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06/22/2020 04:26 PM 

Black Lives Matter
Current mood:  aggravated

If you don't understand BLM but are willing to learn, I highly recommend the documentary 13th on Netflix. It's very direct and (imo) not boring at all. It covers a lot of what's wrong with the U.S.' prison system and mass incarceration. I also recommend looking into the Stanford Prison Experiment to gain a better understanding of how a police uniform can change an otherwise good person's behavior.

BLM, Black Lives Matter, Politics, Activism


06/22/2020 04:21 PM 

Mary Jane

Sometimes I wish I hadnt tried her. I always had the temptation but never had the opportunity to hit it. The first few times I did it I got an anxiety attack but that was mainly because I was in a big group and I hate big groups in generals. Once I was in the comfort of my room with my best friend it was an amazng experience. The bad thing is that now I feel like its the only thing that will help me feel destressed or not feel so bored, basically its the only thing that makes me feel happy. I love Mary but I wish I didnt have to keep her a secret from my parents now I am spending all my money on her. Maybe if I didnt have to keep it a secret I would be happier with Mary. 

drugs, first time, marijuana


06/22/2020 04:25 PM 

Hey guys

if ur seeing this it obvi means u found me  hi  i love you


06/22/2020 04:21 PM 

Current mood:  hopeful

i don't know if it will ever happen, but i really want to be a tatto artist i love stick and pokes, but can't give them to myself because my parents would freak i love drawinf and stuff but tattoos feel different to me anyway kinda lame 



06/22/2020 04:24 PM 

skate 4
Current mood:  accomplished

this is so cute, this might be the only good thing to come out of 2020 (other than a possible skate 4)


06/22/2020 04:22 PM 

4n1m3 t1dd135

why can't you post giant anime tiddies here :( 



06/22/2020 04:22 PM 

Current mood:  calm

hi to my 7 friends. i just downloaded this and its so cool. its like myspace but better ! anyways pls be my friend :-) add me snap izz_claire ♥ 


06/22/2020 04:21 PM 

Current mood:  bored

I need a nap...

#bored #hmu #txtme #msgme


06/22/2020 04:17 PM 

!!-H3LL0 3V3RY0N3-!!
Current mood:  eccentric

W3LC0M3 T0 MY P@G3 !!MY N@M3 1S H@RL3QU1NN1M N0NB1N@RY, STR1CTLY TH3Y-TH3M PL3@S3 1M H3R3 T0 M@K3 N3W FR13NDZ! M@1NLY 1NT3RN3T FR13NDS, BUT 1 W0ULDNT M1ND @ P3NP@L.... !!1M @ @RT1ST @ND W1LL N0T H3S1T@T3 T0 M@K3 Y0U G1FTZ...!!1F Y0U'R3 1NT3R3ST3D 1N T@LK1NG T0 M3 PL3@S3 D0...!! 1 D0NT B1T3. 1M @CTU@LLY R3@LLY FR13NDLY...!!1 L00K F0RW@RD T0 M@K!NG S0M3 N3W FR13NDZ H3R3...!! :o)-SPARKLECATS


06/22/2020 04:21 PM 

Current mood:  happy

comment whatever the fxck you want start a conversation! small talk is hard say something if you want about whatever and wait for a reply yknow 🥴



06/22/2020 04:19 PM 

1st blog
Current mood:  adventurous

my 1st blog on here!!! i saw this on tik tok and i'm assuming so did everyone else asdfghsdfghjso far this site is really cute like i love that u can customize ur profile it makes me nostalgic cuz it's remindning me of when i used to spend ages customizing my tumblr blogs.  


06/22/2003 04:18 PM 

rawr xd
Current mood:  neglected

i dunno what this sh1t is tbh... can you even swear on this site? oh god this makes me feel like im on iCarly or somethinganyways listen to s3rl for good grades y'all

what do you even tag on here


06/22/2020 04:17 PM 

Current mood:  cultured

♥It is possible to hypnotize a frog if you lay it on its back and rub its belly♥Frogs dont vomit, ever. if they absolutely have to they eill throw up their entire stomachs :O♥When they finish eating their prey, the frog will blink which oushes its eyes down to the bottom of their mouths so that the food is pushed down to their throats. ♥A group of frogs is literally called an Army ToT♥ There is a species of frog in indonesia that doesnt have lungs, so they breath entirely from their skin!♥Some frogs have tiny teefs located on their upper jaw =u=



06/22/2020 04:17 PM 

gen z
Current mood:  enlightened

i truly do believe we are the generation to change things i've always had this weird impossible hope for big world issues something gonna happen something big we are all a little bit more connected to the universe 


06/22/2020 04:19 PM 

Current mood:  blank

do you ever just listen to a song and feel free with finally a mix of emotions that you never knew you had? just me? ok.. well while you're here listen to nuts by lil peep.

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