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08/02/2019 02:05 PM 

Current mood:  amused

i have seen the movie like 7 times in the last week??? and it's still the best, maybe because tom hardy is pretty but dumb and i love that, it's just a fun little movie and i have a deeeeep place in my heart for anything spiderman verse related, i love my intergalatic chaotic anti-hero parasite killing machine.i could easily watch an entire series  with eddie and venom just doing their own thing, saving the world and biting ppl's head (literally!!!), also another thing i loooooooooved was the weird noises and faces tom made. it really made the movie better. the thin hoodies. it's a fun movie and jenny slate is amazing, i could listen to her talk for days !!!xoxo


08/01/2019 09:48 PM 

Life is not very good

Things at home get worse every day, it seems.. I'm sick of hearing how much of a disappointment I am. I just want to feel loved, for once in my life,wanted for something other than a quick f***,needed, and not left in the dirt after I've served my purpose.I hate feeling so worthless, like my only job is to please others.I want my life and my individuality and my input to have value to people, but no.Obviously I don't deserve that.Obviously, somewhere along the line, I did something so abhorrent, so despicable,that the whole world turned its back on me.If my own f***ing parents, the people who brought me into this world, don't love me,who does?


07/31/2019 11:38 PM 

Current mood:  hyper

hi i just wanted 2 try dis out!! im babey


07/31/2019 06:30 PM 

It's been a while..

Lots has changed.I've been through too many guys in the last year, trying to fill the hole he left. I gave up on that and stayed single for about 5 months while I figured everything out and learnt how to be less dependent on having a partner.I'm with someone wonderful now, someone who gets me, who isn't abusive but understanding and empathetic, someone I can be open with and who I can trust to be open with me. Now that I'm not in such a bad mental state that I'm constantly scared of my partner hating me or leaving me over the smallest of things, I can truly appreciate the joy he brings to my life. I love him wholeheartedly.I got bullied a lot at college this past year, even by those I would consider my friends, about my style, the music I listened to, my hair, my interests, everything. So I changed myself. After being away from it all for a while, I realised that wasn't what I wanted and I didn't make that decision for myself. I'm more or less back to normal now, and I'm much happier. I'm learning how to not care what anyone thinks again.Things at home are.. difficult. I try to grin and bear it, but it's getting worse. Tensions are rising. I only have one more year to go in this hellhole before I can escape to uni and freedom. I'm thinking of going to Birmingham and studying songwriting/creative artistry! Things are looking up in that sense, at least..It makes me happy to be back on this site again, I feel safe to be completely myself on here.

mikey misery

07/30/2019 11:57 PM 

eighty years.

The room shakes; soon soon.The whiteness is to become black.The getaway car left far too early - the criminal, left behind.Left to answer the police's questions -his crime is unknown to them -a foreign concept.The silence screams at him for all they're yet to find.Bankruptcy. Petty crimes that all add up to make him the perfect candidate for a penthouse prison cell.Looking down from the imagined bars he sees what used to be.Where is his key? His lawyer?His innocence plea?Did he miss his trial?Who was the judge?Will he ever leave his cell again?


07/29/2019 03:54 PM 

lesbian drivel

my chronic shoulder pain is a goddamn nightmare nd i wish a cute girl would massage my shoulders bc they always hurt : - (i am so sleepy but have u noticed how beautiful women are like...holey hell !! theyre so stunning and pretty and they make me wanna craft bracelets immediately. i love u have some ...beads. i get so O_O around girls bc idk what to DO i just get possessed by the gay and im like oh f*** oh jeez yknow? it sounds silly but its painfully real. but at the same time i just..want to spend time with a girl bc i have dumb jokes and i know constellation things and i write dumb poetry in my dumb gay handwriting and it is just....wowie wow girls make me behave strangely

im fucking gay 2k19

Nico Necrovorous

07/24/2019 07:01 PM 


A thing settles into the concrete castleMy form is sickly among the fake lightsVials upon vials for me to shatterAs I control the kingdom which contained meThe trembling form I take repulsesBut I know I am free.I ate the Bishops wholeMy soul rendered necrovorousIf man becomes what he consumesLet the world know I am NicoHis form absorbed, as all the NineTheir pain and punishment becomes meI will rip every symbol of oppressionAnd mock it, ingest it, reform itLet my red show and let my brothers knowThat I have made us free.

Nico Necrovorous

07/23/2019 06:46 PM 

Un†i†led Pøem 4

I think about you and my heart swellsI am disgustedMy soul yearns for a sententious bastardNihilistic fantasies of noir and neonBegging for my hand, my fist, my mindHis cravings blocked by a facadeI will rise high above him, but as I riseI look back to him and plead to himRise for me, fight with meMy philosophy stems from youI think about you and my hate swellsI am delighted

poems, my poems


07/23/2019 01:11 PM 

Current mood:  cheerful

i still dont know how to use dis xD anyway ab me im just another motherfudker tryna revive scene culture and live my best scene queen life in 2019 anyway ill b 17 very soon and im a lesbian and asexual cx my fav colors are pink and green and black but blacks not a color LOLi love: lps, sanrio, rats, cats, ferrets, vampires, scenecore, rainbowz, ocs, skittlez & monster energy, animals, cute sh*t, leopard print, making art, stuffed animals, piercings + tons more sh*theres ma tumblr where im most activeand thats it fer now cx see ya soon

