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06/23/2020 07:07 PM 

my socials

my tumblr♥ https://angelofdef.tumblr.commy insta♥ twitter♥ my friend >_<​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


06/23/2020 06:30 PM 

Current mood:  sleepy

I can take your own life from you any second, but what will I get in return?  the suffering will be divided equally between us, I’ll give you part of mine, don’t mind, I have a bunch of them, thanks for giving them to me once upon a time, I still keep them near my heart, somewhere inside my ribs.  but what will I get in return?  sticky and viscous burgundy liquid with the smell of glands flowing from the back of the head along dyed blond hair and around the neck to your favorite t-shirt and beige pants, as well as a disgusting headache?  maybe you want to eat sushi or some other chinese sh*t?  no?  oh.. you’re not in the mood rn, okay, then I'll give you a little show, hara-kiri will be cool right?  darling, can I take the most precious and valuable thing you own?  what?  can't understand what I mean?  I’m talking about your own life sir. you’re saying that you’re not afraid of the death?  I’ll look at you from below or maybe from the side in a couple of hours.  am I crazy?  perhaps, but not a fact!!!  I’m sure of only one thing, I know you won’t ask, but I’ll answer anyway.  you are dead.  oh babe you still do not understand what am I talking about? you always loved your f*cking colors more than me!  you spent hours and hours with them, forgetting to spend at least one f*cking minute with me.  rubbed this watercolor, gouache, even f***ing oil with acrylic on your skin, which I wanted to kiss, touch, cherish and cherish, warm, so that your hands remain tender, even cold.  but because of this shįt they are constantly peeling, dry and irritated.  I have a lot in common with you, for example, your lovely hands and my dead heart feel the same thing every day.  I don’t feel anything when I understand that the poison in your colors I mixed for you is almost inside you my sweet heart and kills faster than you might think.  it’s deep beneath your skin, and ironically, you selflessly rubbed it into yourself. you didn’t know that you would die, die, die, DIS AP PEAR, dissolve in water and leave dirty stains on yellow paper.  ironically, we are still so similar, but at the same time so different!  you are paint – beautiful, bright, old, dried up, expensive, cheap, stolen, lost, most beloved, different, the one I always use, the one that will kill me, but before than that I will paint a picture and take you with me.  I will paint all the walls with words of hatred towards you, despair, some scribbles that don’t  have the slightest significance, only to spend you to the end.  all the people would call it toxicity, death, self-destruction, selfishness, disgust.  I call it love.  because if they suggested me to forget everything that was happening, erase and live through other events, never meet you and weave tangled networks of feelings and just live calmly in love and harmony, I would say no.  and what would you say, my dear?  if you thought for a minute, you would say yes and after a second you would pray to return it all back, rewind time and give it to us.  and then everything repeats in a circle, everything is the same, because I know you as myself. I don’t know you at all.

#poem #poems #feelings


06/23/2020 07:04 PM 

Current mood:  blank

hwow ok this has a blog space! this is epicanyways hi wwoooooomy brain hurts


06/23/2020 07:04 PM 

Current mood:  aroused

i want to top a bottom rn ;) self isolation aint it anymore


06/23/2005 06:58 PM 

Current mood:  content


06/23/2020 06:57 PM 

Kurt Cobain arrested
Current mood:  angsty

Kurt cobain was arrested for spray painting GOD IS GAY! He is correct.



06/23/2020 07:01 PM 

Current mood:  excited

You guys think "Nudedragons" are gonna be a thing?

The End

09/13/2025 12:60 AM 


Staying alive is a crucial part of this experiment. Death will result in corruption and immediate killing of all other players. Here are tips to help you:1. Reverse The Clock2. Use Your Head3. Never Close Your Eyes For Too Long

The End


06/23/2020 11:58 PM 

how 2 make friends
Current mood:  bored

i was tryna find sites like myspace bcuz i never got to experience that kinda stuff bcuz i'm still a kid LOL and i found this site,,jus finished setting up my profile and i think it looks cool, but now there's a problem:I AIN'T GOT FRIENDS!!!!i live in the scottish countryside and i can assure u there's barely any1 that's cool like the people i've heard of that stay here,, so i figured i'd come here to make friends, but the website is SO HARD to navigate so idk how 2 make friends lolzorif u're cool and wanna be friends msg me and we can be friends plz plz plz plz

making friends, friends, be my friend, scotland


06/23/2020 06:57 PM 

Current mood:  electric

anyways stan kuromi


06/23/2020 06:54 PM 

Current mood:  excited

Loving the MySpace type vibe :D


06/23/2020 04:55 PM 

Current mood:  angry

I hope breonna taylor's murderers rot in hell♥33


06/23/2003 06:50 PM 

Current mood:  angry

i have finally learned to fly from those breath taking eyes that do nothing but lie 


06/23/2020 06:45 PM 


i mean what does alien really mean? of course aliens exist its essentially just forms of life outside of the earth and noone is naive enough to believe that earth is the ONLY planet in the entire universe capable of sustaining life. i like to believe that maybe there are intelligent life forms but....have we even like tried to gain contact with other intelligent beings outside of earth? dont think so, so why should they bother?ufos are exactly that! unidentified flying objects. doesnt mean theyre necessarily alien! just means camera not good enough to recognize what it is. could easily be a frisbee or a bird.and dont think other life forms would attack us! I mean the only reason theyre scared is because white people dont want what white people have done to other countries. theyre scared of being colonized, lol! because they assume aliens are just as bad as them. i am a white person tho so maybe some poc think that but idk they have more worries on their hands like systemic racism and the attempt to sustain a normal life post-colonialism. i mean underdeveloped countries in africa cant be expected to know off the bat how to rule a country when they were controlled by empires that have rules countries for centuries! but thats enough of me being political, i just think white people should stop worrying about aliens, they arent the scary evil beings we should exterminate here.....

aliens, blm, lol, cool

The End

09/13/2025 12:60 AM 


CONGRATULATIONS! If you have received a friend request from us, that means you have been selected. If you have stumbled across our account, and have not recieved a friend request please message us immediately. Corrupting the system can ruin this project, and outsiders getting involved will result in a break. You may be wondering, "What is this account? What is this project?". Do not fear. You and a selected group of individuals are now involved in 'The End'. Throughout this experiment you will need to stay alive. Messaging and contacting other people apart of this experiment is allowed. You have made it to 'The End', it's now time to find out what's beyond that. Thank You.

The End

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