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11/05/2020 07:47 PM 

Current mood:  distraught

letta πͺ♑𐑂

11/05/2020 05:27 PM 


avoiding the songs that fill me with your auraif i wanted to stop it i could but its too soonour story wasnt supposed to end this fastor was it?things dont have to last forever to serve their purpose but why would it be so short?was the purpose to kill me?to show me what i cant have and leave me in the dust?id never chase anyone but should i start?moving on doesnt have to be public, maybe my publicity shows how stuck i am on you.slam my head into the wall and drink it down.  

letta πͺ♑𐑂

11/05/2020 05:09 PM 


to match technicolor with the main seven.we're both colorful yet you're so hinged in pour out your heart.i throw back what i know deep down is just lip service. to match his energy you'd cross the match his love you wouldn't be be him you couldn't,yet I let you fill the space.your patterns don't match but I still floor it.every day he fills my mind.every day i pull the plug and drain.patching the holes only to replace with something softer and sweetereven when i crave the edge. im not ready yet, but i want to look give anything to hear give myself away but he'd give it back. 

letta πͺ♑𐑂

11/04/2020 04:26 PM 


an idea so sweetwill the berries wear off?will i one day find that youre acidic and cruel?optimism is the best medicine and doubt is the sickness.

letta πͺ♑𐑂

11/03/2020 04:25 PM 


the obsession tapers out.eleven days gives me 1:11s with a brain can other you into a side character and i bathe in the power i pretend i have.we’ll meet again in time, i won’t force it, but for now i’ll take whats waiting for me.something forgotten for years and picked up’s what i have now and what we will be as independents.

11/05/2020 04:20 PM 


And if your heart stops beatingI'll be here wonderingDid you get what you deserve?The ending of your lifeAnd if you get to heavenI'll be here waiting, babyDid you get what you deserve?The end and if your life won't waitThen your heart can't take thisHave you heard the news that you're dead?No one ever had much nice to sayI think they never liked you anywayOh take me from the hospital bedWouldn't it be grand ain't it exactly what you plannedAnd wouldn't it be great if we were deadOh deadTongue tied and oh so squeamishYou never fell in loveDid you get what you deserve?The ending of your lifeAnd if you get to heavenI'll be here waiting, babyDid you get what you deserve?The end and if your life won't waitThen your heart can't take thisHave you heard the news that you're deadNo one ever had much nice to sayI think they never liked you anywayOh take me from the hospital bedWouldn't it be grandTo take a pistol by the handAnd wouldn't it be great if we were deadAnd in my honest observationDuring this operationFound a complicationIn your heart, so long'Cause now you've gotMaybe just two weeks to liveIs that the most the both of you can give?One two,One two three four

11/05/2020 04:14 PM 



11/05/2020 04:05 PM 

Covid just ruined my school :'D
Current mood:  angry

Howdy world. Today is gonna be ashort post cuz i am PISSED. So as you know, there were a lot of parties goingon during Halloween, and like th eday after a bunch of ppl went to this thing called foco which is basically just a bunch of kids with no masks throwing a party in fancy dresses. I didnt get invited to one, but even if a i did i probably would go just for safety. Well TURNS OUT after that weekend of germ spreading, TWO FRIKIN KIDS tested positive, and the parents SENT THEM TO SCHOOL ANYWAY......UM.....WHAT?!?!?I literally could have walked past someone who had covid yesterday at school. Im really mad that parents can be that stupid to send sick kids to school, and also let kids go to parties in the first place! And NOW my entire school is shut down until after Thanksgiving Break. They just ruined it for an ENTIRE school. Im mad.So yeah, thats my rant for today. Imma go cry now, peace.Cya Never!- Hanna ♥

#drama, #highschool, #girls, #clothes, #funny


11/05/2020 02:08 PM 

Current mood:  blah

everday is so difficult</3


11/05/2020 12:01 PM 

i should use this more i guess



11/05/2020 09:07 AM 

Omg 0o0
Current mood:  accomplished

I can't believe I've been gone for so long!!! Sorry!!! I had a lot of F's and I needed to bring them back up. Although I got them up I still need to do class, so bye!!!

