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06/22/2020 05:15 PM 

any bright eyes fans
Current mood:  angsty


music, bright eyes


06/22/2020 05:01 PM 

Shopping Addiction
Current mood:  sweaty

I believe I have a true shopping addiction. The rollercoaster ride of emotions when purchasing online fills me with excitement, anxiety, happiness, and fulfilledness as I click to place my order. Browsing aimlessly through, honestly, fast fashion apps like UO, I will not rest until I have found a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes that I like. See, I have a lot of shoes. I have two closets with three racks of clothes as well as 2 and a half dressers. These furnitures are nearly overflown with clothing. I am more acclimated to colder climates, therefore obsessing over greatly oversized crewnecks, soft hoodies, sweatpants, and in general large and comfortable items. Some call it body dysmorphia to hide your true size under over sized clothing. I have always struggled with body image and maintaining a certain unhealthy weight, yet don't quite see that as a factor in my addiction as of yet. I have volumptuous boobez and am not too big on showing cleavage, honestly. It sometimes makes me uncomfortable. Either way, I rarely dress out in nice clothing. I will order a lacey, sexy black top or something fit for a 4 star dinner date. Do I own about 5 pairs of skinny jeans, yes, but do I ever wear them? No.I have this weird thing to myself that I wear a piece of clothing just one time, and then leave it to die in my closet forever. It is rare that I wear some piece of clothing more than 10 times that I can count, as I am constantly buying, buying, donating minimal, and buying some more. I don't know why, as when I sit myself down to look through my inventory of clothing, I appropriately realize that I rather do not need a new tank top or pair of shorts. My short drawer is packed, where I have to shove them down and slowly push the drawer in to get out of my sight. I wear about the same thing almost every other day. Working part time during the day interrupts my desire to shower, do my makeup, and find a cute outfit if I must change into my smelly and draft work uniform.Sometimes I don't even know how to spend my spare time otherwise, as it is so consuming to me. I will navigate between websites, back and forth, looking for something I do dearly like.Afterpay is my homie, my bestfriend, my biggest debt. I pay back on time, yet will rack up future owings to like $300. There is something about the high, the rise, and the anticipation to know your order has been received, money withdrawn from the account, and order # being posted upon confirmation. Within the next few days, an email arrives to notify me  of my package's status: En Route. To check the ETA and see that it will be here on *Monday*, I patiently wait for it to arrive. But yet, when the package is in my hand, I feel nothing. I open it, take out the items, and look around my room for potential storage for it.Now, don't get my wrong. I am not a hoarder with my clothes. The worst it has gotten is stacks of clothing in the dark and barren corner of my closet where only miniscule spiders and weird cotton-eating bugs hang out. Some clothes have too much sentimental value, and others could simply have potential for an outfit one day. That's right, one day. I would not refer to myself as one who is obsessed with brands and designer, but I do have a few favorites. My recent obsessions include Boys Lie and Badwood. These two brands have great quality products, sometimes unisex clothing, and overall have good reputations. However, I recently bought a Badwood hoodie for $90. I have probably worn it like three times max. I have purchased two hoodies and a pair of sweats from Boys Lie, a combined amount of $250 or so. Why the large amounts of money, when you can buy Hanes sweatpants on Amazon for less than $10?The world may never know. Although I am not a bandwagoner, I do like to have those items in my posession. And what does that bring me? Nothing. Maybe occasional sweatwear sometimes but they are really not important to me.Material items will never be important to me. After I buy it, and it has been used, it is on to the next thing. The bigger thing, with better designs and better quality. Perhaps I can wait through a whole collection just to snatch one item, but that is not me. I am an impulsive shopper. Afterpay is my golden ticket to buying whatever the f*** I want. And you wanna know the sad part? I blow thousands on clothes. Not to mention the thousands I have blown on tattoos already, but my shopping habit is a nightmare. I fear I will never see reasonably and be stuck in this cyclical lifestyle. 

shopping, online shopping, shopping addiction, clothes addiction

hana 花

06/22/2020 05:14 PM 

anime recs?
Current mood:  adventurous

Please send me some anime recommendations! I'm looking for some to watch! I like anime that make u feel stuff, no matter what the emotion is!          


George Gailcse

06/22/2020 05:14 PM 

Just wondering
Current mood:  awake

Has this died yet? 

✧toe gobbler✧

06/22/2020 05:08 PM 

amethyst makes me nut
Current mood:  aroused

i refuse to believe that there is anyone with a pu$$y as phat, juicy, or voluptuous as amethyst. period 😌💅


06/22/2020 05:11 PM 

I want what they have :(
Current mood:  crappy


06/22/2020 05:14 PM 




06/22/2020 05:03 PM 

Current mood:  chill

I difn't completely figure out how to use this site, but thanks tiktok for bringing me here I'd be glad to talk w someone about some music/anime/filmsjust text me if you want to talk


06/22/2020 02:08 PM 

A groovey vibe
Current mood:  calm

listening to funny thing by thundercat ;).follow my spotify to see my playlists: catjxem

#music, #thundercat, #groove, #musicrecommendations


06/22/2020 05:09 PM 

100 gecs bb
Current mood:  aroused

yall hmu ♥ im bored and stuck in the house all day listening to 100 gecs on repeat 

100 gecs


06/22/2020 04:11 PM 

goodwill ?? (⌒_⌒;)
Current mood:  awake

aahh ! i juzt woke up and i wanna go to goodwill to look for clothes ! (ノ><)ノ but az soon az i wake up my mom goez to take a nap (╯︵╰,) 


06/22/2020 05:09 PM 

OwO a blog post?
Current mood:  awake

Huh. So this site is pretty cool. Welcome to my bloggg, hope you like it. This'll just be random stuff I decide to post about. Subscribe if you want. :)

First, Chat,


06/22/2020 05:08 PM 

Current mood:  weird

who wants to kiss



06/22/2020 05:06 PM 

Current mood:  sore

YOOOO MY TEETH HURT I MIGHT HAVE A CAVITIY anyway hii alt tiktok showed me this site and i LOVE it it's so cute and ya'll are so creative like..... WOAH anyway yeah add me sexc mamis so i can meet new ppl 



06/22/2020 05:10 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky

femboys plz hml bc im very bored

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