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Redemption News Intel

06/12/2019 11:58 PM 

The Walter Dominguez Story: Fighting Communism/NWO In Mexico
Current mood:  adventurous

Journey To RevelationBy: Constantine Adams6/12/2019                 A man stands gazing before a vast ocean as it crashes along a rocky beach. The sun is now setting in the West as it is now casting its last rays of light over Southern California. The man stays staring at the roaring blue Pacific. Its might and influence is far reaching, a lot like life. Yet, it is deep and in many cases, it is everlasting. The sea’s depths hold many epic tales, many adventures, and many secrets. This is where the calamity lies. It is the secrets, the fear of the unknown, that is the most intimidating. To unlock these secrets, it often takes a hero that is willing to step up and go against the grain in order to uncover the truth, no matter how treacherous or self-destructive the path may be. In this particular storyline, our hero is that of a man by the name of Walter Dominguez. His quest that he has willingly chosen, is to track down the crossroads of his grandfather Emilio N. Hernandez, and to possibly unlock the legacy of his entire family’s history.                 Walter Dominguez was very close to his grandfather Emilio Hernandez, who he warmly called “Tata.” In many cases, Tata taught Walter a lot about Jesus Christ, Faith, love, life, and how to be a man. Walter grew up and was widely raised by Tata in the rural region of Santa Paula, California. Grandpa Tata was a very important and influential person in not only Walter’s life, but in the lives of many across Mexico, as well as in the United States. Still, just how influential and important was Tata to all of these people across these two neighboring counties? Walter was about to find out.                 Walter decided to capture his journey of truth and revelation on film, and documented everything live as it happened. Each and every new and fascinating discovery was then implemented into his documentary film titled “Weaving The Past: Journey of Discovery.”                 “We initially started production in 2001, but we didn’t finish editing until 2013,”says Dominguez. “We were still making adjustments all the way through 2014. We had to further sift through archival photos, music, and film clippings. Then we had to get the legal rights to use all of the information. This process took a year in itself.” Overall the film “Weaving The Past,” took 13 years  to complete. Another hardship that Walter and his crew had to overcome was the change in technology as the decade pressed onward.                 “Everything had to be converted from the old style of video tape to hi-definition and digital formats. Plus, real life issues got in the way. My father, who was helping me track down people for the film, was already ill. He would later pass away halfway through the production. I broke down whenever I had to view and edit the old footage of him. Still, I knew I had to do this, and I thought about all of the people who would be inspired by my film. I couldn’t just stop and quit.”  Walter felt compelled to complete this mission after he lost his Grandpa Tata in the year of 1973 on Memorial Day weekend. At the young and tender age of 25, Walter could not bear to view his beloved grandfather in such a frail condition and could not bring himself to visit Tata in his last days. Walter also could not muster up the strength to comfort his own father during such a trying time. Now empowered by a seething need to redeem himself and to find closure, Walter promises his parents Maria and Roberto Dominguez, that he would uncover all of the facts about his grandfather’s life, and will track down all of Tata’s long lost relatives in the streets of Mexico. “I wasn’t there for Tata when he passed. It hurts me that he was calling and calling for my name, and I was not there to answer. I was also not there for my mother and father when they were going through this. Tata was the one who saved me. My parents were going through some really stressful marital problems, and Tata was the one who took me in. He was the one who raised me. This film really helped me to redeem myself. I had to make an effort for not being there for him. Overall, this film gave my soul a sense of completion,” explains Dominguez.                 Emilio N. Hernandez was born on August 5, in the year of 1888 in Leon Guanajuato, Mexico. It was a mountain range type of region, and was very rural. Hernandez would grow up to be a very inspirational Christian Methodist Pastor that would lead many to the Holy Word of Jesus Christ. Still, what Walter did not know was that his Grandpa Tata was not only a man of strong Faith, but was also a valiant and resourceful political revolutionary during the Mexican Revolution that lasted from 1910 to the year of 1920. Tata himself was on an epic quest of his own just like Walter was so many generations later. The only difference was that where Walter was trying to further liberate himself in a way, Tata was trying to liberate a whole nation and all of its indigenous people. Tata was a strong believer in both social and economic justice, and was willing to sacrifice his own life and limb to uphold these liberties for all humanity.                 The origins of Tata’s legacy would begin to transpire the age of five when he would be forced to run away from his mountain home in Mexico do to a grotesquely abusive and alcoholic step-father.  Tata unfortunately never got to ever meet his true biological father, and only knew of him to be of Aztec Indian dissent. With all of the chaos that his step-father was causing, Tata now had to leave his fair skinned Hispanic and European mother, and his sister.“I always knew that my Grandfather Tata had a very dark and gloomy past. He would always try to avoid any questions about it. Tata would give the family bits and glimpses of his childhood and life, but would not want to elaborate,” says Dominguez.                 One night, Tata would flee from the only home that he knew, and would wonder through over 30 kilometers of the rugged mountain terrain of Leon Guanajuato, Mexico. He would eventually stumble upon the property prestigiously known in that era as “Los Altos de Ibarra,” where a family named the Guerrero’s would sympathize with the small boy, and would take him in as their own. Tata would eventually work there as a shepherd, and would later be taken under the wing of both Praxedis “Prax”  G. Guerrero, and his sister Clotilde.                 Yet, it would be Praxedis who would have more of a huge influence on the young and vibrant Tata. Praxediswould grow to be tired of the cruel and vicious tyrannical dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. At the time of Diaz’ reign of terror over all of Mexico, the wealthy elite were exploiting the Native poor in the country. The Haciendas worked as a form of a modern day“Encomienda System,” and  were used to turn the Indio-Mexicans into slaves in their own nation, thus, resulting in the 900 slave owners to rule over the 9 million poor. He and Tata would unite to help lead the Mexican Revolution with the creation of their political newspaper titled “Regeneration.”Praxedis and Tata would inspire many Mexican Natives to take up arms, join the revolution, and utilize both urban and guerilla warfare to try to overthrow Diaz and his authoritarian regime.Soon though, Diaz would get word of this. Diaz would then target all of his political enemies, and would then put both Tata and Praxedis on his personal hit list. He sent troops after the two anarchists and forced Tata and Praxedis to flee to the United States of America to seek refuge and possible political asylum.                 