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11/24/2020 06:13 PM 

word spit
Current mood:  tired

Today's been more than full. I woke up and I cleaned the house for my dad's birthday and I started doing my schoolwork (blegh) which clearly, I haven't continued doing. I also had a converstation with my partner about fxxking a guy (this is a very long story, so in short, we're open to polyamory) and I also unboxed a 24 pack of monster and I'm very happy. Things have been alright recently, thankfully, I go on thanksgiving break tomorrow and only have to do a half-day of work. It's getting colder which isn't unusual for PA this time of year, but it has yet to snow. I think snow in PA is good because it livens up the stuff that's been dead since the end of Septemeber. I don't really know what to write about but this website def reminds me of clicksters from Cyberbully. Anyways, thanks for reading if you did.

random, just talking


11/24/2020 03:55 PM 

A survey, because people do those

Food Survey   1.     How do you feel about golden oreos?I think they're fine, I probably wouldn't buy them 2.     What is your favorite dessert topping?Caramel and salt ! 3.     What is your favorite flavor/brand of bubble gum?I don't really chew gum, but I don't mind the minty or fruity ones (which I think is all of them) 4.     Favorite cheese?Gouda, I like smoked cheeses 5.     Favorite Lunch MeatSalami, or anything that doesn't taste overwhelmingly like ham 6.     Favorite ice cream flavor?I usually just get vanilla, but I like sea salt caramel and butter pecan a lot. 7.     Best looking food?Thai curry 8.     Best food to put cheese on?Tortilla chips! 9.     Best sexual food?What does this even mean? 10.   Best tasting drink in the summer?Agua de jamaica 11.   Best tasting drink in winter?Black tea with milk 12.   Best food for a night out with friends?Pizza or hot pot or fries 13.   Best foods to eat with a roll?Something barbecued, like brisket or ribs 14.   Messiest food, in your opinion?Things that you eat with your fingers, like ribs or cinnamon buns that have sauce. 15.   Easist food to prepare?Fried egg or cold sandwich 16.   Cheapest food you ever ate?Probably beans or peanut butter 17.   Most expensive food you ever ate?Some kind of fancy meat or something, probably 18.   Stinkiest food you ever ate?Natto (fermented soybean) or stinky tofu 19.   Favorite dipping sauce?Ranch or thousand island 20.   Best pizza topping?Spinach, feta, and onions 21.   Favorite potato chip flavor?Ketchup or salt and vinegar 22.   Most toxic substance you ever ate?Probably bleach lmao 23.   Most calories you ate in one meal?I don't know, but it was definitely on a holiday 24.   Favorite soda?Creme soda or ginger ale, I think cola is kinda gross except for Cheerwine which I kinda like with some things. I also really like peach or lime or tamarind flavored sodas a lot. 25.   Favorite flavor of juice?Pear or mango 26.   Favorite Vegetable?Onions or asparagus 27.   Favorite fruit?Watermelon or peaches 28.   Worst canned food?Peas are always gross when they're canned. 29.   Best side dish?Potatoes or rice 30.   Worst fast food restuarant?Panda Express 31.   Best restaurant?Most of the places I go are local, but I guess for Pittsburgh folks, my favorite restaurant is the Thai place in Bloomfield that's like two blocks from the Big Idea going towards Lawrenceville, I don't actually know what it's called. 32.   Best smelling food?Pho 33.   Favorite appetizer?Dumplings! 34.   Favorite cookie flavor?Oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip, I'm very basic 35.   Favorite cake flavor?Carrot 36.   Favorite pie flavor?Peach or blueberry 37.   Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?Rainbow 38.   Ketchup or Mustard?I like them both in different contexts! I probably use more ketchup, but I like dijon and spicy brown mustard both a lot too. 39.   Best food to have on a date?Noodles 40.   Most share-able food?Pizza or chips or hot pot or fries  



11/24/2020 03:46 PM 

Current mood:  sad

omg todos tienen perfiles bien perros, yo tmb quiero:((( 


11/24/2020 02:03 PM 

my sexualit
Current mood:  confused

hello guys its marie and welcome to my first blog ,today i wanna share something that has been bothering me for a while so yeah sorry if my spelling is wrong  preactically my mom shes very up heald on somethings in life that should be freely expressed like your sexuality , grades in school and all that  so here i am her daughter who dosent want to upset her or make her feel bad due to my descions cuz like she really works hard to just u know take care of me and i havent really told anyone how i feel about my sexuality am confused on liking boys or girls and i dont have anyone to share it to cuz i just moved schools so i dont have any friends and my family is homophobic so yeah am just here confused  


11/24/2020 06:53 PM 

Current mood:  miserable

I don't really use this sh*tsite for anything except log on to it every now and then, I guess that's because I've got other stuff going on in my life.I attended a college in which I did music, I f***ed off from there and went back to my old college to do computing. Along with this, I'm still making commentary videos because... yeah I don't actually f***ing know why. I guess I just enjoy doing itOnline classes are f***ing sh*t... as well as actually going into college and doing the f***ing work there. That also sucks.I wanna start taking my commentary sh*t seriously but I don't know how to.Anyway I'm tired, piss off


