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06/23/2020 07:43 PM 

Current mood:  angsty

How is everyone today? Stay hydrated and safe! Hey you yes you reading this, you cute! :D


06/23/2020 07:40 PM 

My space 2.0
Current mood:  blessed

Guys I had a og MySpace when I was like 5 lmao I used to post edited pictures of me and I was THAT b*tch p.s I think I linked it or added the picture I'm talking about but I have no idea let me know if you can see itI think it's the little square before my text 

MySpace, baddie,


06/23/2020 07:43 PM 

Current mood:  tired

Um... so apparently this website is run by homophobes and theres a bunch of pedos. Chile, anyways. Why cant we have sh*t bruh. Also I accidently bought two airpods 

exposed, tea


06/23/2020 07:43 PM 

Current mood:  lonely


✩ mason *:ο½₯゚

06/23/2020 07:39 PM 

first post

first blog post... dont mind me 


06/23/2020 07:36 PM 

Current mood:  blank

This sh*t's wayyyyyy too relatable!


06/23/2020 06:40 PM 


I hate straight men 


06/23/2020 07:35 PM 

first post!
Current mood:  blissful

hi this is my first post,,,interact and text me if you want to >_<


06/23/2020 07:31 PM 

Emo Poem

This poem is called "It Can't Stop Us" and I wrote it when I was 14. I thought all u sad f***in emos would like it xoxoMy existence is a nightmare that plays through the minds of my family, Each morning seems like I roll the dice to see how I’m going to feel, How I’m going to act that day Sometimes I use weighted dice in hopes that my day will be fine, That maybe, I’ll want to be alive, But cheating in this game has consequences, That's why I lay in bed each night staring at the wall, My tears staining the pillow beneath my head,  Darkness,  The shadow in the corner of my room consumes me, I’m dragged by my feet, Hanged by my wrists, Demons dance through my dreams, Synchronized schemes to keep me on edge, But that can’t stop me.  She puts on a happy face, Surrounds herself with happy people, She loads work onto herself so she doesn’t have to think about how sad she really is, Her life is a treasure, And treasure is often stolen, They try to take it away, But that can’t stop her.  He hides his body from the world, In his eyes it’s ugly, No one wants to see the scars, The memories of a forgotten child, People say he’s a freak, That he’s crazy for thinking the way that he does, But that can’t stop him.  We are the freaks, The fools, We are the psychos and the basketcases, We are the ones who knock on your door, But you don’t answer, We are the ones who ask for help, But you say it’s no big deal, You say get over it, It’s just a bad day,  We are the ones who hide in the darkness, We are the ones who are too afraid to ask for help, Because you told us to get over it, We are the ones who have too many emotions, or none at all. We are the ones who feel pain just to feel it, We are the ones you are afraid of. But that can’t stop us. No, that can’t stop us, Because we know how we feel, We take care of each other, We listen to each other, Because nobody else will. We suffer through each day, We are consumed by the pain, But that can’t stop us from living our lives

poem, mental health


06/23/2020 07:33 PM 

Current mood:  fabulous

dont have much 2 say.. just thinking.. hello whoever is reading this i hope u r having a wonderful day x3 my day was pretty swell..


06/23/2020 04:18 PM 

Current mood:  contemplative

I dont really know what exactly im gonna do with this blog? I'm definetely not a writter and my grammar is sh*t. I was thinking about doing a few different things? Maybe like a weekly update on whats going on with me, how I'm feeling, and general life updates. So, I guess i will be using this like a journal of sorts!I'll probably be posting other things as well, just not sure what yet?? But I wanna try and see if I can commit myself to doing this lol. (If future me is reading this I'm either profoundly dissapointed in you or very proud)If anyone who is reading this has any suggestions what i should post ,other than the weekly journal, feel free to let me know! I'm gonna go post my 1st journal entry! BYE! 

scorpio, blog, intro, slice of life,


06/23/2020 07:31 PM 

Current mood:  amused

is this the new myspace of our time its lit 


chrissyyy (´q‒ α΅• ‒q`) β™‘

06/23/2020 04:32 PM 

introducing friends to friend project
Current mood:  adored

just introduced my friend adam to the site!! he loves how cute i made his profile~



06/23/2020 07:27 PM 

My day
Current mood:  accomplished

Hey! For my first blog post I wanted to talk about my dayyy. Today I went swimming at my friends house and we tanned which was so much fun. I love summer so much and it's really nice being off of school, and not stressed all the time. Kind of sucks though because it lowkey doesn't feel like summer, since we've been out of school. Still nice not getting work but kind of sad about it :( Anyway, then I went with my brother to find skate parks to go to, didn't really work out. Just got done having breakfast for dinner (my fav) :))) Can you comment on blogs? idk but if so how was your day? 


06/23/2020 07:31 PM 

Police are not your friends.

Acab, 1312, police brutality, police, teargas,

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