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06/23/2020 07:35 AM 

first post
Current mood:  amused

ya'll are so pretty on here, but most of you guys are younger than me. like wtf are they feeding you at home, cause i never had none of that smh.


06/23/2020 07:31 PM 


i honestly dont knoww whatd going on but if you are a conservative pls stay away from my page ♥


06/23/2020 04:12 AM 

★ 06.23.20 ★
Current mood:  tired

dear world,i'll get straight to the point, i'm in desperate need of seratonin. i hope that writing and talking about some of my past experiences help take some of the weight off my shoulders. read it, or don't. i couldn't care less. if you know me, please don't ask me if i'm okay. it will make me want to breakdown. xoxoa god damn trainwreck ♥


06/22/2020 07:01 PM 

My baby


06/23/2020 07:21 PM 

first post!!!!!!!!!!
Current mood:  crying

its like 6am and my computer is abt to die but idc saw this site on tiktok n thought it looked funneh


06/23/2020 07:20 PM 

ugh!!!! ppl r so lame

i h8 normal ppl ... i wish everyone were emo like me!!! bc emos are awesome xD we vomit rainbows!!! ughhhh i could really use some coke right now!! my dad is taking me to rehab.. little does he know my therapist gives me head in the bathrooms at night xD

jorja ₍ᐢ ̥ ̮ ̥ᐢ₎ *:・。

06/23/2020 07:20 PM 


my friends list on here is full of such pretty ppl its not fair 

alma ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜

06/23/2020 07:18 PM 

Current mood:  sad

need friends 

✿ kayleigh ✿

06/23/2020 07:17 PM 

Current mood:  awake

c-can this website let me sleep? all i'm doing is looking at people's profiles but i've been here for ho- urs?! (ಥ﹏ಥ) pls i am TIRED jsjfk


06/23/2020 07:12 PM 


it is currently 4am, im tired but im noti need to go grocery shopping tomorrow but idk if my bank will remove my money from on hold ! they said today but they havent yet :-: anyone know what to do when you cant sleep?

can't sleep, need friends, tired, advice


06/23/2020 07:12 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

woke up this morning and my waist is so snatched and nice looking, I'm the sexiest muhpucker out there rn PERIODT ^^


06/23/2020 07:11 PM 

Random Thoughts
Current mood:  amused

 To say that I'm excited about this is an understatement... I miss the OG Myspace so here I am 

random thoughts


06/23/2020 07:07 PM 

Help plz 🥺
Current mood:  blank

Someone please give me simple date ideas because It's my turn to choose and I don't know what to do 😖🥺


06/23/2020 07:10 PM 

Fruit Flies
Current mood:  blah

they are annoying and do not deserve attention 


06/23/2020 07:06 PM 

Current mood:  cantankerous

iit was me i eated ur p**sy dandruffs

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