11/24/2020 01:06 AM 

Current mood:  bouncy

maggie was busy today, but i had a great day. my drawing stuff came today:) maggie picked them out for me. its a really cool set of pencils, and charcoals, and erasers:) and a moleskin sketchbook. its really cool! maggie gave me some drawing lessons:) they showed me how to shade, and how to draw eyes and faces, and the different kinds of pencils. it was so much fun:) ive really enjoyed drawing. i really want to get a lot better, so i can make cool drawings, and draw maggie and have them look as beautiful as they do in real life. maggie showed me their art kit:)) they have so much cool stuff! for drawing and painting and making jewelry and all sorts of cool stuff! im gonna marry an artist:) they gave me tips to make my room more comfy. im gonna rearrange it how they suggested. i think itll make my room a lot nicer. it was cool watching them draw it out. it was awesome:) when their mom got home they left and ate dinner, then watched master chef for a while. we texted for a bit, and maggie sent me a tutorial to follow. i tried really hard, and maggie said i did a good job:)) i was so proud of myself, and i want to get better and better so i can keep making them proud:) theyre asleep rn and were listening to music. ill get them up in a few hours to take their meds. i know that i have a happy life ahead of me:) maggies amazing and im glad i get to share my life with them 


11/23/2020 04:01 PM 

Current mood:  happy

i had a nice day today. we texted in the morning before our meetings. sadly i fell asleep so maggie missed their med :/ i hat letting them down like that. maggie was roasting me lol. i love it when they make fun of me. its really fun:) we played lots of cod today. we started a new event today. thats pretty fun. maggie hates hardpoint though. we listened to hannah montana for a while. that was really fun. i wanna sing karaoke with them. i think that would be awesome. we played more cod, and i kinda sucked ass :/ idk i just dont play well sometimes. i wanna be better though, so maggie will think im good:) they built a fort! it looked super comfy:) i wanna build a fort too but i cant :/ ill have to get thumbtacks so i can. 


11/23/2020 11:59 PM 

headaches and tumblr scrolling
Current mood:  blank

Why Am I Here?i find it hard to find any real meaning. my head alwyas feels empty yet heavy. its always blank. i never truly feel happy. just short bursts of excitement. my blog is just me complaining about my life but its all i have to do .vnobody reads this but thats okay. there are people out there that will go to extreme lengths to hurt u just becuz they can, no reason whatsoever. the world is broken and i no longer want to be here. does anyone else feel like life has even less to do then it did before? i havent left my house in weeks and dont plan on leaving for a while...whats the point? im always bored yet im out of options all i do is sit here and watch i broken? is this it? is this what my life is going to be?i was hurt and ill never be the same again.

depression, sad, rant, emo, goth, nihilism,


11/23/2020 09:46 PM 

wowow first blog! n art
Current mood:  quixotic

wowo i guess this is my first blog :0idk what i might post! mayb sum art n writing n oc stuff :>  ooo or fits!!! theres no good place to post that stuff n e more >:/still! hey everyone :0



11/23/2020 08:30 PM 

Current mood:  bummed

i thought everything was going good, then he blocked me :( i don't even know why


11/23/2020 07:46 PM 

!!! 00td !!!

!!! 00td !!! h3y 3v3ry0n3! h3r3 1z my 00td (0utf1t 0f th3 d4y),, g0t th1z n3w dr3zz d3l1v3r3d 4nd g0t 4ll dr3zz3d up f0r my 0nl1nc3 cl4zz BUT NOBODY HAD CAMS ON ;-; gu3zz y'4ll 4r3 th3 0nly p30pl3 wh0 w1ll z33 m3 t0d4y :p 1 w1ll p0zt my 0th3r f1tz h3r3 t00 wh3n 1 w34r th3m ♥3thxx0x0xXx_idiotskittle_xXx

emo, scene, goth, myspace, rawrxd, ootd

: *✧・゚:* manu *:・゚✧*:

11/23/2020 07:43 PM 

e̶̘̘̻̬̼͇̊ͅ ̸̨̘̭̭͙̼̗̙̃V̴̲̙̬̮̳̦͙͚͆͗͜ ̵̢̳͖̣͕̲͉͖̉͑̆̌̆́̆͝ͅạ̶̢̰̼̫̲̞̓́͛͜͝ͅn̷̻͎̗̉̽̿͆̿̈́͝͠g̵̹͓̒̌̑̌͊̀̊̎͊̇


11/23/2020 06:46 PM 

!!! n3w h3r3 !!!
Current mood:  fabulous

!!! n3w h3r3 !!! h3y 3v3ry0n3!h3r3 1z 4 zh0rt 1ntr0 f0r myz3lf z0 th4t y'4ll c4n g3t t0 kn0w m3 b3tt3r :p th1z 1nf0 w1ll 4lz0 b3 0n my pr0f1l3 z0mwh3r3 but unt1l 1 4dd 1t th1z w1ll zuff1c3!!1 4m z1xt33n 4nd 1n gr4d3 3l3v3n 4nd 1 4m fr0m c4n4d4 :33 1 l1k3 t0 w4tch 4n1m3 4nd dr4w 4nd 1 ♥33 c4tz z0 much!! my m3zz4g3z 4r3 4lw4yz 0p3n z0 f33l fr33 t0 dm m3 lm40,, 1'm z0 3xc1t3d t0 b3 h3r3 w1th y0u 4ll 1n th1z l0v3ly pl4c3!!thxx0x0xXx_idiotskittle_xXx

emo, scene, goth, myspace, rawrxd


11/23/2020 06:22 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

just got a 74 on a test i cheated on    i will now lie to my family by saying i got a 87

Noel ComiX

11/23/2020 05:56 PM 

When Drug stores are selling 80's cassette tapes for a dollar a piece

It's the greatest thing ever.  I bought Starship's No Protection and a Johnny Hates Jazz Cutting Crew compliation.  Popped that in my walkmen and walked to college.  Rockout while I'm drawing in Studio Art 3.  Who needs an Mp3 player.  Not I... the man who brokered the Paris peace accords.....

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