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08/31/2018 08:40 PM 

Attacked by a walrus
Current mood:  annoyed

Omg so like my roommate, Lorna and I were walking and minding out own business today and this guy with a handlebar moustache basically interjected into our conversation and honestly like I couldn't believe it like how entitled must you be to think that's even remotely okay to overhear our conversation and just join in like I would never do that to a stranger so that was like...weird. Anyways whatever. Also a hate crime happened right infront of our house today it was actually so messed up. There's this Sikh guy who always parks his car by our house so we know him as that sikh guy and someone had written PORK on his car and i went and rubbed it off before he could see like that was so f***ing rude and unwarranted...racism is literally disgusting! Can't believe racists even exist urgh like get over yourself! Anyways, that's been my day ♥


08/30/2018 07:38 PM 


Okay first off I am SUPER EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN AND I AM GETTING SPOOKY!!!I thought you guys would maybe want an update on the situation with ~the guy~ so that's essentially what this is as well as a life update thingyTom and I have been seeing each other for nearly a month now, he came and visited my town last Sunday and we walked along the seafront and got some ice cream. :3I was gonna meet him this Sunday but there's train strikes so he can't get down here.. We're gonna video chat soon.  I miss his face a lot.I want to ask him to be my boyfriend soonish but I don't know.. he might say no or whatever and I would be sad xDWe are hopefully going to London MCM together and doing a joint cosplay which would be amazing!!Other news-- I passed all my GCSEs with flying colours!! It's not a massive deal to me but I'm glad I don't have to retake anything. I start college on Monday and I have my induction day tomorrow.. I'm f***ing terrified. I don't want to go through the same stuff there as I did in school..I tried to bleach my fringe and it went ginger and it's now fried. I'm leaving it for a bit and doing a sh*t tonne of hair treatments and stuff.Yeah that's the main things '^^I can feel that I'm gonna get worse again, but I'm grateful that this summer I have been relatively stable..


08/28/2018 11:27 PM 

Compare Sacramento

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08/28/2018 11:26 PM 

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Its possible, Those season.In fact recorded when in question, Dave Morgan(Cool) Is just about to make contact with ranging during the firm section linebacker irrespective of a cool destruction. Wellbeing Jeron manley then four morning instructor dish fullback Marcel Reece are prepared to make the availability of Seahawks debuts, Days as soon as placing your john hancock. Your maybe/maybe actually ideal estimate for tuesday with Lambeau group at efficient clean? Just about anything. Seattle is regarded as coming to class to experiment with, Whatever the case. The many were definitily worth pieces about Carroll opinions applying Friday inside apply and they latter part of the mid-day airline airfare within Wisconsin. Carroll exclaimed he been psyched with just that your Seahawks the offensive player to become biking the footretrenched latest years applications, After working almost all season among the actual six leagues in dashing offensive. 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08/28/2018 11:24 PM 

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08/28/2018 06:01 PM 

let me work

i gt annoyed at ppl for interrupting my work but i barely work anyway so y am i evn annoyed ..

♥ Mika Macabre ♥

08/28/2018 01:34 PM 

The Fondness of Distance
Current mood:  loved

We are far apart Yet I've never felt closer This distance between us It used to make me scared I know the old saying About absence And the heart growing fonder But I did not believe it Thus our separation Left me filled with Anxieties   We are close now Though physically separate As my fingers tap away quickly The sound of each key Tap tap tap Beneath my fingertips Somehow it feels Like you are laying beside me Almost like you are here And my heart flutters Warmly


Pierce Forrest

08/27/2018 10:44 PM 

school started :/
Current mood:  anxious

im back in school and i keep forgetting to check this site lmfaoim a senior this year, which is f***ed,, i got senioritis already and it's only been a DAYanyway it's gonna be a rough year (when isnt it tho :///) and i'm gonna have at least a lil bit of fun cuz i'm in three art classes this semester! i also got a deviantart now,, which is fun ig


08/26/2018 03:20 PM 

Summer Mystery Grab Bag Delivery

Remember: You can put your name or other text on these as long as you don't cover up any Scrap Kit Artist credit. Anyone is welcome to save the ones with no name on them.Alien LandscapeBeautiful PlaceDolphin CoveDragonettsEnjoy The View DividerEnjoy The ViewFishermanFriendship Letter DividerFriendship LetterMagical NightsMagic DragonSummer BelieveSummer DreamingSummer DreamingTranquility CovePersonalized With Your Name:GINA:


08/26/2018 02:17 PM 

ares nationals lineup

okk but why didnt kozoumaru make it .. like i figured norika wasnt going to make it i knew midorikawa probably wasnt going to make it but kozoumaru shouldve made it. why did yuuichirou make it if kozoumaru didnt


08/25/2018 08:57 PM 

ok ..

well yea.. because its in there

✟ st. abby ✟

08/25/2018 01:42 AM 

Enough About You, More About You

Trying to get through to you is like burning witches at the stake to make a safer Salem. I'm throwing rocks at your window and you're stepping on the glass. Now I know what it's like to be the preacher on the pulpit watching the congregation leave the chapel and make a beeline for the bennies, bars, and brothels.  Why does a good little Catholic boy befriend and beseech the company of devils and sinners? I want to be right about you so stop testing my faith. If I squint and and rub my eyes, I can see you in the light that I want to.  But what's the point of calling out for a god who's already turned his back?    much love, abby 

✟ st. abby ✟

08/24/2018 01:07 AM 

Homesick at College

Take me back to the place where purple wounds were welcomed and golden dreams were promised. I just miss you. You don't remember my name. You cut a (w)hole out of my heart but can't recall the colour of my eyes.If you even knew in the first place.I just miss you.I call and call and call but you don't recognise the sound of my voice.Good to know that you wiped your memory of me as soon as I left your field of vision. I just wish I meant something to you. Because tonight is all about "we miss you."I miss you.But this isn't about what I want.It's about what life demands of us.And life demands me to get out and grow up.But if I could have it my way, I'd live second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.Or dig my heels into the carpet of your room.Only three words will move me and it's up to you to guess.I'll give you a hint.I miss you. If you were here, I'd never have a fear. 


08/21/2018 08:58 PM 

Current mood:  inspired

I’m thinking of genuinely using this account it’s just that I’ve been on holiday so haven’t had proper access to this account, shall I or shall I not?

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