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11/13/2019 08:12 PM 

Tech week!!!!!

tech week for my production of a midsummer nights dream starts today and I am HYPED lol. like am I gonna b exausted yes, but will it be fun,  YES


11/13/2019 07:34 PM 

guitar string snapped xP
Current mood:  angsty

today marks the first time that i snapped a guitar string. idk why i wanted to make a post about this but??unhappy about it but hey i can always replace it  


11/12/2019 05:11 PM 

Current mood:  nostalgic

The year is 2009.It's New Year's Eve.You're sat with your friends in your crush's bedroom, listening to music and painting each other's nails.You laugh about the things that have happened in the 2000s, and question what the new decade will bring.As the clock ticks and the decade draws to a close, your crush pulls you to one side."Let's ring in the new year with style, huh?"Your lips meet as your friends shout "happy new year!", clink their cans together and watch the fireworks on the TV.Away from the stress of your home life, your school, your future,you're happy.Life is simple.

idk, nostalgia


11/11/2019 04:38 PM 

Time is passing by hella fast
Current mood:  anxious

Okay so my friend just turned 17 a few days ago and that was all fun and games until I realized that I turn 18 in exactly 2 months! (January 11th) Like holy sh*t, time goes by really fast and I'm not catching up fast enough. I don't want to become an adult, get a job, pay taxes and get my own place... okay that last part sounds fun to be honest. But Jesus I'm not ready for this. Hell nooo!But there's definetly good things about becoming an adult as well. I'll be able to get any piercings and tattoos I want so that's exciting! I will be able to go on trips on my own without my parents permission and this guy l o v e s travelling so that'll be fun! 

birthday, anxious


11/10/2019 11:04 PM 


Hello its mike l I'm new to this site hope it works out


11/10/2019 07:02 PM 

kandi laces

ok so, at 1am i decided to put kandi on my vans laces, and this was the result.:

kandi, vans, scene teens, emo kids,


11/10/2019 01:13 PM 


Hi guys! It's Nicole (from YTcinemaPenguin) and this will be my very first post on the Blog! I'm starting a blog. I'll post my life, movies, TV series, games and other things i like.. Kisses.Have a great time.


11/10/2019 10:05 PM 

Current mood:  crazy



11/08/2019 04:30 PM 

Stanza 4

Vats er þörfþeims til verðar kømrþerru ok þjóðlaðargóðs um œðisef sér geta mættiorðs ok endrþöguWater and towles and welcoming speech,should he find who comes to the feast;If renown he would get, and again be greeted,wisely and well must he act.


11/08/2019 05:06 PM 

Hi everybody!
Current mood:  good

Hi everybody! I heard of this site a long time ago but was never able to find it.. but now I finally did so I thought I'd give it a try since I really miss the old Myspace. So I'm a newbie here just so you'all know✌❤


11/07/2019 07:19 PM 

Current mood:  enthralled

Hi, Hello human user! I'm Rain and I'm here just with an introduction of what soon is about to be my ranting about certain bands or life problems, you know, the normal stuff I guess. So, I'm Rain, just a girl who puts the emo in lemon better than Gerard Way can, (obviously a self-proclaimed statement). I'm a typical writing and drawing person, I also enjoy different music types, so really a lot is going to be ranted about. Our first topic is MCR and the fact they're getting back together because good god, I had a feeling they'd come back and uh, they did. I know it's just a reunion tour but maybe they'll come together again to maybe make some more Music, since Gerard said he was doing what the Smashing Pumpkins did, or similarly at least. I've read that in a few articles and who knows, I'm probably wrong. Let's also not forget that Rage Against the Machine is also coming back! Maybe not exciting for some, but some would disagree, of course. In other news, apparently, there are several underrated bands making a comeback in the following months and I'm personally hyped. Bands like Youth In Revolt and Beyond Unbroken are coming back soon and I'm just so excited! I've been living off 6 god-damned songs from B.U for the past, like 2 years or so, but that's not real important I guess.Anyways, in more, personal news, I love being called a freak when I leave my house. I mean, just because I'm different from everybody else doesn't mean that it needs to be forcefully pointed out, like damn. I mean, it doesn't bother me much because I'm aware of my differences compared to all the surrounding idiots, but I guess somebody else noticed too.  I wish people would mind their own damn business and not be so worried about the fact I wear black all the time. It's not like I'm hurting people with my clothes so, I don't see the issue??? I mean I know I'm blind but for damn darn diddly sake, it shouldn't matter. Well that's been enough about me I guess for today, anyways I appreciate you if you read all the way through because I know, reading is gross.Anyways, that's all for tonight and until next time!- Rain 



11/07/2019 09:46 PM 

Facebook Vacation
Current mood:  content

Facebook has become so filled with ignorance and obnoxiousness that I needed a vacation from it. I'm incredibly happy that I came across this site because for months I have wanted to go back to the good ole Myspace days. I have found that a lot of the coding for Myspace no longer works properly which is a bummer but I look forward to customizing this page, to the best of my ability, to reflect who I am. My hope is that my friends will flock this way and Facebook will become a thing of the past. We'll see though. I'll be working on this page for quite awhile between working, school, and being a mom but it's a great hobby to have too!


11/06/2019 03:57 PM 

Stanza 3

Elds er þörfþeims inn er kominnok á kné kalinnmatar ok váðaes manni þörfþeims hefir um fjall faritHe hath need of fire, who now is come,numbered with cold to the knee;food and clothing the wanderer craveswho has fared o'er the rimy fell.


11/06/2019 05:17 PM 


I go through phases of disinterest in this website, in alternativeness in general. It normally coincides with my depressive phases.This stuff makes me happy, but it also makes me different and gives people reason to mistreat me.Sometimes I'll see something and it makes every bone in my body ache to go back to a simpler time.I didn't care back then. Yeah, people bullied me but I didn't care. I was confident enough in myself to just flip them off and go on with my day. I had friends, music that I loved without abandon, I was happy.Now all I do is overthink. I criticise everything I wear, do, say, create until I hate it all. I am embarrassed of myself. I am ashamed to be myself.I wish I could exist in a space where there was only me, me and the things I love. I used to have that - I could escape to a fantasy world and do whatever the f*** I wanted with no consequences.But now even my dreams are haunted by the people in my life who ridicule everything I am. I have no escape anymore.I want to be free, I want to go back to that happy place, but I can't.


11/05/2019 09:25 PM 

Playing late 2000s childhood games
Current mood:  nostalgic

Its been forever since I’ve logged on here lolI’ve been playing some of my favorite games that I used too, like wizard101 and roblox. I loved those games, and it turns out I still do. It’s hard to find old games on roblox now but it’s still fun to find the ones I used to play. I never got to have a membership for wizard101 so my play time as a child was just replaying wizard city. But know I have some money of my own and it’s alot of fun. A bit grindy but that’s expected tbh. Idk what else to talk about, if anyone wants to play wizard101 just message me!

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