looked like lil peep 



06/22/2020 09:55 PM 

im a simp for tank :0
Current mood:  eccentric

im loosing my mind, cant stop thinking about tank riot n void. :))))


06/22/2020 09:51 PM 

who am i?

this is the first post so i thought why not introduce myself. my name is dana, I have bipolar disorder 1 which is hereditary on my mother's side. At the age of sixteen, I started smoking weed, the first week of rona I tried shrooms, and from there on I became very interested in psychedelics.

psycheldelics, friends, hi


06/22/2020 09:53 AM 

Sitting on the toilet
Current mood:  blah

i'm on the toilet rn pooping. thank u for reading :) ♥


06/22/2020 08:52 PM 

High Thoughts Part One 🍃🌪 !
Current mood:  amused

Okay so like i don't really know but if anyone wants to text you guys can follow and message me on instagram @rodmentality , it's my spam/ post page so yeah ☮️💜 . 


06/22/2020 09:49 PM 

just an cute fiiit fairy-like outttffiittt 

#fairyaesthetic #fairy #pastel


06/22/2020 09:51 PM 

Current mood:  confused

how do i use this-


06/22/2020 09:49 PM 

found on tiktok
Current mood:  curious

im new so ... but wtw wit meeting new ppl !

black lives matter


06/22/2020 09:38 PM 

Dark energy and Dark matter
Current mood:  curious

The question of Dark matter and Dark energy has plagued our minds since the 1990s, but today I think I’ve discovered something interesting. First, we must redefine what we call shadows. Shadows are not a lack of physical things in space, rather, it is light that exposes dark energy being emitted by humans, animals, cars, trees, etc. If my hunch is correct, then all objects made up of dark matter as well as objects created by dark matter must emit dark energy. I believe our understanding of shadows is wrong because light merely exposes the energy of ones matter. If you shine a light on a hologram that is projecting light, it causes no shadow because at its core, the hologram is a matter of light. If human beings were emitting light energy then when the sun goes down, we would all be glowing and wouldn’t be able to cast a shadow, like many marine life organisms. Underwater sea creatures are known to produce light energy through Bioluminescence because they themselves are made up of light matter and the dark energy surrounding them exposes this chemical reaction as light energy, which is why these creatures don’t produce shadows. This ordinary thing that we call a shadow, could mean that we are made up of dark matter and produce dark energy from which the light exposes causing a shadow, the opposite of an underwater sea creatures behavior. To put it plainly, if you were made up of light matter and you were put deep underwater, the dark energy surrounding you would expose the light energy that you are emitting. If you were made up of dark matter and you were out a sunny day, then the light energy surrounding you given by the suns light rays would expose the dark energy that you are emitting, causing what is known as a shadow. And so, if we can obtain energy from the suns light rays, then can we not do the same to dark energy, a.k.a, our shadows? Well maybe it’s because we’ve been creating tools for a different purpose rather than focusing on extracting dark energy from dark matter. Where else can dark energy come from, but our shadows. It is well known that ‘Black’ absorbs the light, while ‘White’ reflects it, but in this case, all living beings and inanimate objects exposed to the light are absorbing it’s energy creating dark matter which then the light exposes as a shadow. It is not our skin color that reflects light, otherwise we would all reflect different kinds of light energy, like a rainbow. What we all have in common, is that we are all made up of dark matter and emit the same kind of dark energy, no matter what skin color we are. Dark matter lives along side Light matter in the same way Yin & Yang are seemingly opposite forces but yet they are complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world. However, our scientists today are viewing dark and light matter in different fields completely, when in fact, our entire understanding of the universe is made up of these two forces playing off each other every millisecond. It’s possible that dark energy is denser, faster and more powerful than the light energy we consume today. So, to put it in more simpler terms, I believe we can extract dark energy from what we call shadows and possibly help us create technologies that could travel faster than the speed of light. How would this extraction work? If we go into a dark room, and put a device that can absorb shadow dark energy, how much would we get from the inanimate objects casting the shadow? Would putting a human being in the dark room enhance the dark energy being emitted? All these questions that nobody would’ve thought of if we continued using the same metrics that are being used to measure energy in todays world. Think about all the technologies that we’ve invented from using the suns light energy, now imagine all the things that we can accomplish by using shadow dark energy. If my thesis is correct, then we can measure the different amounts of dark energy each person, tree, car, building, animal, etc, emits. If I build a car and it casts a shadow, how much is that cars dark energy worth compared to a trees dark energy. Are they the same? Or is a human beings shadow dark energy worth more than an inanimate objects dark energy. How much does a human beings shadow dark energy emit in comparison to an animals? Does Dark energy behave the same way as Light energy? There is an entire void of scientific data in front of our eyes and yet we haven’t even begun to comprehend the potential of this discovery. As the old saying goes, we were only looking at the tail of the elephant instead of seeing the elephant as a whole.

science, philosophy


06/22/2020 09:35 PM 

i’m new here
Current mood:  depressed

nothing feels real i am so lonely but anyways who wants to be friends 

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