This experience of fleeing their home country of Mexico, and coming to America would then lead to Tata Hernandez and Praxedis Guerrero to start fighting for the plight of the Mexican laborers here in the United States who were being mistreated. Tata would then later come into contact with Wilfred Wallenius and Reverend Vernon McCombs, and the rest is history in means of his spiritual path to finding Jesus Christ.                 Interestingly enough, Walter was able to draw some parallels of the social issues of Tata’s generation in Mexico to his own environment as far as America’s current state is concerned. “We are seeing the exact same kind of oppression here in the United States,” explains Dominguez. “America’s middle class is dying and extreme poverty is on the rise. It is now very hard for our youth to even survive. When we look at Wall Street and how our government has poured billions of dollars into these private corporations it raises concern.”                 Walter is a strong believer in American’s right to vote, and feels that it is only right that fellow citizens do so in order to have a proper stake in the future outcome of our nation’s leadership.  “As frustrating and discouraging as the whole process may be, it is essential to keep power out of the hands of money hungry tyrants who wish to exploit the public and generate revenue only for themselves,” says Dominguez. “We as Americans should never underestimate the power of an individual. Look at what Tata was able to accomplish with his life. The people have the power and right to fight back.”                 It was the accumulation of the United States’ various social, environmental, and economic problems that inspired and further compelled Dominguez to create such a film. Still, the one issue that really “broke the camel’s back,” as it were was the horrific tragedies of September 11, 2001. After watching the World Trade Center Towers burn to the ground and the thousands of people die, Dominguez felt the need to find clarity in a world that seemed to be collapsing around him. Disgusted with the path that humanity was taking he wished to combat it all in a constructive way. This would then lead to the inception of his film “Weaving The Past: Journey of Discovery.”                 “With the events of 9/11, and all of the wars that were to follow, some needed and many not needed, the Iraq War in particular, the suffering of the families of the soldiers that we have lost, the women and men who gave their lives for this country, nothing was making any sense. There was just so much pain,” explains Dominguez. “All I saw was a lot of waste and misuse of valuable resources by our state and country’s officials. The homeless rate has been really rising in the last 20 years or so, there are just so many encampments everywhere. Then you have the government making all of the cuts to our children’s education. It started with music, and now it is seeping into other forms of the arts. There has also been a drifting away from Faith in our society unfortunately. Faith and education are both very important, but schools can’t teach faith.Plus, all of the animal species that are going extinct do to global warming, it was all just depressing me.”                 After Walter turned 50 years old, he began to realize that life wasn’t forever. He also started noticing all of his fellow friends and family members rising in age and they too were becoming ill and were passing away. This startled Walter and made him do some real soul searching. He started thinking about his own life and legacy. He needed to take a stand and do something. Walter needed to make a positive impact on the world while he still had time, and before it was too late.                 “I wanted to prove to myself that in the midst of all of the chaos, that there were still good people out there in the rest of the world. I needed to see if there were people who were still willing to love, help, and reach out to others.”                 God must have heard Walter’s plea, because many in both America and Mexico rose up and offered themselves, and their knowledge to help him on his quest for self-revelation. Walter would go on to explain all of the weird and unexpected blessings and miracles that took place throughout the creation of his documentary. It was as if something greater, a higher power was guiding both his hand and his path to seek out all of the ancient truths that he was trying to unveil.                 “People were just so warm and embracing when they realized what I was trying to accomplish, and respected that I was so sincere about it. You would be surprised at how many people will help you when they see how truly dedicated and sincere you are about accomplishing something. I just wanted to do both Tata and my family proud. I am so happy that things worked out the way that they did. Through many cases of Divine Intervention, I was able to come across the right people, find the right locations, make the right connections, call upon the right contacts, and gather up the right information on leads.  On many occasions both my production crew and I were moved to tears with how much of God’s favor that we were shown in certain kinds of situations.”                 Dominguez was able to accumulate a grand total of over 200 hours of footage from his journeys. After meeting with historians like Dr. Ward Albro in Texas, and then trekking for months at a time through the various cities and diverse rural terrain of Mexico, Walter was able to track down and meet many of Grandpa Tata’s long lost relatives that he feared were either assassinated by Porfirio Diaz, or lost to the sands of time.                 “I found everything that I wanted, more than I could ever imagine,” says Dominguez. “I was just happy to be able to interview the elders in my family, and the elders in Tata’s Church before they passed on and took those stories with them. What was even more remarkable for me was that my crew and I embarked on this venture with no actual preconceived ending, script, or proper outline. Christ just guided us every step of the way. The entire experience just totally rejuvenated my faith in both God, humanity, and in the future.”                 Both Walter and his beloved wife Shelly Dominguez continue to promote the film, with strong faith that it will continue to touch the hearts, souls, and minds of many out there who are also embarking on a journey of their own in means of reconnecting with their faith, family, origins, history, and most importantly, themselves.                                                