intro, welcome,

✟ st. abby ✟

07/23/2019 03:26 AM 

To Yearn

yeah maybe too many people have me under their thumbsbut it's the warmest place i've ever beenit means everything to me, so it means nothing to yousomeday i'll find a way to turn back time to the moments i never got to experienceone star one wish two eyes you saw me once and i'll never forget itbecause i'm in your memory somewhereand every face in your dreams is a face you've seen before, even if you don't rememberyou've been in mine a million times and i'm waiting for the day i'm in yoursthe thought makes my heart clench(it-does-whatever-you-tell-it-to-anyway)abbyx

Nico Necrovorous

07/23/2019 01:01 PM 

Un†i†led Pøem 3

Have you ever met a manWhose existence was your broken mirrorEmbodiment of stolen secretsYour psyche wouldnt let you keepYou can swear you know the truthYou can scream it to the heavensBut all you can see is a projectionHe feels like youDid you birth him from your soul?That must be the only wayAll your foulest fears could manifestSo now you sit in your fearDont meet him; Dont trust him; Dont lookFor if he gazes in your eyesHe can see your soul, your soulsDont see him; Dont touch him; Dont lookHe’ll take your soul for himself

poem, my poems,

Nico Necrovorous

07/23/2019 12:26 PM 

Un†i†led Pøem 2
Current mood:  melancholy

I manipulate existenceHow hard is that? Nothing never existsProcessing a thought, an emotion, a conceptBrings the exact thing to beWhat is the point of fighting?Existing exists, that much we knowExistence never dies, only changes with assistanceA sparkle, a birth, a life, a corpseAll things just a stone’s throwNo more a distance than love from abhorrenceI manipulate existenceI lift the stone and I throwLooking to you, my beloved? My hated?It is up to you to decideYou manipulate existence

poems, my poems


07/22/2019 10:10 PM 

Current mood:  tired

so, typing in all caps with numbers replacing letters takes longer, so when i make a blog post, expect this. alright. hey, my name is [ ryan ]lmao i had to, sorry dan.  so, little introduction ig, my name is ryan, im 13 and a gay trans dude. i adore mcr and dan and phil. even though my profile appears to be more scene, i actually mainly emo. i just like the look ig. im also really sluggish and slow, so using all caps and the numbers and stuff makes me seem more energetic ig.  im really boring and sh*t sorry.  and awkward. 


07/22/2019 08:23 PM 

Journal # 66

       I finally found out about my car. The damn thing is f***ed. Like, not worth keeping anymore, f***ed. I guess the car overheating totally screwed up the engine. The most important part to your car and the most expensive part to replace (I think). I might end up getting a new one. My parents gave me several different options. The first option is to trade it in and get a newer used car. The second option, is that I could sell it to the dealership and make 500$ off of it. They could use my car for car parts or some sh*t. The third option, is to get a loan and get a car. I have no clue what we are going to do. I will find out tomorrow when I see my mom for my court date.        I have been packing like crazy. I have so many things that I need to get done in ten days before our lease is up. Me and Kenny have no idea where we are going to go, but worst comes to worst, we can always live in my 12 person tent. I got it just in case times get tough like right now. It's big enough to live in for sure. I wanted to go camping this summer with it, but I don't think that is whats going to happen. We might end up living in it instead of going camping. I love camping so it wouldn't be that bad...well I hope that is lol.       Besides all this negative ass bullsh*t, I had a great time hanging out with Korri the other night. We ended up getting super smashed at my parents house and then went to the Black Bear to finish off the night. We ended up running into a women that I used to baby sit for there. Apparently Korri had met her before and totally has a girl crush on her. She said she would totally do her lol. For me this is completely and totally weird. I had a great relationship with her children. I am glad that it happened though because I always thought she hated me and I always felt kinda intimidated by her but in all reality, shes nothing like that at all. She ended up coming to my parents house and hung out with us after the bar. We all smoked weed and goofed off till it was like 5 am. It was so funny because the birds were chirping and Korri kept saying to us that the birds were mocking her lol. It was f***in hilarious! I really needed that! Not only did we have a really fun night, but I also found out that Cindy actually does like me. She said me teaching them to ding dong ditch was awesome.        I am now reading "The Boxcar Children". I got two of those books from the Little Libraries! I am so happy because that is one of the book series that I really wanted to read. I only have two of the books but thats a good start. I want to buy all of them and collect them. I feel like I am a bit of a book collector. I want to read and own, The Boxcar Children, The Series Of Unfortunate Events, Rhold Doll's Books, The Magic Tree House Books, and another series I can't remember the name of.  


07/22/2003 07:03 PM 

Hello World
Current mood:  accomplished

こんにちは (Konichiwa (hello in Japanese)) I'm new on this site and hope to make a lot of friends with similar interests! Please contact me if you like what you see and want to be my friend. I don't bite... Often xP

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