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11/04/2020 03:32 PM 

Life sucks and then you die
Current mood:  depressed

Life sucks and then you die.I always knew this, but lately I'm feeling it more than ever. I am busy juggling long hours, low pay, demanding customers, a sh*tty work environment, and a boss from hell. Why do I stay? I don't know. I guess because I;m afraid.I'm afraid of going through the whole sh*tty job search process, starting again from the bottom, possibly ending up somewhere worse than where I am now, or not being able to find anything and ending up on the streets.The fear of what could happen if I leave is what keeps me from telling the boss to take his job and shove it up his ass.It would bad enough in ordinary times, but with this whole Covid pandemic still going, I think it would be reckless to quit now.I think I just need to hang on until 2021 and see how things look from there.


11/04/2020 01:27 PM 

Man, it's annoying and upsetting when you have a nosey person going through your stuff, esoecially your text messages!!!!!! Come on momma, I'm 21! PLEASE STOP GOING THROUGH MY PHONE AND READING EVERYTHING :(


11/04/2020 12:07 PM 

Current mood:  adored

holaa gente :D



11/03/2020 03:15 PM 


maggie was busy today, like usual on mondays recently. we talked for a little while while they were waiting for their mom so they could go shopping. we didnt really talk til like 4:30, and we talked for like 2 hours and i helped maggie look for stuff for their delirium cosplay. i did my best:) and they liked some of the stuff i picked out! that made me really happy. we talked about anime and stuff for a little. maggies rewatching attack on titan rn. we talked for a bit after they ate, and then once they got home at like 10:30 we hung out, talked about anime a little more, and then we played cod. we switched and started playing random games after a bit and that was ok. they passed out before we could play though lol


11/03/2020 04:42 PM 

covid bitcheeesssss
Current mood:  sick

           Guess who tf got COVID-19. ME BITCHES, can't smell or taste a THING, and I feel like absolute ass. Anyways since i'm quarantined I decided to start posting here. Now I know this entire website is probably dead AS F***, but I think it would be genuienly cool to make friends on here so umm lemme know if you wanna be friends ^-^.       Now to the regularly scheduled teen angst, but teen angst from me is oddly political... before I ramble anymore WEAR A F***ING MASK. The amount of people of ALL ages I saw go out this last weekend without a mask on is terrifying. There are SOOO many ways you can incorporate masks into your halloween costumes, plus you had ALL year to realize that so um, don't be a dumbass just wear a goddamn mask. I didn't even get to have a proper halloween because I got covid last sunday. Ugh. I had to sit in bed watching horror movies all day, which don't get me wrong, totally a blast for me, but I had premade plans so it sucked that I couldn't participate :/ But once again PEOPLE ARE DYING BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO LAZY TO WEAR A MASK.                         Have a non-melacholic day unless you don't wear a mask ♥                                                                                       love, Jacq 

masks, BIDEN2020, Halloween, Vampire, emo, bad bitch


11/03/2020 03:27 PM 


f*** yall lol


11/03/2020 11:36 AM 

Halloween was NUTS 0-o
Current mood:  busy

Hey world! Its me again, coming at you with a pretty uneventful day. Whatever, atleast i get to just talk about whatever i want now teehee :D. Im sitting at my desk rn, just vibing on this beautiful Tuesday morning, listening to Mother Mother my literal saviour. I stg this music makes me feel some type of WAY, man.Anyway like i said im my last post, i have been making a lot of friends at school that are pretty relavent in social status. These two girls came over to my house for Halloween on Saturday and theyre like my best friends now so thats awesome! But there was a lot of sh*t going on that night. So there's this one girl, at my school named Olivia. And girl, she is like the it girl of the freshman class, its nuts. She has this bleached blonde hair, and this model-like figure. And when i say everything i mean EVERYTHING she owns is pink. like dead ass. Like okay Legally BLonde, we love the vibes. And we arent really friends, but we are friendLY. She actually complimented my jeans the other day, i felt super confident lmfao. Anyway she threw this MASSIVE party on Halloween, and i decided to not go and just hang with my other friends (by which i mean i wasnt invited dont judge i was already sad OKAY) . But my one friend that came over actually stopped by the party before coming over, and she left cuz it was getting way to crazy. And then-.......oh gosh......Mr. Loverman just came on my playlist....lemme go cry real quick. Okay im good now! anyway yeah like it was nuts. She was saying that therer was ike a bunch of kids like makiing out, and they were all doing weed, and she said she was pretty sure the punch bowl was spiked. ming you, this is the FRESHMAN CLASS LIKE- ugh anyway, yeah. And like im honestly not suprised. Olivia is known for skipping class to sell weed in the bathrooms sooo 0-o.Anyway i have to do like a sh*t load of homework today, cuz i have school tomorrow and i cant do it on my day off on Thursday cuz one of my friends invited me to go thrift shopping with her!!! So yeah, signing off for now, ill post again if anything nuts happens.cya never!- Hanna ♥ 

#drama, #highschool, #party, #fashion


11/03/2020 03:07 PM 

Diary, it's been a while...
Current mood:  amused

Dear Diary,Today I was a total fatass since my parents are out of state I came home to commandeer their house and gods I've never felt fuller. I really should do more on my days off but I always end up gaming and watching shows (Dawson's Creek is on Netflix now btw.) Thinking about going for another IT job but also I really don't want to stop smoking just yet because I haven't felt happier in years. Pretty sure *********** got fired from work, wouldn't be shocked. Also, definitely not dealing with political stuff this year, seems like every year it gets worse. Thinking about going to a nature trail sometime soon and doing some Tarot readings if it's nice enough out. Side note, dreading Native American Suffering Day because for the first time, the rest of my family will see me as a woman and I can just see how that'll go. Who knows, maybe they'll ignore me.

