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06/23/2020 03:33 PM 

Current mood:  tired

woke up at like 1 PM and Im literally so f***ing tired, Im drinking coffee though


06/23/2020 03:14 PM 

survey or wuteva
Current mood:  blah

ok gonna answer these nowA) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom?"im sorry :-/" to friend who's sadB) What does the last text you recieved say? And from whom?"Well it's not like-" from the friend i was talking toC) What time do you wake up most mornings?11:30amD) Are you afraid of walking alone at night?absoluetly :(E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day?playing grand theft auto five... the joy i get outof running over people...F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom?my attic... with my old neighborG) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?nope. just got dresscoded.H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so?i want a job so badI) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos?yesJ) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined?yesK) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?yup, this guy im talking to kinda is. love is weird.M) Tell us something weird that turns you on.i got them chaisy laine armsN) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual?a couple months ago, yesO) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately?my senior year, selecting colleges, writting essays. im scared.P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation?all the time.Q) Do you usually initiate hugs?neverR) Are you a very affectionate person?YES!!!!!S) Can you roll your own cigarettes?ok ewT) What are you looking forward to?vacationU) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more?no, i want them.V) Are you mentally strong?not reallyW) Are you physically strong?not at allX) Do you think you’re a good person?ehY) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right hairZ) What do you usually eat for breakfast?a bagel

survey, looking for friends, eh


06/23/2020 03:35 PM 

About me! :)

[--General Information - -]* Name: Heather* Colour of Eyes: Brown* Hair Color: naturally brown* Shoe Size: 8* Brothers/ Sisters: too many* Zodiac sign: leo* Height: 5'2* Braces?: i need them* Current residence: u.s.[--Do You Prefer--]* Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla * Hugs or kisses?: hugs* Scary movies or comedies: comedy[--Do You Believe In--]* Heaven?: no* Hell?: no* Aliens?: yes* Love: undecided * Magic: maybe?[--Some Random Stuff--]* Are you listening to music now?; yes* What colour pants r u wearing?: pink* Who Is your crush?: no one[--More Random Questions--]: * Mother's name?: Susan* Tattoos?: 1* Body piercing?: none* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?: 5* Birthplace: Delaware* Favourite vacation spot?: Colorado or any nice beach :)* Ever been to Africa?: no* Stolen any traffic signs?: no :(* Ever been in a car accident?: yes* Croutons or Bacon bits?: theyre both good * 2 Door or 4 Door car?: 4 door 2 door sux* Salad Dressing?: italian* Favourite Pie?: cake* Favourite Number?: 2* Favourite Movie?: changes every few months rn its clueless* Favourite Colour?: black and purple* Favourite Holiday?: halloween * Favourite day of the week?: everyones is friday * Favourite brand of body soap?: idk dove* Favourite show?: Parks and Recreation* Toothpaste?: normal??* Most recently read book?: cant remember* Favorite Smell?: early 2000's hot topic smell* What do you do to relax?: smoke w33d* Favourite Fast Food?: changes every few months rn taco bell those baja freezes make me horny* When was your last hospital VISIT?: when my stepmom got her gall bladder out* Message to your friends reading this: i dont have any friends so if you are reading this b my friend :')* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dead* What do you do when you are bored?: go on tik tok or sleep* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: money [-- Have You Ever - -]* Faked being sick to miss school: who hasnt done this* Put a body part on fire for amusement: i used to play with hot wax does that count* Thrown someone in the bonfire: no?* Been hurt emotionally: once again who hasnt* Cried during a movie: yes* Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes duh* Been on stage: yes* Been sarcastic?: duh[--Favourites--]* summer/winter: summer * cartoon characters: everyone from ohshc* drink: sweet tea* food: pasta w/ alfredo* movie: didnt we do this one already* ice cream: moose tracks* subject: history science art* animal: dog or bunny* Color: we did this one already too* Day or night?: night* Number: did this one* Letter: who has a favorite letter* TV or Computer?: computer[--For everyone to fill inn --]* Silver or gold: silver* Sunset or sunrise: sunset* Have you ever broken/sprained anything: everyone has sprained an ankle* Rain, sun or snow?: rain but sun is cool too* How is the weather?: its ok ig*Do u like cookies?: yes* Do you like pudding?: eh

about me


06/23/2020 03:31 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

i don't like sanaa (jk) how she already type famous on dis platform wit like 3 likes per post πŸ˜’


06/23/2020 03:31 PM 

i love music
Current mood:  peaceful

MUSIC IS SO GOOD!! like duh but ugh theres those songs that r just like omg this is the best thing ever created and i love that!!! yeah!!!!