Redemption News Intel

06/12/2019 11:52 PM 

Recap:Looking back at 2016 Presidential Elections
Current mood:  optimistic

The New American Saga Begins By: SaberFish21 (Special Note: The people interviewed in this story are in fact real people, but personally requested that their true identities be ever so slightly altered do to fear of retaliation from liberal, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders supporters. It is my Journalistic duty to protect the identities, and lives of my sources from personal, or professional harm, and to protect their Constitutional Rights to vote freely for who they want, and to speak, and express themselves freely about who, how, and why, they chose to vote the way that they did.)                 A “New American Age,” has officially lifted off the runway of world history as of last week, with the Inauguration of the 45th President of The United States Of America, Mr. Donald John Trump. The event was a very patriotic, and epic one, as millions of excited American citizens flooded the streets of Washington D.C. dipped in red, white, and blue clothing; and baseball caps with Trump’s campaign motto, “Make America Great Again,” on them. Many of these bright eyed citizens look to what many refer to as, “The Don,” to take us out of the ashes of The Great Recession, and a failed foreign policy in regards to Obama’s handling of Muslim terrorism in the Middle East. The main objective, is to take America’s sense of Nationalism, self-sufficiency, and production, to levels that match or even surpass that of our beloved nation’s greatest era …the 1940’s, or otherwise known as, “The World War II era.”(                 United States’ Citizens made sure that they were heard loud, and clear that they were deeply disenchanted with the way that our county has been ran over the past eight years with ultra-liberal politicians who they felt didn’t have their best interests in mind. (  With the Faithful faction of the U.S. population voting as follows for Trump: 81% Evangelical Protestant Christians, 52% Traditionalist Catholics, 58% of other Conservative Protestant Christian Denominations (;  and 39% of Orthodox Jewish voters. (  And this is not even yet considering the 70.6% of Rural Americans spread throughout America’s heartland that pulled for Trump this historic election cycle.                 All of these various sociological elements were made very evident politically with the viewing of “The Donald’s,” Inauguration this past Friday. This could be said considering the reported fact that his Inauguration ceremony broke various records for the most prayer services of any Presidential ‘swearing in event,’ with Jewish, Christian, and Catholic religious icons; such as Evangelical Reverend Franklin Graham(son of famed Evangelist Billy Graham),  Pastor Paula White (who is married to rockstar Johnathan Cain of the band Journey, she is also Trump’s personal Pastor),  Jewish Rabbi Marvin Hier (who runs the Simon Wiesenthal Center here in Los Angeles, California), and Catholic Arch Bishop Timothy M. Dolan ( who serves as lead Cardinal in the New York Archdiocese), all making special appearances to pray, and sermonize over the Ceremony. ( The Rural American demographic was best represented with all of the hard working class references within the Presidential parade, such as, the a team of farmers on tractors, and the high school, and university marching bands from what liberals so harshly mocked as “just fly over states, with backwards, and uneducated people.”                 With this being said, many in Washington D.C. that day saw it as a triumph of the little guy against a so-called, “progressive,” establishment that viewed them with no respect, and as sub-human.  Several here in the very Conservative enclave of Orange County felt the same sentiments as their rural, and religious American brothers and sisters, as they try to find ways to co-exist in the midst of being smack dabbed in the middle of a very highly liberal, Hollywood-esc, state of California. (                 “I do believe that Donald Trump will make America great again,” says Bill T., of Santa Ana, California. “You know, he didn’t have to do this. Trump didn’t have to run for President. He is 70 years old, he is rich, he could have just retired, he could have just gone to enjoy the fruits of his labor. No, he did this, because he actually cares about the nation. Why would he trade in his billion dollar empire to just be president, and only make a few thousands?”                 When asked to elaborate on Obama’s leadership skills, as compared to Trump’s, Bill said the following, “Trump is an international businessman, he has the knowledge of how to fix America’s debt. Obama has endangered our county by letting Muslim terrorists out of Guantanamo Bay Prison. Obama has also allowed dangerous Muslims with a history of crime and violence into our country that Europe kicked out, and didn’t want; and he did so without the vote of Congress, or the American people. This is all Unconstitutional. He then appoints Muslims to high positions within our government that have ties to terrorist organizations like ‘The Muslim Brotherhood.’ And every time that we do get attacked here at home whether it’s Boston, or San Bernardino, Obama just came on the television sarcastically defending them instead of the American people. Then he mocked us by saying that they are, ‘a religion of peace.’ Many Americans do not feel safe within our own nation.”                 In reference to his experience during the past eight years of Obama’s Presidency, Bill summed it up as follows. “With all due respect, Barak Obama successfully brought our great nation down, and kept it down. He managed to do this for all eight years of his presidency. He was never truthful to the people. He didn’t deliver anything good, not the ‘Hope,’ or  ‘Change,’ that he promised. Instead of focusing on fighting real wars with real foreign enemies like ISIS, and Muslim terrorism; he focused on fake, and fabricated ‘social wars’ like defending abortion…murdering innocent children and illegally harvesting their organs on the black market through Cecil Richards and her Planned Parenthood Organization, and on forcing sexual perversion, and gay marriage on American society; all while going against God’s (Jehovah) law…the God that our nation is supposed to trust in.”                 These are very powerful words coming from one of many American citizens who have had enough of the same bad rhetoric of the past administration, and are ready to punch a ticket on the new Trump plane in hopes of flying off into a brighter future.