My Life, Diary, Dear Diary, Update


11/03/2020 01:59 AM 

update :)
Current mood:  lonely

hey hey it has been a while now hasnt it? lots of crazy things happening in life tbh. i dont think i could tell you all of it, as much as i would like to i am afraid this post would be a bible length long. Halloween was ok. it is my favorite holiday :) i am very excited for cold weather. it doesnt get very cold down here in texas very often but when it does i love it. i cannot believe it is november already. ya girl needs a job but i am so terrified of driving and working. it is so scary and drives me insane to think about it. i feel quite pathetic about that but yikes dood do i hate the thought of getting out into the real world.i have found myself really lonely lately :/ it is kinda sad. being single is nice but it gets old very veryfast. i need someone here who will love me unconditionally, even though i am a deeply flawed empty shell of a girl. someone real, not the ones i imagine in my brain. someone here. ugh, this is begining to sound a lil sad so i will end it here. i hope you all have been well ♥ stay safe


11/03/2020 12:54 PM 

Current mood:  groggy

hiii i dont blog a lot but i think i might start xp im rlly nervous abt tomorrow since it's election day and if the lesser of two evils doesn't win then idk whats gonna happen :( but i'm trying 2 keep my calm and focus on other things. those other things being getting paidddd. yeah i opened a depop and a lot of ppl want my old prep clothes? v confused but oh well lol i've made like 30 bucks so i'm not judging lolll. therewas a lot of stress last night bcuz i forgot to link my bank account to my paypal so i couldn't get the labels butttt i got them so i'm sending them out tomorrow. i wanna buy some cd's or records or maybe band merch idk lol. im also gonna learn 2 drive soon which i'm vvv excited abt. it would make things like. ten times more easy. plus i could drive 2 my friends house more often and study with ppl or stuff. i'm soooo tired but i might watch jennifers body b4 i fall asleep. i need 2 catch up on my school work too im SRSLY lacking its crazy. ily guyz sm :)


11/02/2020 11:21 PM 

Feeling Depressed

Dear blog, I know I haven't written in a while, truth be told, I got bored with this site but im back on. Someone may or may not see this post.I don't know,i'll see if I want to make it private or not when I'm done typing. I've been feeling kinda dead inside. Like full on experiecing depression.This is because I recently lost my mom and It's the worst lost I've ever had to deal with. Why? Well of course shes my mom but I had been living with her for the past two years and I got more close to her than I ever have before. Yes I lived with her before (You know like she helped raised me). Living with her as a adult was different than living with her as a kid. I can't really explain why but I got Closer to her the last two years since I moved back in with her. Anyways, This had a big impact on me and i'm fighting everyday to mke myself feel better but it's hard... It's only been a little over a week so I don't know,maybe i'll get better in time. Hopefully. 

Mom , Depression


11/02/2020 09:31 PM 

First Post! '3'
Current mood:  chill

Yo whattup world! My names Hanna, and i guess this is my first blog post??? Im sure that this is gonna reach literally no one but if u see this, hey! I signed up just this morning and have been doing a bunch of sh*t all day. My profile still isnt perfect or anything but its okay for rn. I will definetly be changing it another time. Soooo i guess im gonna be using this blod thingy as like a diary? idk i feel like this being a place to vent would be nice. Getting advice, giving advice, i think itll be fun! I really hope that i will get to make friends here. im a lot more girly then most of the people on this platform (i think) so i hope that people dont get bad first impressions. So a little bit about me...hmm.... Well im 14. A freshman in highschool, yay (ugh). And i go to a PRIVATE PREP SCHOOL. uhhh BARF! and everyone there is privaledged, basic, and some of them are like kinda mean. But im not the type of person to judge someone based on their style, so yes, im friends with girls that shop at Brandy Melville and THATS OKAY. I dont think that people should filter out others based off of what they dress. It should be based off of their personality! Accept for its really hard to be open to having a freindship with that one boy in my english class that has a "Saturdays are for the Boys" sticker on his laptop. Yea i sort of hate it here. I have been making some friends, though. I started knowing basically no one. And by like the first week the most popular girls in the freshman class 0-0. I have no school tomorrow, so my day is definetly gonna be super boring. Soooo ill tell the whole story about how THAT happened and more tomorrow!cya never!-  Hanna ♥

#first post, #drama, #highschool, #girls, #clothes, #funny


10/19/2020 09:41 PM 




11/02/2020 05:57 PM 


lol hey :33

#emo #emoboy


11/02/2020 05:53 PM 

Happy late halloween
Current mood:  bouncy

i hope everyone had a good halloween!! sorry this post is so late </3 I didnt do much because of quarentine just stole some tr*mp signs >:)

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