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10/31/2020 01:25 PM 

31 days of horror: day 18

day 18: the descentdir neil marshall9/10sexy bitches, cave moster, blood, guts, and scandals. need i say more??(fr tho one of the scariest horror films ive ever seen AND the only one ive seen w an all female cast)


10/31/2020 12:52 PM 

31 days of horror: day 17

day 17: mother!dir darron aronofsky9/10available free on is like the only time ill put a spoiler warning bc i thik its best 2 go into this movie blind. TWs at the end) This film is intense. It drags you to the depts of human sickness and its shows you a glimpse, a moment of glittering, shining perfection. Then it rips you back to the sh*t and the filth of the world. I have only cried at a few films in my life- this one came the easiest. Usually I have to think, really think about the pain on screen. I didn’t even have to digest the pictureque layer- I was crying because I was sad. I was crying because my house was in ruins and I lost my child. You are not an outsider (even though humanity is an intruder). You are Mother Mary. And you are pulled through the f***ing ringer. And I mean it. War, famine, pestilence, death. They invade you. You think it can never end, and it doesn’t. And then everyone is dead. And everything is quiet. And then you are at peace. mother, although she cannot control any of the things happening to her (excluding the end) is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, female voice in horror. as the film is able to drown us in the complexities of human cruelty, mother is able to display the complexities of human emotion. We are never impartial to her state of mind. This film is possibly only interesting to those with a background in or knowledge of christianity, islam, or Judaism, though it mainly follows the Christian New Testament, especially in the second half of the film. The latter two of the three are not as acuralty portrayed in the story, but when the poets followers are divided in their beliefs, it does present an interesting view of how all three religious first divulged. I can see why some don’t like it- if you have little to no interest in religion, even from an atheist perspective like me (I believe god/s and spirituality is useful for reflection, empathy, and community, rather than what it has become in modern practiced organized religion) religions use as a means of violence, or if you feel no interest in human psychology and society, this may not be the film for you. If you aren’t taken by mother as a character, if you don’t see the film from her perspective, you will likely be very disappointed in it.   And also it has sexy domnall Gleeson in it  TW for: rioting, excessive police force, childbirth, the bible, and images of: sex trafficking, murder, execution, human sacrifice, nudity, sexual assault (but not r4p3), baby murder, baby cannibalism, vomiting, missing ribs, sluttyness, burning bodies, and piss. 


10/27/2020 10:29 PM 

31 days of horror: day 16

day 16: the evil deaddir sam rami9.5/10avail free on seriesonline.ioinvented horror bimbos & himbos #ashforfinagirloftheyear #demoncherylforhomophoicqueenoftheyear 


10/30/2020 10:56 PM 

janis joplin ✧♡(◕‿◕✿)
Current mood:  pretty

janis joplin


10/30/2020 10:10 PM 

Current mood:  calm

anytime i listen to Korn, i feel like Dib from Invader Zim, something about Korn's songs make me feel like a lonely little middle schooler all over again. Even though it sucks to have no friends, something about that feeling is comforting but like in a nostalgic way. Its weird to really like a band that reminds you of a crappy time. Sometimes i feel like i was meant to be a loner and all my friends are temporary, ill never shut up about my friends, i feel so lucky to know all of them. ♥

korn, invader zim


10/30/2020 07:33 PM 

Me trying to BE:Everyone: Go VoTe


10/30/2020 05:39 PM 

first post woohoo

hello all, I don't really know if peoples are actually following my blog, but hello 


10/30/2020 04:46 PM 


Currently watching Dr Stone, Princess Connect, Gibiate, and Tokyo Ghoul ^_^ 

anime, tokyo ghoul, dr stone,princess connect

Mediocre Myles

10/30/2020 01:15 PM 

Where to Get Scene Clothes?

Hey peeps! I was wondering where I could get some "scene" clothes? Ive been emo for a while, and my moms goth, so most of my clothes is black. I was wondering if anybody knew brands or stores that have scene-ish style clothes? Thank u!


10/30/2020 10:03 AM 

Current mood:  okay

we talked in the morning for a little which was nice, and maggie tested the allergy theory. they just needed to wash the bottle more, so thats good. im happy that they figured it out. we played cod for a few hours which was pretty fun, but i played pretty bad again. i missed maggie a lot yesterday, and i didnt feel good so it was kinda bad timing. i really wanna try maggies cooking. i bet its really good:) and maggie showed me kitchens that they liked. they were awesome! and then, they showed me a bunch of cool stuff on pinterest! ik my future with maggie is really bright. i cant wait to see them. were gonna go to the beach for our first date. it makes me really happy to think about. i got her an adorable stuffie:) i love the one she got me. i hug it every night. 

letta 𐐪♡𐑂

10/30/2020 11:01 PM 


i think we've progressed past the need for gender at all, not that we ever needed it in the first place. im just part of the universe inhabiting this body to experience pain and then be reincarnated. i dont need labels i just need to exist. im not a girl, not a boy, not anything in between. im just energy in a body till the end,.


10/30/2020 08:16 PM 


DAILY ACTIVITY POG! Also I might have COVID >w|


09/11/2020 04:46 PM 

chew, inhale, spit, swallow, and blow
Current mood:  awake

chew, inhale, spit, swallow, and blowgum wrapper in my ashtraya bubble blown, a jolting popyou liked that poemyou burn through megum wrapper in my ashtraywhere did you come from?cleaning my mouth that should be sealedcaulking birdgum wrapper in my ashtraymaybe it was mei dont really recallim happy i dont want a refill thoughyou wouldnt want another relapse

shitty, poem, that, i, wrote, when, i was, really, sad, the, one, night


10/30/2020 02:12 AM 

o hello
Current mood:  blank

i forgot friendproject exists tbh Dx umz follow my twitter if youd like its @vqmpyre


10/29/2020 11:51 PM 


watching marie antoinette dir sofia coppola 

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