President Donald J. Trump, Make America Great Again, Judeo-Christian Values, Freedom, Liberty, anti-illuminati freemasons

Redemption News Intel

06/10/2019 07:58 PM 

Abortion Is Murder!
Current mood:  angry

Does The Abortion Industry Target Minorities? By: Constantine Adams                 In light of the recent laws passed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Hillary Clinton back east with their  so-called ‘Reproductive Health Act,’ and the swearing in of California’s new Governor Gavin Newsom, the issues of child murder/ abortion, The Constitution, and America’s future, continue to be hotly disputed topics going into 2019. The state of New York is spear heading this rather drastic abortion legislation, and several other states are looking to follow suit. Some of these states include Iowa, Virginia, Connecticut, and California. ‘The Reproductive Health Act,’ according to a story reported by would allow women to get abortions past the 7 month mark all of the way up to the point of birth. It states that one does not have to be a medical professional to commit an abortion, and that no criminal penalties will come to people who try to perform them. Also, it states that if a person murders a woman who is pregnant, the child’s life no longer matters, and that it would count as just a murder, and not a double murder.                 Susan B. Anthony List released a statement via twitter  referencing the unethical turn of events with the following statement with an attached article. “Let’s be very clear about New York’s  new law permitting abortion for any reason up until birth.” Then after posting an article by Elizabeth Ann M. Johnson, M.D.  titled ‘The Reality of Late-Term Abortion Procedures,’ where she states, “These particularly gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismemberment, and removal of a fetal body from a woman’s uterus.”                 With this being said, many Orange County Residents are now concerned with what could happen here with both our former Governor Jerry Brown, and our new Governor Gavin Newsom, sharing the same sentiment, or lack thereof, as both Cuomo, and Clinton from the east. Many are also concerned with the striking coincidence that Orange County’s local abortion clinics seem to be strategically located in predominately Latino, and Asian, neighborhoods.  As it turns out, there are a little over ten abortion clinics in Orange County, most of which are located in cities like Anaheim, Santa Ana, Westminster, Orange, and Costa Mesa. Almost all of the majority of these abortion clinics are ran by the democratic party’s sweetheart Planned Parenthood.                 “I think it is wrong no matter what the time limit is,” exclaims Ian Vergara, who is a Cal State Fullerton Alumni, and is the former President of The Numen Club. “You have all of these scientists for NASA who explore mars, and they get all excited when they supposedly find one little cell up there, and they call it life; but they think that a zygote, sperm, egg, and the cells that is produces is not a life within the woman. They are gruesome. The democrats are just showing how gruesome they are towards our children.”                 Yet, what is the background of this rather secretive, and notorious, organization that murders over 320,000 children here in America every year according to Well, the company’s inception traces all the way back to a rather racist, and vile, woman by the name of Margaret Sanger. She was a prominent Eugenist who founded the ‘American Birth Control League,’ in 1921 alongside her friend Lothrop Stoddard. Stoddard was a famous author who had just written a book a year before that was titled ‘The Rising Tide Of Color: The Threat Against White World Supremacy.’ The book was officially endorsed by Sanger. (   A Eugenist is a so-called ‘scientist’ who studies, or practices the attempt to improve the human gene pool by encouraging the reproduction of people considered to have desirable traits, and discouraging, or preventing the reproduction of people considered to have undesirable traits; according to Yet, these specific types of individuals like to play God by enforcing their own sick, and twisted ideology of who is fit to live, and those who need to be ethnically cleansed from our society according to race, creed, belief system, or even if the child is to have a physical, mental, or learning disability. “These ideas are disgusting,” says Vergara. “It will destroy America’s reproductive rate in the near future. How are we going to sustain our population? On top of that, who are we to kill off these children? In life, you don’t know the true potential of that human. One of these children can grow up to change the entire world in a very positive way. And when you look at the demographics of who the abortion industry targets; it is almost always minorities. Just how far is all of this madness going to go? Just look at what we are doing with gene testing, and this idea of ‘designer babies.’ So, is it going to be like if and man, and woman, walk into a doctor’s office, and through genetic testing they see that their child is not going to be athletic like they are, and is going to be more of a studious type, they are just going to kill the child, and start over? This is just going to open the door for couples to kill their child for anything.”                 Both Sanger, and Stoddard, would team up, and utilize their ‘American Birth Control League,’ corporation to usher in their diabolical plan called ‘The Negro Project.’ This plan was implemented on purpose to eradicate the black population here in America, and the scientists, doctors, and nurses, who were employed by the American Birth Control League pushed for the performance of forced sterilization of black women, because they felt that the black race was naturally of low intelligence, and were morally, and behaviorally deviant. ( When it was exposed as to what ‘The American Birth Control League,’ was doing, and people started to protest it; Sanger and her corporation changed the name to ‘The Birth Control Federation Of America. Soon though, the American public caught on to this, and found out that this new corporation was in fact the same as the old one, and was being ran by the same exact individuals who were pushing the same exact agenda, Sanger was forced to cover her tracks again, and changed the corporation’s name a final time in 1942 to what is now currently known as ‘Planned Parenthood.’ (                 Soon, Sanger and her Planned Parenthood Corporation, didn’t just stop at black genocide, and infanticide; they would eventually carry their same game plan over to further target Jewish, Latino, and Asian, people as well. After The Supreme Court in an Unconstitutional activist fashion legalized abortion in the Roe vs. Wade decision on January 22, 1973; the Planned Parenthood Corporation would go on to murder 42 percent of minority children by 1991. (                 Fast forwarding to 2019, and it is documented that Planned Parenthood has murdered 60,236,165 children since 1973. This is 320,000 American children every year domestically. A child is murdered within a Planned Parenthood Clinic every 97 seconds. ( “This is a very bad sign that we as Americans do not value human lives,” states Vergara. “It is unconstitutional, all human beings have a right to life. How can certain politicians out there consider killing children to be constitutional?!”                 