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コタニ キンヤ

12/01/2019 10:10 PM 

Current mood:  apathetic

Hi uhhhhhhhh if u are an invader zim or hazbin hotel fan ur not gonna get accepted LMAO abuser apologists get no rights challenge!!!!! >:3cccc Fujoshis also suck my phat dlck lololololol


12/01/2019 05:30 PM 

Happy December everyone :)
Current mood:  chill

Happy December everyone :D It does not feel like December! XD once it snows for real, then I might get the christmas spirit                                          

#christmas #december #spongebob #happydecember #winter


11/30/2019 01:23 PM 

I cut my hair!
Current mood:  handsome

My mohawk has gone into retirement, because I shaved my head! I feel so badass and masculine, and I feel like it really suits me. I don't have any good pics of me with my new hair yet, but when I do you'll see :PP

hair update, shaved head, happy


11/29/2019 08:16 PM 

"Would You Rather" || movie review #1
Current mood:  amused

"would you rather" is an hour and a half horror/thriller film. here's the basic run down of reviews for the film--scored 59% by 22 critics on rotten tomatoes, and 36% by 2.8k+ audience members as of 11/29/2019. scored 5.7/10 by 33.9k+ members on imdb as of 11/29/'s the basic run down of the plot--a young woman, iris, struggles to financially support her terminally ill brother, raleigh, and is in desperate need of money. after discussing with a wealthy aristocrat and her brother's doctor, she's offered to play a game at a dinner party with the chances of winning a large sum of money. she unknowingly accepts to play a sadistic game of would you rather with several other's the basic run down of  basic information for the film--originally released 14th of october in 2012 for screamfest [ a yearly horror film festival ].officially released on the 9th of july in 2013 with dvd and blu-ray premieres in the US.directed by david guy levy and written by steffen schlachtenhaufen.iris is played by brittany snow. [ main character ]shepard is played by jeffrey combs. [ main character ]raleigh is played by logan miller. [ iris' brother ]here's the basic run down of my personal opinions--it was.... alright?i didn't quite understand the really positive reviews, or the extremely negative ones, which is something i'll get into very soon!is it worth the watch?not really. if you can get your hands on it on a platform such as netflix or some other program that provides it with other things to watch besides the singular movie itself, then yes, i'd say it's worth the watch. but i wouldn't ever suggest buying physical or digital copies of the movie personally. more detailed opinions of the movie--it's nothing wasn't the best thing i've ever seen, but it wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen ever either. i didn't get all of the good reviews the most. a lot of people said it was well done and thrilling, but i could find it everything except that. i thought the writing, acting, concepts, etc. had a lot of potential, but it was all very poorly executed. abrupt cut offs of scenes or extremely harsh ends to some of them, it's hard to say what the movie was actually trying to achieve. at first i had believed that it was the point. that life wasn't as rewarding and as patient as media played it out to be... but this movie was far from realistic, so i don't think that they were trying to play the realism card. in media, if you want to grip onto the watchers and keep them, you have to make them interested.this movie did a very poor job of doing that. like i was saying earlier, scenes were cut off so quickly, i couldnt even process what i thought of the character. almost every. single. character. was so unlikable. and if they weren't, they died in  the first few minutes. they could have achieved better build up and likeness with characters if they just... slowed the pacing down a bit.but still somehow not the worst.i did find SOME scenes thrilling, however few there was that did that, it happened. and i think that was generally the whole point, somewhere along the lines. i also think u were suppose to hate some of the characters. you don't know their motives, you don't know what caused them to be there most of the time, and that's why you'd grow to hate their choices. it was a lose-lose situation. honestly? i'd rate it a 4/10. it's obviously on the much lower side of things, but.. im glad some people enjoyed it more than i did!

movie review, review, reviews, movies, movie,


11/30/2019 11:15 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

making some traditional ramen today and i’m really excited :)

コタニ キンヤ

11/30/2019 11:01 PM 

ew haha
Current mood:  tired

ive been doing sh*t liek this all night now i gotta go do some CHORES F*** THATimgoing to sleep after that goodnight.f***a you


