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06/23/2020 02:24 PM 


I;m thinking about thos Beans


06/23/2020 11:30 PM 

The Meaning of Manny in Swiss Army Man

Manny the talking corpse is one of the two main characters in the movie Swiss Army Man along with Hank a broken man with no confidence and a crippling social anxiety problem. The movie opens with Hank on a deserted island as he's about to hang himself until he sees a washed up corpes start to convulse. This movie is incredibly bizarre so I recommend you watch it before reading this or little to none of this will make sense. This movie follows the two characters as they try to find their way home after Hank ran away from all of his problems back in his normal life. But we aren't here to discuss the plot or whether this is a fantasy story or all a hunger driven hallucination i am WAY more interested in the character Manny and his relationship with Hank. If you have watched the movies you've obviously seen the scenes where the two become incredible intimate and eventually kiss underwater after a tension filled scene where Hank is dressed as his real life crush Sarah and Manny pretends to be Hank. Though on the surface this could be perceived as a homo erotic friendship I believe Manny is a manifestation of a more innocent, basic and almost animalistic side that he's lost deep inside his anxious mind. When Hank first discovers Manny can talk he begins to teach him about all he know as including pop culture, cheese puffs and most importantly the theme of this movie ♥ love ♥  Hank shows Manny a picture of Sarah and a playboy magazine which then gives that dead corpes a big ol' boner. Hank is disturbed by this along with Manny's unfiltered thoughts about things like masterbation, sex, relationships and his incessant farting. Overthinking is Hanks specialty, he dwells on embarrassing moments from the past and cares WAY too much about what others think. As his relationship strengthens with Manny he adopts a more care free outlook enjoying his time with his new undead friend until Manny finds out that Hank has never even talked to Sarah ultimately shattering his fantasy of love rendering his Swiss army knife like powers useless just as a bear comes to attack the both of them. The roles are suddenly reversed as Manny feels hopeless and loses any wonder he had whilst Hank tells him they don't need her ultimately learning how to love himself and the parts of himself that he was told not to. Eventually Hank is re-integrated into society and escapes the wilderness with Manny returning to his original state of a limp lifeless body. Then at the end when Hank finally farts in front of a group of people and his character arch is complete as is manny's. His purpose is served Hank has dealt with the things holding him back. Hank has found love within himself and no longer needs to chase after love Manny returns back to wherever he came from in the first place and leaves Hank with his lessons. Overall this movie helped me out a lot in a time when i REALLY needed it the scenery is amazing the script is hilarious and the soundtrack is probably my favourite part of it. Swiss Amry Man is an 11/10 movie and I recommend it to every.single.person. 

Movie, film, film review, Daniel Radcliffe


06/23/2020 11:24 PM 

my contribution to this website
Current mood:  high

greetings loved ones, let us take a journey... 


06/23/2020 02:19 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

just added music to my profile B)


06/22/2020 11:21 PM 

Current mood:  pretty

real neds declassified school survival guide hours 


06/23/2020 01:17 AM 

High :)
Current mood:  curious

Do you believe in aliens?? You've got to dude. The amount of space we have that hasn't been discovered. The amount OUTSIDE of the milky way?? I just want to see what is beyond this speck of dust that is floating around. Also do you think trees talk to each other because I swear they do. They whisper through the wind, we just cant understand it because its a different language. The wind we heard is a message getting carried to another. 


06/23/2020 02:18 PM 

bad friend
Current mood:  drained

i blew off my friends to put sh*t up my nose and make a account on here wtf am i doing :(this is still a vibe tho


06/23/2020 02:19 AM 

Current mood:  chill

sup baes 


06/23/2020 02:20 PM 


im zzzz


06/23/2020 02:18 PM 

Current mood:  blah

dogs r pretty cool



06/23/2020 02:18 PM 


sb lets be friends


06/23/2020 02:17 PM 

My Sleep Schedule

Yeah so it's currently 2:18 AM and theRES A BIG ASS BUG IN MY ROOM H E L P


06/23/2020 02:17 PM 


nah f*** that noise i can be cute as f***

im cute lowkey


06/23/2020 02:14 PM 

drop ig
Current mood:  dorky

Here's my insta if any of y'alls want it @cchloe.farr  


06/23/2020 11:13 PM 

I need friends asap

Heyy, how yall doinn


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