Even the Guttmacher Institute, (which is an affiliate of The International Planned Parenthood Federation, The United Nations Population Fund, The World Health Organization, and Columbia University), admits on it’s website that the child murder industry (abortion) purposely targets minority children with Planned Parenthood killing 27.1 percent of blacks, 18.1 percent of Latinos, and 16.3 Asians, with 10 percent of abortion being white babies. The Guttmacher Institute’s graphic chart is from October 19, 2017 and even unabashedly states that “racism, and discrimination, plays a major role.” (                 When the following information was made known to Frances Ollivera,(a substitute teacher for the Los Angeles Unified School District), she responded with the following, “it seems like certain government figures, and the abortion industry, are trying to make these actions of abortion ‘ok’ within our modern society. It clearly is not. This is genocide for monetary gain for them. Plus, they lie to young women, and tell them that if they kill their child, that they will save money. This is not true. There are a lot of programs out there who help young mothers with their new child. Either that, or if you really don’t want to take care of your own baby, just give it to a relative, friend, or an adoption agency to raise it. There are others out there who would happily care for it.”                 In an article titled “Baby Brain Development In The Womb,” by, it explains that a baby’s brain starts developing at the moment of conception, (as uncovered by The Long Island Spectrum Center website). By the time a woman is three weeks pregnant, the developing baby gets a groove which supports the foundation of the brain structure. On the day of the child’s birth, that little boy, or girl, will have a brain supercharged with over 100 billion neurons. The article even provides an in depth interactive video proving the findings. A Thomas Moore article titled “When Can I Hear My Baby’s Heartbeat?” for reports that a baby’s heart starts to beat at just 6 weeks. “Clearly, when a child has a heart beat, it is alive!” Exclaims Professor Ollivera. “Yes, it is a human being; and no, it is not Constitutional at all to murder the babies. It is a life being killed illegally when it is in fact guaranteed protective rights, and security within our Constitution. Constitutionally, and legally, it is not correct. It is also not Biblically correct, because Jesus Christ is the one who gives us life, and it is no human’s right to take that away from another individual just because they are too little to protect themselves.”                 Professor Ollivera has worked with children for years, and really has a heart for educating, and nurturing the children that she is sworn to protect. When she shows up to work every day, and sees her students, she just can’t imagine how anyone would want to do them any harm. Yet, she feels that the real harm that no one seems to be talking about is the remorse, and guilt, that hits these women straight in the face after they have murdered their own child. “The consequences for these young women will be suffering mentally, and emotionally. The guilt later on down the line always catches up with them whether they want to admit it or not. It will affect them one way, or another. In Jesus Christ’s eyes, it is murder. The whole process is all wrong, because the baby is alive, and is developed. Any ultra sound will show you this. Abortion is just an excuse for another human being getting off by killing another smaller, and more vulnerable human being. It is all against Christ’s Will.”                 With this being said, how can anyone, politician or otherwise; make the outlandish claims that it is not murder when they abort any child that is in the womb?! Still, this type of blood lust doesn’t just stop there. Now the liberals are trying to push to be able to execute babies up until their actual birthdate. Any doctor will tell you that when a person has brain waves, and a heartbeat, they are in fact alive. Therefore, these children are in fact a little life. Just because they are small, and cannot answer for themselves, or defend themselves, does not make their lives worth any less than any of ours. Throwing the scourge of so-called ‘political correctness,’ aside; let’s just call abortion/child murder what it is. It is unconstitutional. The United States Constitution (Amendment XIV Section 1.) clearly states that, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”                 Anthony Nevilles, (who is an Anaheim resident, and a Cypress College Alumni), shared the following about ‘The Reproductive Health Act.’ “This new law is not Constitutional, and it never will be. Those children have a right to liberty just like you and I.  Instead, we are murdering them. To take away their right to liberty is unlawful, especially when we as Americans are supposed to be the voice of liberty throughout the world. These babies are being slaughtered.” Nevilles would continue to speak some very valid points on the matter. “All of this is proof that America is turning into a socialistic, and dare I say, maybe a communist country. Look at how we are openly disregarding human life. When it comes to killing babies in the womb, China is doing it, Russia did it, and even the National Socialist German Party (The Nazi Party) did it. Who are we to judge these sick societies, when we ourselves are now doing the same? We are now pushing the same culture. Equal rights in America is nothing but a façade, and it has been for some time now. The leftist culture that is trying to take over our country is discriminately picking, and choosing, which people’s lives matter, and which ones don’t. They do this with certain races, religions, and now with these babies…age discrimination. Here in America, the Christian Community calls it satan, Constitutionalists call it socialism, or communism, Patriots call it the Deep State, whatever you want to call them, it is the leftist global elites within our community who are pushing these ideologies on the masses. They want to change America negatively, and want to destroy our Republic.”                 These children have the Christ(God) given rights that we all have under the Constitution. They have the right to their lives, to live, learn, experience, and thrive, in an existence the way that we all do. These babies deserve the liberty to live out their lives, and should be granted their Christ given gift of free will like the rest of us, and should be able to thoroughly shape their own fate, destiny, and purpose, individually, and independently, like the rest of us. These children also reserve the right to grow up, and to create a home for themselves in this world, to find their place amongst society without being scorned. They have the right to earn a living, and to claim their own stake in the world, and to purchase a space in our realm to build a house, a family, and an empire, of their very own. To deprive them of these liberties is satanic, disgusting, and criminal.                 The Constitution guarantees these babies’ right to life. The Supreme Court had no jurisdiction in 1973 in means of violating these inalienable rights that are law of the land through this sacred document. (Article VI Statute 2.) “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”                 If anyone out there is of a minority ethnicity, or creed, and they support the murder, and genocide of their own people; perhaps the previous statistics listed above in this article will further inspire them to take a step back, and to do some serious soul searching…                    