school, failing, chill

Tamy Miami

11/05/2020 01:30 PM 

potential new S/o???? pt.3
Current mood:  annoyed

litteraly fawk him, hes so boring litterly all he does is talk about himself he never askes me anything, and our convos last maybe MAYBE 30 SECONDS AND WE TALK TWICE A DAY, i can never find a good guy. litterly we were supposed to go on a date (mind you we knew about this weeks in advance) and 2 days before hes like " bring your friends so my friend does nt have to 3rd wheel.... IM SORRY WHAT??? NO ONE EVER SAID WE WERE BRINGING FRIENDS LITTERLY IF HE TOLD ME AT THE JUMP THAT HE WANTED TO GO ON A DOUBLE DATE HE COUNDVE SAID THAT I WOULDNT BE PISSED BUT THE FACT THAT YOU CAME TO ME 2 DAYS BEFORE WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO IS BEYOND ME... and then the day before hes like oh im bringing like 2/3 friends ...WHEN DID THIS TURN INTO A FAWKING FEILD TRIP???? that was litterally the last straw and now i have been leaving him on read and ion think we have talked in like a week and i feel nothing. I honestly dodged a bullet, but anyways there was this new guys and him and i connected so fast and he was so funny, but then he was like "im not dating a highschooler" like sir im 18, and i dont act like a highschooler.... but ig ill hit him up after graduation..... but we are still good friends and i feel like he lo key got feelings for me

β™± reptilia β™±

11/04/2020 09:54 PM 

Different Codes I Use

Ok guys, here's a bunch of codes I use to make my profile look the way it does.  Spotify playlist: <center><embed src="; width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></embed></center>(remember to type in "/embed" right before playlist)  Change Online Now Button: <style>.msOnlineNow img {visibility: hidden;}.msOnlineNow {background-repeat: no-repeat;background-image: url('insert image/gif url you want');background-repeat: no-repeat;z-index: 2;height:20px;display: inline-block;}</style> Autoplay "hidden" music:  For this you need to make a dropbox accountStep 1: First go to YouTube and find a video of the song you wantStep 2: Put it into a YT to mp3 converter and download itStep 3: Upload the audio to DropboxStep 4: Copy and paste the Dropbox link into the code (it's labled where)Step 5: At the end of the drop box link there should be a 0. Delete that and replace it with a 1<!-- MP3 --><!DOCTYPE html><html></style><audio autoplay><source src="insert your dropbox link"></audio></html>  Music With Pause Button: Follow same steps from previous<audio controls="" autoplay="" loop="" preload="auto" style=" width:300px;"><source src="insert dropbox link" type="audio/mpeg"></center> Blingies/GIFS: All blingies come from https://www.glitter-graphics.comClick on the image you want and it gives you the HTML code  Cursors: All cursors come from on the cursor you want and it gives you the HTML codeIf there's anything else you guys wanna know, just comment or message me! Blingies/GIF:All blingies come from https://www.glitter-graphics.comClick on the image you want and it gives you the HTML codeCursors:All cursors come from on the cursor you want and it gives you the HTML codeIf there's anything else you guys wanna know, just comment or message me!

music, art, resources, html, codes


11/04/2020 11:46 PM 


Sometimes i wish i could just sleep. No more quarentine, no more politics, no more abandonment.. Just warm blankets and dreams of things that could never be. I'm really tired, tired of being sick, tired of messing things up. So i should just go to sleep, right? yeah..


11/04/2020 09:34 PM 

Memory Lane
Current mood:  content

Wow..where do I start? This app goes wayyyyyy back. definately a trip down memory lane. looks like this era is making a comeback. lol Im a sucker for anything,80s,90s,and 2000's. I remember watching Buffy,and browsing myspace,and making posts about nothing but nonsense. 30 plus years later and nothing has changed. still the same boring old me. haha work pretty much takes up all my time, how i miss being a carefree kid. No responsibilities. still single,still alone,but im ok with that,loney at times..but content with where im at. Atleast im not tied down wth kids,even though their a blessing. motherhood just isnt for me.good thing i have zero interest in men,sure i'll be your friend. but thats it...women on the other hand,their beautiful. been a lesbian since middle school,came out to my friends in highschool,fortunate during that time,to have supporting family,and friends. dont feel  that way much anymore,my only friend i had,has drifted away. we really dont talk anymore,and im honestly ok with that. We were  friends for the longest time,but i suppose time changes people.[We will just leave it at that.] ive had a few relationships,everyone of those being learning experiences. fell madly in love with someone,whom i thought was my soulmate. but it ended up just being 4 years,of her toxic abuse. She lied,cheated on me,and treated me like garbage. And,in return i did the same. [never cheated on anyone.] I seem to be the one that gets cheated on and dumped. definately not a pitty party,just sharing my experiences . that relationship definately taught me alot,and what i did not want in my life. I will no longer allow anyone to treat me that way,im too old,nor do i have time for it. life is too short to let someone stop you from living. I have alot of anger/resentment still to this day,but im constantly working on that and letting it go,i've definately got to that point of not caring anymore. just wish people would not be so cruel, it takes zero effort to be a good person. not saying im a saint,but i would never cheat on someone,and constatntly live in a pool of lies. well enough my sad sob stories..not sure how i got here. I can go from one topic,to the next in minutes. >-<


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