11/28/2019 10:53 PM 

lawrences scene and emo quiz!
Current mood:  lethargic

okay. i just filled out this whole thing, taking about thirty minutes, then accidentally hit the back button. haha. that was upsetting. im gonna fill it out all over again anyway, though! ps, long time no see to the blog section. i like reading other peoples survey answers, and i like filling them out, so even though i know most people wont read this im going to do it for the second time. woohoo.NAME?:cyril elijah! or cyril, or elijah, or cyr, or eli. whatever floats your boat.PREFERRED PRONOUNS?:i primarily use he/him, but im okay with they/them as well.SEXUALITY?:gay. i used to be all specific about my sexuality and gender but now im like alright whatever. im a gay guy. haha.DO U PREFER SCENE OR EMO?:emo, personally.WOULD U CONSIDER URSELF SCENE OR EMO?:from a mindset and media consumption standpoint, yes.IF YES, WHICH ONE?:emo is forever. :]HOW LONG HAVE U BEEN AN EMO/SCENE KID?:since... like... forever. i wanted to be emo from elementary school, got into scene in 5th grade, started listening to emo pop in 6th grade, stopped in 8th, started listening to midwest and revival stuff in 9th grade, and now were here in 12th grade.WHAT'S UR FAVORITE COLOR(S)?:unironically black.WHO R U MORE LIKELY TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH-- SCENES OR EMOS?:probably emos, just because im pretty introverted and bookish. but scene teens are fun to party with!FAVORITE ARTIST/BAND?: the brave little abacus, i think.TOP THREE FAVORITE SONGS?:lets go with pile! no pile! pile! by the brave little abacus, i know its over by the smiths, and either beach life-in-death or the gun song by car seat headrest.MAKE A PLAYLIST FOR UR CURRENT MOOD?:chemicals - tigers jawflowers - father figurecaught in a flood with the captain of the cheerleading squad - i hate myselfnarash*te - haru nemuricartoon network - black dresseschiritori - shinsei kamattechan800db cloud - 100 gecsFAVORITE PLACE TO GET UR MUSIC FROM?:for vinyl, i go to atlantic sounds and rainbow records when i have the cash. ive gotten some good finds at goodwill, too, usually cds. for downloads, i go to sophies floorboard, soulseek, bandcamp, and /mu/. when it comes to finding new music to listen to, i sift through, rym, /mu/, and chat with fans of bands i already like.DO U DOWNLOAD MUSIC?:yes. i used to only get physical music, but its too expensive and my taste started getting prohibitively obscure.DO U THINK "POSERS" EXIST?:yes. people who are just in it for the image kind of sketch me out. and people who dont really know about any music deeper than the basics of the genre. im always excited to share deeper cuts with those people, though!THOUGHTS ON "PREPS"?:actually a very useful word, along with normie, to denote people who listen to the radio, are kind of mean to me, and have no mental illnesses. nothing wrong with being a prep. but it is a certain type of person.WHAT KIND OF HAIRSTYLE DO U HAVE?:an unruly mane of curls.HAVE U EVER DYED UR HAIR?:yeah. blue (with non-bleach dye that didnt last long) over the summer and dark brown about a month ago.HAVE U EVER PUT DYED PATTERNS IN UR HAIR?:nope! i was super into coontails as a kid though, haha. i wanted that sh*t so bad.DO U CURRENTLY USE HAIR EXTENSIONS?: nope.HAVE U EVER USED HAIR EXTENSIONS?:nooope.IF YES, WHAT KIND WERE THEY? ( CLIP INS, BEADS, ETC! ):n/a.DO YOU WEAR KANDI JEWELRY?:yup!IF YES, WHAT KIND OF KANDI JEWELRY IS YOUR FAVORITE TO WEAR?:i like single-strand bracelets and anklets, mainly, with band names and the like, stacked high up on my forearms.IF NO, DO YOU STILL LIKE KANDI JEWELRY?:n/a.IF YES, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE TO SEE ON OTHERS?:i love to see people with those big-ass cuffs or giant layered stacks of bracelets!KANDI BEADS ON SHOELACES, YAY OR NAY?:hell yes. i have a bunch, including some that say 'invader zim' and 'true love will find you in the end'.IF U COULD, WHAT KIND OF KANDI JEWELRY WOULD U MAKE?:i do make kandi! but i would love to have some necklaces or maybe try my hand at a cuff.IF U COULD, WOULD U SELL KANDI JEWELRY?: ive sold some to friends for $1 and given it out for free too. i think its nice to give it for free, though, in the spirit of plur and all.DO YOU COLOR YOUR NAILS?:yup.IF YES, WHAT COLOR(S)?:ive had phases of mustard, olive, jade, maroon, and bubblegum pink, but i always end up going back to painting them black.DO YOU WEAR MAKEUP?:i put some on about half the time, and the other half of the time theres some left over from the night before and smudged all