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05/10/2024 09:49 PM 

Only took (about) 2 years
Current mood:  content

... for me to make another blog post. Lets see what happened. Maybe I should just keep it to where we're at, the novel isn't as interesting as it seems now that I think about it.Not that I gave up with my move to Yuma, but after 2 interviews with Dillard's Yuma Palms for positions I'm still not there. Just because of the lack of full time for both times. One time last September I actually went with my Dad and stayed at Cocopah for an amazing trip overall, but definetly traveled and spent (and gambled) a lot of money that I saved up just to hear that when the hiring manager walked back in the room on my final visit to the store. While I'm hopefully now going to make more money in my new position (and can resonably guess it will be more money than Dillard's Yuma), it genuinely seems more practical to get an investment property in Yuma when I have the money (and a goal of mine nonetheless), but also going to do a trip out to Scottsdale after the big summer sale to see my company's location there, I genuinley have no idea what to expect.Oh yeah, my new position. Well I'm selling Shoes now on comission. I just came back from a trip back up to Newport Beach where I went to my first store and thought I passed my first ever manager while walking but wasn't sure and didn't want to say anything if I guessed incorrectly, but yes, I made more than my draw that I was supposed to on my first day. Returns will hurt me, but that was a Tuesday and Saturday is tomorrow.Now I know though, I'm worth something, after getting the part-time offers at Dilard's, and now getting this job, I'm more optimistic on that front than ever. Remember, whatever life throws at you, you will always have options, even if you don't know what they could be at the moment, you will always have them 

plan, trip, life


05/10/2024 03:12 PM 

school work
Current mood:  blah

Okay so I'm in my second period of class right now, but I literally almost skipped first period cuz I came 10mins before the class ended, literally everyone as soon as I entered the class the shut up and looked at me ╥﹏╥Anyway I'm in chem rn and it's soooo boring, I have P.E later and we are going to do a theatre play and we are NOT prepared at all ╥﹏╥Well atleast it's Friday so that means no school, yippie!! oh and yesterday my uncle bought me Galaga on the Nintendo lite, he's so kewl!! anyway that's all for today, bye-bye! (^▽^)


05/10/2024 12:09 PM 

Skibidi toilet is ruining my teenhood

I literally CANNOT stop masturbating to skibidi toilet. It's an embarrassing thing to admit but it's become so much of a problem I just can't keep it a secret anymore. Male_07 is SO hot... what makes it hotter is his head sticking out of that toilet. I can't stop imagining him eating me out on the toilet and it's gotten to the point where I stay up all night touching myself and thinking about skibidi. Not only that, but I also spend my time googling skibidi NSFW and doing the same thing over and over again. This is by far my worst porn addiction yet. How to quit?

#satire #help

KWEEN_Rockstarr <3

05/09/2024 05:49 PM 

what should I do?
Current mood:  confused

ok so a few days back, this person said that they liked me. i thought it was innocent but i don't feel the same way for her. not only that but also yesterday, I was told that the person that said they loved me cheated on a friend of mine and told me not to date them. I told this person that I am not looking for a relationship right now because of my mental health. what do I do?


05/09/2024 09:37 AM 

Current mood:  bored

forgot about the blog lolol


05/08/2024 02:03 PM 

i love these MEN!
Current mood:  romantic


05/07/2024 11:06 PM 


I'M GONNA CRY! (even though i was earlier...) out of just pure excitement.  this is SECRET aquacadet news but today we all heard there's gonna be a cadet summit in august! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!! i might get to meet the love of my life (catboy of the aquabats.. but i just like to call him boyd) without completely chickening out, because if it's a summit, i CAN'T chicken out! on my site i've written about the 3 times i've gotten too nervous to go find him, but the summit is THE time. a lot of aquacadets i know might show up, so of course i'm bringing my camera. i especially cant wait to see craig (if he even shows up), and jake. i'm so excited i might just puke!!! i'll update you guys eventually isn't he just so cute?also, P.S. I PASSED MY PERMIT TEST! the lillymobile will be on the road very soon. 