06/23/2020 03:26 PM 

getting bullied !
Current mood:  aggravated

this nasty b-i-t-c-h is bullying me on here. everybody come for her shes a loser and she is blackmailing me . her @ is acidbarbie. 

vibes, gays, girls, squad


06/23/2020 03:25 PM 

Current mood:  played



06/23/2020 03:27 PM 

chu chu~ its me!
Current mood:  animated

hello to all! i am emmie. short for something but long for em. i wanted to make an introductory post on here since i wanted to save my about me space for something shorter, as well as talk about what i want to post on what is there to say about myself? well, im an artist. my main inspirations come from early/mid 2000s cartoons, 70s shoujo, and the works of hirohiko araki. the first two are the most prominent honestly. ive been drawing since i was in kindergarten but i dont think i really started getting serious about it until i was 12. the closest i got to "serious work" prior to that was when i made a bunch of pokemon sprite edits as a 10/11 year old. unfortunately, ive lost all of those edits because they were on an old laptop that died. the forums i posted them too are gone as well. i have stuff i made while using a windows vista (ew) tower that belonged to my mom, but i dont think thats really the same. nowadays its rare that i make pixel art. im just very accustomed to traditional and digital pieces now.i am a Music Man. music is practically like crack for me. if i havent listened to something throughout the day then i think its a day wasted. im a record collector and ive run out of space in my collection! i dont have milk crates, just some bamboo record holders that sit on my floor. ive got some cds as well buuuut... vinyl is superior. i dont have many 45s and the ones i do have are mostly peter frampton singles. for my taste, id say its kind of all over the place. i dont mind listening to new things. in fact, i like listening to stuff outside of my comfort zone! i would say that i primarily listen to progressive and psychedelic rock (60s/70s/2010s primarily in terms of decades). my favorite artists are king gizzard & the lizard wizard, t. rex, humble pie, mgmt, and the lemon twigs. a little all over the place but all rock in one way or another. im fond of artists like death grips and saint pepsi as well. i can tell you over 300 albums ive listened to in full because, yes, i really do have that much free time, and the much of a need for something to listen to. the way i look at it is that i dont want to be stuck with a "Your Music Bad. My Music Good" mindset. variety is the spice of life or some sh*t like that (im partial to saffron).my other assorted interests pertain to video games and anime/manga. i like bandori a lot; my favorite groups are roselia and afterglow. i like jojos bizarre adventure a ton. from eroica with love is one of my favorite mangas. gregory horror show is my go to anime rec because its just that good. ive been playing pokemon for most of my life. ace attorney and professor layton are two franchises i really enjoy (LOCALIZE AAI2 CAPCOM YOU COWARDS). animal crossing is nice for kicking back and enjoying. um, im really into magent magent (jojo) and avery (pokemon sword/shield). ...theres not much else for me to say here ^^;i dont think im gonna use the blog function to really post short things, i like to ramble sometimes. i wanna use it to talk about the albums i listen to as well!! i was gonna be a music reviewer for my high schools newspaper but uh... that paper didnt come to fruition until my senior year. and that paper was also one of photojournalisms projects. and i didnt have any interest in taking photojournalism. so this is now my place to talk about just now realizing how long this is but if you bothered to read this, thank you~! i get ahead of myself sometimes.

about, long, gwah shut up emmie


06/23/2020 03:26 PM 

Current mood:  amorous

hate being alive pls end me


06/23/2020 03:26 PM 

hi my name is raven and i’m a dave grohl lover πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯°


06/23/2020 03:23 PM 

Current mood:  pretty

i dont know how this website works and it seems shady as hell but here we goim just plagued by weird feelings of nostalgia and sadness and i guess a lot of ppl areim rlly just making this post to figure out how this thing works idk idk



06/23/2020 03:22 PM 

manny will be televised
Current mood:  angsty

im not sad enough to be on this platform so i will instead b angry v v angry i will have angry ratm blog posts (but not actually ratm because i have never heard a ratm song because reading 2020 got cancellt)i will rage !!!!  (but not really because im fairly balanced and monotonous in my writing but i may include some emojis  to let the rage come through)



06/23/2020 03:24 PM 

Current mood:  angsty

a s s

hannah✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

06/23/2003 03:20 PM 

hi girlies
Current mood:  blustery

hi girlies!!!!!genuinely just posting this 2 see if this will post as being posted in 2003 lolepicness


06/23/2020 03:21 PM 

your top 5 animes go!

1~ My Hero Academia 2~Mob Psycho3~HunterXHunter4~Yu Yu Hakusho5~Haikyuu 

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