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𝔫𝔞𝔱 ☺

06/22/2020 06:41 PM 

glowing up ...
Current mood:  drained

really wanting to pick up my room to give it a drastic DRASTIC make over but im feeling so mentally drained. also just started some new online classes cause im a dumbass with nothing better to do and i already want to die, like who the f*** start the course off with a 3000 word graded assignment, it might not seem like a lot but my illiterate ass finds it really f***ing stressful. anygays, had some carls today so thats fine. :(



06/22/2020 06:41 PM 

Current mood:  froggy

why is there a knowing god option???? :I


06/22/2020 06:43 PM 


uhh yeah forever sad


06/22/2020 03:41 PM 

send me memes
Current mood:  betrayed

send me memes and/or bad pickup lines and i will love you forever (っ ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)っ🎔


06/22/2020 06:39 PM 

Current mood:  peaceful

happy pride わたしはおんなのこがすきです

wlw, girls,

cyborg ◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

06/22/2020 06:40 PM 

Current mood:  blah

idek what to do with myself todaysuper boredgot nobody to talk to 



06/22/2020 06:38 PM 

writing the first thing that comes into my head
Current mood:  angsty

hello boys i dont know what im doing i feel like my brain is on auto correct typing quietly is hard i'm meant to be asleep. my bedroom light hurts my eyes is that allowed


pnkplatforms <33

06/22/2020 06:34 PM 

anyone want feet pics??? jk jk...... unless
Current mood:  inquisitive

if any rich people want to trade feet pics for a new skateboard, it would be appreciated!!thank you for coming to my ted talk! =)this is a joke..... unless...

feet pics plz


06/22/2020 06:25 PM 

butt sun burnt
Current mood:  ashamed

"my legs look like two red, juicy, hotdogs"                                      -JuliaI went to the beach today and even though i vigorously re-applied sunscreen around the clock, the bottom of my butt is bright red. It's a gross stark contrast against the white part of my butt. It looks like one of those peppermint things. 



06/22/2020 03:38 PM 

Current mood:  amused

add my discord bitches human#4928 

vanessa xoxo

06/22/2020 06:33 PM 

f*** trump
Current mood:  mad

I saw someone say on snapchat "I believe all lives matter" and "we are kids let's not worry and just live life" as if we shouldn't care about racism and police brutality. WTFFFF. Sometimes I really do hate going to a predominately white skuul.  anyways #SAVEBARRON


06/22/2020 06:37 PM 

Complications #1
Current mood:  indifferent

How tf do I do sh*t correctly?



06/22/2020 06:32 PM 

lifes getting interesting
Current mood:  nervous

i feel like lifes been slowly building up since last year and im close to peaking o__o even tho im always like life suxxxx.. IT GETS EXCITING SOMETIMES.. THERES SO MANY CURVEBALLS 

hell brain


06/22/2020 06:36 PM 

music stuff


06/22/2020 03:35 PM 

Current mood:  confused

i have no idea how this works help 

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