Christian, Pro-Life, Anti-abortion, child murder, protecting children

Redemption News Intel

06/10/2019 10:49 PM 

Dangers of Drug Use...
Current mood:  triumphant

Not Worth It By: Constantine Adams                 The legalization of marijuana is not only a gateway to a disgusting habit, but it is a disgusting can of worms that should not be opened.                 Honestly, why was I forced all of those years back in the 1990’s to participate in all of those stupid and pointless “I promise to remain drug free” red ribbon week events and marches, and those D.A.R.E. t-shirt festivities, when all along the ignorant government was just going to backpedal and give into the same peer pressure that they once warned us youngsters to fight against?                 The indecisive talking heads on Capitol Hill are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites for letting this whole scenario slide. Despite what the so-called government and corporate funded scientists say about how marijuana is “not bad,” and is “completely healthy with no side effects whatsoever,” other more unbiased research states otherwise.                 “It’s not rocket science, this stuff has been known for quite some time,” says Amelia Arria, director for the Center on Young Adult Health and Development. ( Marijuana has been known to carry psychoactive elements within it that cause hallucinations. This hazardous chemical is called “delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol,” or otherwise known as “THC.” As the weed is smoked by someone, the “THC” flows from the lungs directly through the bloodstream. (                 Oh wow, how about that? As if that wasn’t known for decades already? The individuals who are whining and griping to get their guilty little pleasure legalized are the same one’s that did not mature much after sophomore year of high school and went on to do nothing much else with their lives. Unfortunately, most of the people that I went to junior high and high school with that got hooked on the stuff have all wound up high school dropouts, incarcerated, addicted, unemployed, kicked out of their parent’s house, or dead. And when I mean dead, I mean from both using the narcotic substance, or for selling it. An intervention from loved ones, and a trip to an addiction recovery program, or  addiction treatment program would have proved highly beneficial. It would have perhaps even saved their lives. In a USA Today article by David Schick titled “Study:Marijuana use increases risk of academic problems,” it is reported that 33% of college students has  used marijuana at least once in 2011. It has also been proven that the drug greatly hinders student’s ability to retain material that they are supposed to be learning, and negatively effects academic performance according to The University of Maryland School of Public Health.( All this talk about how this drug is supposed to have all of these so-called medical benefits is a load of jargon as well. If that is the case then why don’t hospitals utilize it more than any of the other medications that they use to heal the sick? This is because they have alternative methods of treating certain ailments that are much more safer and effective. If the so-called “miracle seed” as the stoners and potheads so eagerly call it has such magical miracle developing elements, then why haven’t they embraced it more abundantly within the medical field? They must not trust it for a reason right? Arria conducted a study which monitored a total of 1,200 college freshmen over a 10-year time frame. These students were all on weed. What Arria found was shocking,“college students skipping more classes, spending less time studying, earning lower grades, dropping out of college, and being unemployed after college,” were the overall results. She was even able to confirm that smoking marijuana lowered the college student’s IQ by as much as eight points. ( The point that is made here is that even eating or drinking too much of a certain kind of food over and over again for a long period of time can have hazardous side effects whether it’s oranges, steak, coffee containing caffeine, potatoes, or even bread. So, if this is true for some of our everyday foods, even the nutritious ones, then why can’t this same proven concept be believable in regards to the use of a narcotic like marijuana? Colleges and universities should also put more of their government funding , and student tuition cash into on campus drug rehabilitation centers, or other forms if drug rehabilitation facilities; instead of just blowing it off on college athletics, and biased left leaning clubs. What people fail to consider is that not everything that grows on God’s green earth was meant to be utilized or consumed. I have a wooden table in my room. Wood comes from trees, which comes from the earth. Does that mean I should chop the table up and eat it too? I have a metal chain that I wear around my neck. Metal comes from the earth, does that mean I should eat it? How about my cotton pajamas or a silk shirt? Maybe the glass that makes my window? See where I’m going with this? Any science, biology, or chemistry professor will tell you that the human body and lungs were only meant to withhold oxygen and not any other foreign bodies. Just like how fish were only meant to breathe underwater, and die if they are exposed to just plain oxygen or any other element when pulled from their natural habitat, humans too will suffer extreme side effects or will die if they are consistently inhaling foreign pollutance like smog, chemical vapors, paint, ammonia, carbon monoxide, or even cigarette, cigar, and marijuana smoke. “How bad is marijuana for you? It’s even more toxic then that cigarette smoke. Regular users are hit with devastating lung problems as much as 20 years earlier than smokers.” ( And whether the liberal society that we live in wants to thoroughly acknowledge it or not, pot is addictive. “Of the 7.3 million persons aged 12 or older classified with illicit drug dependence or abuse in 2012, 4.3 million persons had marijuana dependence or abuse.”( Another major problem to consider is the fact that if all 50 states within our union all agree in unison to legalize this particular narcotic, other junkies will want to cause a ruckus if they don’t get their way as well. “Some people would say, ‘If they want to do it, great, then it’s no business of ours.’ But, you can bet that those same people will be complaining about all the junkies and welfare cases that will be created by the policy they endorsed.”(  The drugies will have a tantrum and will try to play the discrimination card that has been thrown around way to often as of late.


06/10/2019 07:01 PM 


I'm new here. :)

♥Jessie♥ [06.04.13♥]

06/10/2019 03:22 PM 

Just Because

1. What time is it? 3:11pm2. What is your name? Jessie3. What is your age? 294. Do you have brothers? Yes, 15. What is your favorite color? Midnight blue6. What are you currently doing right now? Listening to the rain 7. Do you have any pets? Yes8. Do you have any Nick names? Shortiey9.What color is your shirt your wearing?grey10. Single, or taken? Taken🖤11.How tall are you?5'112. What is the last thing you drank? Wild Cherry Pepsi13.What did you do today? Cook 14. Where did you go to school at? East liverpool high school 15. Are you still in school? No16. What year did you graduate? 200717. When is your birthday? June 20th18. What is your boyfriends name? Adam🖤19. Do you have a facebook? Yes20. What is your favorite tv show? Ghost adventures21. What is your favorite movie? To many to name22. Are you in a good mood? Yes23. Pepsi or coke? Pepsi24. Facebook or twitter? Facebook25. Do you have Snapchat? Not anymore 26. Do you still live with your parents? No27. Are your parents still married? Yes28. How long have you been with your boyfriend? 6 years🖤29. What is your favorite food? Pineapple chicken30.What was your favorite subject in school? Early childhood education 31. Did you do any sports? Not really32. Are you close to your dad? No33. Are you close to your mom? Yes34. What is your dogs name? I dont have a dog35. What year were you born? 198936.Do you have friends? Barely 37. Where are you from? Ohio38. Have you ever been on a plane ? No39. Ever been to south Carolina ? No40. Been to Washington DC ? No41. Are your nails painted? No42. Do you have a tanning bed ?no43. What is your favorite store?dollar tree44. What is your least favorite store? Idk. 45. Restaurant you last ate at? Burger King 46. Do you have a sister? Not biological ones. 47. Dr.pepper or mountain dew? Dr. Pepper48. Ever been on a cruise? No49. Do you like to go camping? Yes, i love it 50. Been to Disney world? No

