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♡ kurt ♡

06/23/2020 09:09 PM 

uh oh stinky


06/23/2020 09:05 AM 

update on life lol
Current mood:  bummed

i miss nothing more rn than my boo ;( quarentine sucks but at least i still see him td.

✿ phoenix ✿

06/23/2020 09:02 PM 

judge the "song" I made on garageband last night


06/23/2020 09:02 PM 


so tired of being let down.


06/22/2020 02:19 PM 

at gfs house
Current mood:  giddy

yayyyyy, my first blog posttttim at my gf's house now and we're having a halloween themed sleepover! we're gonna make halloween snacks and we're gonna skateboard! we're gonna have lots of fun! ok bye bye now! xoxo,eryn :) ♥                                                                                                                     


06/23/2020 02:01 PM 

♥*♡∞:。.。 post #1 。.。:∞♡*♥
Current mood:  bored

Tbf am really bored. Im not sure how often ill be on here lol ... if you see this comment something random about yourself ;P you likey cats ? :3 

cats, cute, bored


06/23/2020 01:50 PM 

First post uWu !!!
Current mood:  bored

Okai so first of all i realised that the colour reel on here is the same as on msp so that was tres nostalgic !I wanna try out this layout using the colour reel its pretty cool :3I was pretty dysphoric last night so im in a white shirt and a flamingo hawaiian shirt so i look less curvy i like this website quite alot so farso ill probably stick around Anyways i just wanted to try out this new layout so i have nothing else to say ;p

new, dysphoria, nostalgia


06/23/2020 01:42 PM 

mööving house !! ;”(
Current mood:  anxious

hai guyz :* just a lil life update 4 da peeepole interested >_<so i am mööving sÜn :( from dundalk 2 connemara :0 i hav alwayz been half living in both deez places but now dat i am done skewl w3 r leaving dundalk 4 gud :€ so in da next month i will b möövin all my sh*t ... but den wen college starts again i will hav 2 moov 2 dublin n rent an apartment bc i obvi can't commute from galway every day :( dis meenz dat i'm moovin 2 timez dis summer >:( i luky doe bc i hav plenty of fwiendz in both galway n dublin but still i am vvvvv sad 2 leave mai dundalk fwiendz and mai rÜmthe  !! mai room iz mai safe place n it makez mi feel vvv happi n content n i been crying a LOT bc my new rÜmz won't b anywhere az nice :"( anywaÿz bai guyz i luv yewz :3- fr4nch3sc4

life update


06/23/2020 08:48 PM 

I just want to post something so i have an active blog lol
Current mood:  peaceful

blog blog blog uwu this is my blog :P


06/23/2020 08:48 AM 

new account
Current mood:  sleepy

running on ~3 hrs of sleep and i have a bad headache 


06/23/2020 08:45 PM 

Current mood:  blank

i think my friend has a drug problem..LOL shes so silly



06/23/2020 08:41 AM 

Current mood:  hungry

kinda want to make some banana bread👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🐸🤩 💞✨


06/23/2020 07:44 AM 

Current mood:  accomplished

  Finally customized something on this damned app


06/22/2020 08:36 PM 

Monday June 22, 2020.
Current mood:  tired

I've been journaling my days online for awhile now, but I think I'm going to try it here for a little while!Today I woke up around 3pm, which is pretty normal for me tbh! I decided to tell my boss that I would start going back to work soon because she's been pestering me... annoying. Last week I told her I wouldn't be back yet because I need surgery, but I suppose that doesn't mean anything to her... just means she has to give me time off when I get it. Whatever, I warned her.My jaw has been in a lot of pain still, so tonight I wasn't able to eat much which honestly didn't bother me much, I wasn't just a bit peckish. I spent a large majority of the day on the phone with some close friends and it was really nice, I've missed calling with all of them. It was nice, and it felt like when we used to call everyday. I talked to my boyfriend a bunch today, and that made me extremely happy. Love him to pieces  I've also met some nice people on this site so far, and it makes me feel very welcomed! That's all for today! See you tomorrow (if I remember LOL) ♥


06/23/2020 01:45 PM 

new friendzz :p
Current mood:  dorky

h3y guyz!! just wanna say dat i luv dis website!! :3 if anyone wants 2 b friendz just msg me :p im ere 2 make new friendzzz! ♥


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