05/07/2024 09:16 AM 


"curiosity did kill the cat, but i'm very curious." - brittany murphy 

Tax Frauder

05/06/2024 08:22 PM 

My top 10 favorite bands

Nirvana Guns N' Roses Pierce the Veil Party Cannon Mayhem Cannibal Corpse  My Chemical Romance The Smashing Pumpkins Korn Slipknot

music, bands, metal,


05/06/2024 08:17 AM 

Current mood:  optimistic

today im going to the mall with my mom to get starbies and eat in a restaurant... im sohappy i love my mama^^im about to headto school with only iced water in my stomach. ugh. im hungry but i dont have time. i give updates about my only motivation mentioned later! goodbyeedit may 8 : i survived school &the mall was great! i discovered bubble waffles and ate korean ricebowl, i loveee rice. thanks mami ^^


05/05/2024 10:22 PM 

Current mood:  artistic

Moonflower Dear moonflower, let me sleep; Let me fall out of love so gently. Dear moonflower let me breathe; I don’t know how to let go correctly.   You wear skirts and pink like girls now, Someone you never thought to be. You want to live, to see the light shine, To be just as naive as me.   I’d fall asleep on you so anxious I could barely even eat. This heart shaped light made so nauseous  I was falling down my feet.   You saw me breaking down the stage  With the waves from me escaping But I was just building a cage  For us to fly in while we’re dancing.   But dear moonflower, you never did; You flew away at night without me  I did my best but I missed it  I’m the sunflower you couldn’t wake me. Apolliyaoctober 2023


05/05/2024 04:41 PM 

Current mood:  aggravated took away all of the students backpacks, more in the petition desc

school backpacks life schoolsucks help

Paperclip <3

05/05/2024 12:20 PM 

Current mood:  ecstatic

WHAT'S UP GIRLBOSSES AND BOYBOSSES AND OTHERBOSSES IT'S YOUR BOY PAPERCLIPBeans Beans BeansI'm so fancy and I think I'm high nglI gotta get a new binder and I really wanna sit in windowsill's lap or on an actual windowsill or something I don't knowI have a friend in my grade and he is 6 feet tallAnd I have a friend in the corner of my room who is 8 feet tall but he's niceMostlyThat's all :3Have a SPLENDID day 

Paperclip <3

05/05/2024 12:01 PM 

Current mood:  rockin

WHAT'S UP GIRLBOSSES AND BOYBOSSES AND OTHERBOSSES IT'S YOUR BOY PAPERCLIPIt's been a while. A lot has changed. So my boyfriend with the Christian mother and I didn't break up for a while. Then something happened and blah blah blah I'm single. I sorta like this guy and we'll call him windowsill because why not. Windowsill and I don't talk a lot but he's AMAZINGGGG. Also that ex I was venting to hates me because he mentally hurt my friend so I made his life a living hell for a bit . Also ex boyfriend with the Christian mother and I are so bestie omg he's amazing. We're still kinda flirting but not dating cuz that's a nono. That's not all but I have no more words so THAT'S ALL BESTIESSSSHave a supercalifragilisticexpealidocious day (or however you spell it).


05/05/2024 11:55 AM 

blogging like a blogger
Current mood:  rockin

so i usually blog random surveys prob nobody reads , whatsoever im INSPIRED enough to actually use my blog for what a blog is meant to be used today. tomorrow my 17th birthday is a month ago... dammit i feel super old. not old old but i swear i already miss being an innocent 16 year old girl, when older guys ask me my age now, theyre not as surprised to me being young , i miss theyre scared faces already! hahaha being 17 means one year closer to m new lips. already saving for it. whatsoever, my birthday wasnt a blast, it was  super nice thx to my friends. if u know me u know i HATE hate hate birthdays... including most definitly my own. its stressful. but i love that my friends always make it up for me  the cinema was great and the food was super tasty. couldve never finished that rice bowl with0ut gigis help xxi got nice gifts and a lot of money to spend on new clothes. speaking of: im about to go shopping and get some new colored tights... and some sumer shirts. i desperatly want a jeans skirt with leopard print. and some high heels! i need heels!many of my friends celebratr their birthday now, spring children riseeee ;) spring is just the greatest season, but also means spending money on bday gifts..... c-c i got my nails done really long for a beating 55$$ .. damnnn i love them but that hurt physically . reading other peoples blogs is so fun. but i always endup thinking abt where they are now. did they fulfill their dreams? shelley, do you still love art=? and how was your night out in january 2 2004? tell me about it some time. so wat else is new ? .......oh yea. i thought i had cancer due to a huge knoib behind my ear but i think its just from my cosmetic surgery... 2 years ago. recently i feel really happy , idk . im thinking of leavung school . i jet a guy from poland, hes quite nice, and blonde! and has a cute face with a killer body. hes sexy, but the distance is not so sexc! im saving up my money to spend on a new flip phone i saw. its pink with butterflies. right now i listen to bloodhail. sometimes people tell me im 2 much for them. good for me. stay away from me! anyway im hungry and i want to watch a dvd.  i love my friends, i love my family and most of all i love my dog ; hes licking his balls!! goodbye !

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