mikey misery

06/09/2019 12:43 PM 

what more can i say?

do I keep or reject this ache?after this far, i don't know if this is what I wantI know I don't want them to takethe way I dress away from meI want to stay the samein more than one waycan I just pretend this is alright?when they ask what do I say?


06/08/2019 12:24 PM 

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.



06/07/2003 09:22 PM 

bold what apppliess 2 uuuu
Current mood:  blah

bold what applies to youAppearance:i have blonde hair and green eyesi have red hair and hazel eyesi’m very tall my hair is really curlyi have brown hair and blue or green eyesi have frecklesi have black hair and brown eyesi have dimplesi wear contact lenses i tan easilyi have small eyelashesi paint my nailsClothes / Accessory / Make-up:i hate wearing flip-flopsi don’t have conversei wear foundation every dayi have stretch marks / tattoosi love wearing head bandsi hate wearing mascarai have at least one pair of vansi hate sweatersi love wearing high heelsi own brown eyeliner i love skirts/dressesi own at least 3 pairs of jeansi often wear scarvesi never wear necklacesFamily / Country:i’m the oldest childi have an older brotheri’m from South Americai know how to swear in more than two languages one (or more) of my parents is from another countryi have a younger sisteri have siblings that live in Asiai’m an orphani have family that live in Australiai know two or more languagesSchool / Job:i’m in high school i love historyi have/had a teacher that is great in explaining and actually teachingi got firedi know what i want to do in the futurei don’t do an extracurricular activityi learn more than one language i love mathi already have a jobmy grades are almost never excellent/very goodi want to go to college / university i want to be professional athlete / writer / artistI have:broken a boneridden a motorcyclea best frienda favorite songsung in the showerpunched / slapped somebody told somebody they are prettymy own rooma star crushpetskissed a girl / boy / someoneonline best friendsspent a whole night without sleepinggirlfriend / boyfriend / datefriendI’m afraid of:insects / snakespeople disliking mesomebody yelling at mesomebody finding out a secret about memy favorite character dyingstormy weatherdeathhaving to talk in front of peopleheightspainkissing somebody small roomsI love:sci-fisleeping until 12pmfluffy blanketsanimalsswimming / divingwatching movieschanning tatumpizzahot chocolaterunningbaking / cookingharry pottercold showersmy hairmy wardrobe


06/05/2019 04:47 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

why haven't i uploaded yet?whateve's am i right? hahah....i'm not cool, i'll stop.well, do expect an update here and promises though.welp, on another note. wanna be friends?love music too? like writing songs?hmuuuu 'cause i'm the person for you.let's be buds, bud. :Dlol i'm so dumb eye-

super duper lame lad


06/02/2019 08:30 PM 

Current mood:  energetic

happy pride everyone!!! go out there and be gay and do some f***ing crime!!

yeehaw, pride, pride month, non binary, bisexual


05/29/2019 12:42 PM 

first post!

first post on dis new site!!! luvin da vibe here lulll hope i kan make sum friendz here soon!! >w<


05/28/2019 12:58 PM 

counting down the days till I go
Current mood:  cheerful

MCR reference sorry. But anyway 7 days till i'm out of school and summer begins i won't be on much because i use my school computer to log on usually so i will use my blogging tablet. So yea. I got to eat lunch where i wanted so i did and it was awesome i broke a pringles can because why not. 


05/28/2019 07:24 PM 

Teenage Girl Survey

How many best friends do you have?: 3Have you ever lied to any of them?: yesAre you more confrontational or avoid-problems-at-all-costs?: confrontationalAre you pregnant?: noWhen's the last time you screamed?: probably in the last weekDo you know any foreign languages?: a bit of dutch and germanWhat color is you bookbag?: i dont believe i have oneDo you own DC shoes or Etnies?: no?Who is your favorite teacher?: my third grade teacherWhat about least favorite?: my sixth grade teacherHow many times have you read twilight?: 0Do you know anyone named Basil?: noWhat perfume do you wear, if any?: karma by lushWhat was the last word you wrote down?: nswWho did you see at lunch today?: no one, i eat aloneDo you have a nickname?: ellie, weasel, weeziDo you know anyone that spells their name the same way as you?: yeahWhat are you doing this weekend?: going to a party, and hanging with lucyHow long have you had your myspace?: i've had friend project for like six monthsDo you have AIM?: noIs there a word that you just can't spell?: noDo you shop and KMart?: YES!Do you know your dad's birthday?: yeah its the 7th of JanuaryI say Ahoy, you say...?: YeehoyWhere did you get the shirt you are wearing?: kmartHave you ever learned all the words to a commercial song?: yeahHow many piercings do you have?: 0Do you have good posture?: noAre you good with kids?: yeah actuallyWhat was the last thing you said?: 'yes'What is the oldest someone has guessed you are?: 21What was your favorite movie as a kid?: charlie brownWhat was the scariest thing that happened today?: i was smokin in my room and my mum came homeWhere did your parents get the idea for your name?: the song 'eloise' by the damnedAre you right or left handed?: rightWhat is your favorite place to get pizza?: arthursWhat is your favorite type of movie?: coming - of - ageName three things you want to do before you die.: get married, have kids and go to disneyworldDo you keep a journal or diary?: noHave you ever had champagne?: yesDo you wear lipgloss?: sometimesWhere did you get the shoes you have on?: im not wearing shoes :3What color is your lighswitch cover?: whiteWhen you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?: i wanted to be a psychologistWhat is the closest red thing to you?: my jacketAre you allergic to anything?: eggs and dustWhat was your mom's maiden name?: she never changed itDo you own any boxed sets of DVDs?: yepWhat was your favorite Christmas present last year?: kate spade walletAre you planning on living anywhere besides where you live now?: i wanna move to the usFind the book closest to you. Turn to page 38. Type line 13.: She brings over a pot of white rice with vegetable bits sprinkled over it and a plate of chicken patties.What is your favorite fruit?: grapefruitIs your name Rebecca?: noHave you ever worn pantyhose on your head?: yesDo you want to adopt kids? If so, where from?: maybeHow many pirates do you know?: 100+What has been your favorite age so far?: 10Does it bug you when people use asterisks to show what they are doing?: YES YES YESWhat are you going to study in college?: early childhood educationDo you have a dog?: yesHow about a cat?: noWhat color is your hair naturally?: blondeIf you've seen the Twilight movie, did you notice Stephenie Meyer in it?: noDid you read Amelia Bedelia as a kid?: noWhat was the last song you sang?: hey leonardo by blessid union of soulsHave you ever been in a choir?: yesQuick! Think of a word that starts with M.: mangleDo you like Chinese food?: yesDo you own any Coach purses?: yesWho is your #1 myspace friend?: lucyWhat's the last thing you regret doing?: hooking up with this guy in a parkDo you have a good relationship with your parents?: kindaShowers: morning or night?: nightDo you wear make-up?: yeahIn your opinion, are interacial marriages ok?: the f*** kind of question is this? of courseDo you still sleep with a stuffed animal?: yesDo you say I love you to just anyone?: pretty muchWhat color are your eyes?: greenQuote a line from your favorite song.: she likes me for me, not because i hang with leonardo, or that guy who plays in fargo, i think his name is steveAre you homeschooled?: noWhat are you trying to change about yourself?: i'm trying to love myselfHow often do you check your myspace?: once a monthWhat embarrassed you today?: my big stomachIf you went to New York City today, what would you do?: go to times square and the 9/11 museumHave you ever considered colored contacts?: noHow many people have the ability to make you cry?: most everyone in the worldDo you have an accent? If so, what is it?: i suppose i have an aussie accentCoke or Pepsi?: cokeHave you ever liked someone younger than you?: yesWho messages you the most?: lucy or marcusWho is the most embarrassing person in your family?: meFinish the sentence. I have lost my faith in ...: humanityDoes it bother you when people exaggerate?: yeah a lotHave you ever hurt someone you love?: yeah :(Who was your first celebrity crush?: the redheaded kid from ratatouilleWho will most likely repost this?: nobody :PIf you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind?: blindAre you bored?: yesDo you wear your hair up or down?: down usuallyOff to find another survey, aren't you?: noooo


05/28/2019 07:05 PM 


BaSiC InFoName: moeBirthdate: 29/03/2002Birthplace: sydney, australiaCurrent Location: sydney, australiaEye Color: greenHair Color: dirty blondeHeight: 165cmWeight: 66kgWhat's Your....Zodiac Sign: ariesEthnicity: whiteBody Type: pudgyFavorite Food: sushiFavorite Drink: screwdriverBaseball Team: ?(when) Bedtime: i dont have one lolFavorite Color(s): pink and greyFavorite Letter: eFavorite Number: 7Candy: fantalesFavorite Animal: pigeonFavorite Messenger: the facebook one?Screename: brittaperryFavorite Store: kmartMost Missed Memory: playing in the backyard with my cousinBest Physical Feature: eyes?Overused Phrase: hooley dooleyFirst Thought Waking Up: 'im hungry'Goal for this year: get half my diploma doneWeakness: boys with glassesFears: abandonment, needlesHeritage: dutch/irishLongest Relationship: 1 year and nine monthsSchool's Name: i dont go to school no moreFavorite TV Show: communityHave You Ever....Drank: yesSmoked: smoked what?Dyed Your Hair: yesShoplifted: yesTried To Do The Splits: yesTried To Do A Backbend: yesTried To Do A Cartwheel: yesTried To Do A Handstand: yesTried To Act Perfect: yesGet A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: noSkinny Dipped: noHad Sex: yesKissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: yesKissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: yesBeen Dumped: yesDone Drugs: yesHad A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yesAte Sushi: yesLoved Someone: yesIn A Guy/Gurl....Fav Eye Color: blueFav Hair Color: darkShort or Long Hair: long ish?Height: over 6footWeight: either real skinny or dad bodLooks Or Personality: personalityLove or Money: loveHot Or Cute: cuteDrugs and/or Alcohol: they can get high n drunk with me :)Muscular or Really Skinny: skinny lolSexy or Shmexy----> lmao!: shmexyRandom...: How Do You Want To Die?: fastWhat country do you want to Visit: the usaBeen to the Mall Lately: yeahDo you like Thunderstorms: yeahShower Daily: ...noDo you Sing: yesWant to go to College: yeahCurrent...Clothes: big red puffy coat, grey adidas leggings and grey tshirtShoes: no shoesMake-Up: no makeupHair Do: hair outPhone: iphone 6sPhone Number: nice tryLocation:  homeWeather: windyWebsite(s): friendproject

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