over my eyes. haha.IF YES, WHAT'S UR FAVORITE KIND OF MAKEUP?:i only wear black eyeliner and mascara. :p not too heavy and usually a bit smudged.FAVORITE EMO KID?:adam demirjian. :].FAVORITE SCENE KID?:i loved audkitch as a kid.WHAT KIND OF WRITING STYLE DO U HAVE? ( HARDCORE SCENE, HARDCORE EMO, NORMAL, ETC ):im assuming this is about typing. i guess i type kind of like an emo kid.EXAMPLE OF UR EVERY DAY WRITING?:on this website i type a bit more formally and reserved, but if you get to know me you can receive wonderful good morning texts like "holy f*** i just had a dream that my stepmom was going to grt a tattoo and i got peer pressuredbinto getting f***ign piakchu tattooed onnktnwr" once you unlock my fun side.R U OPEN TO FRIENDSHIPS?:yeah! im horrifically lonely! but im also very bad at starting and maintaining conversations.HOW DID U FIND FRIENDPROJECT?: i think from browsing scenecore tumblr.DO U HAVE ANY SCENE/EMO FRIENDS IRL?:yeah!IF YES, WHICH ONE? ( BOTH, JUST SCENE, JUST EMO, ETC. ):i have a super cool scene friend named rhys! hes got crazy awesome hair! and i have some friends like my friend dylan who seem to know every mildly popular emo band in existence, or my friend tommy whos in every local band and at every local show... :]WOULD U SAY U HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF EMO/SCENE STUFF?:yeah, of course.IF YES, WHAT IS IT LIKE, IF UR WILLING TO SHARE?:im an excellent student. on my second year in a row of a 5.0 gpa. i read books and watch movies. i ride my bike a lot. i do art. i have, like, 5 mental illnesses so i... try to keep that under control. haha.IF NO, WHAT GOT U STARTED ON SCENE/EMO STUFF?:n/a. but i got into it because i wanted to be like my friends cool older brothers.R UR FRIENDS/FAMILY ACCEPTING OR UR EMO/SCENE LIFESTYLE?:they might make fun of it every once in a while, but yeah.DO U WEAR UR SCENE/EMO STUFF TO WORK OR SCHOOL?:i dress mostly in baggy jeans and jewel tone sweaters. haha. but i also wear a lot of kandi and emo band shirts. i think i dress kind of like the 1999 seventeen magazine "are you emo" spread. haha. i want to look like i live at the american football house.IF YES, WHAT KIND OF REACTIONS DO U GET?:i used to get made fun of for wearing kandi when i started a few years ago! but nowadays i get a lot of compliments because i dont dress quite like anyone else.IF NO, WHY NOT?:it is hard to buy a whole new wardrobe when you dont have much money! and i like being comfy and i like sweaters and baggy pants... but i do sort of give off emo vibes, apparently.HOW DID THIS SURVEY MAKE U FEEL?:i get sort of on edge when discussing my own emoness. a lot of people on this site probably look way more emo than me. but i dont know how many are into the music and the philosophy of it as much. either way, i had fun filling it out.ENDING COMMENTS?:emo is about the music. :]NAME?:PREFERRED PRONOUNS?:SEXUALITY?:DO U PREFER SCENE OR EMO?:WOULD U CONSIDER URSELF SCENE OR EMO?:IF YES, WHICH ONE?:HOW LONG HAVE U BEEN AN EMO/SCENE KID?:WHAT'S UR FAVORITE COLOR(S)?:WHO R U MORE LIKELY TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH-- SCENES OR EMOS?:FAVORITE ARTIST/BAND?: TOP THREE FAVORITE SONGS?:MAKE A PLAYLIST FOR UR CURRENT MOOD?:FAVORITE PLACE TO GET UR MUSIC FROM?:DO U DOWNLOAD MUSIC?:DO U THINK "POSERS" EXIST?:THOUGHTS ON "PREPS"?:WHAT KIND OF HAIRSTYLE DO U HAVE?:HAVE U EVER DYED UR HAIR?:HAVE U EVER PUT DYED PATTERNS IN UR HAIR?:DO U CURRENTLY USE HAIR EXTENSIONS?: HAVE U EVER USED HAIR EXTENSIONS?:IF YES, WHAT KIND WERE THEY? ( CLIP INS, BEADS, ETC! ):DO YOU WEAR KANDI JEWELRY?:IF YES, WHAT KIND OF KANDI JEWELRY IS YOUR FAVORITE TO WEAR?:IF NO, DO YOU STILL LIKE KANDI JEWELRY?:IF YES, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE TO SEE ON OTHERS?:KANDI BEADS ON SHOELACES, YAY OR NAY?:IF U COULD, WHAT KIND OF KANDI JEWELRY WOULD U MAKE?:IF U COULD, WOULD U SELL KANDI JEWELRY?: DO YOU COLOR YOUR NAILS?:IF YES, WHAT COLOR(S)?:DO YOU WEAR MAKEUP?:IF YES, WHAT'S UR FAVORITE KIND OF MAKEUP?:FAVORITE EMO KID?:FAVORITE SCENE KID?:WHAT KIND OF WRITING STYLE DO U HAVE? ( HARDCORE SCENE, HARDCORE EMO, NORMAL, ETC ):EXAMPLE OF UR EVERY DAY WRITING?:R U OPEN TO FRIENDSHIPS?:HOW DID U FIND FRIENDPROJECT?: DO U HAVE ANY SCENE/EMO FRIENDS IRL?:IF YES, WHICH ONE? ( BOTH, JUST SCENE, JUST EMO, ETC. ):WOULD U SAY U HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF EMO/SCENE STUFF?:IF YES, WHAT IS IT LIKE, IF UR WILLING TO SHARE?:IF NO, WHAT GOT U STARTED ON SCENE/EMO STUFF?:R UR FRIENDS/FAMILY ACCEPTING OR UR EMO/SCENE LIFESTYLE?:DO U WEAR UR SCENE/EMO STUFF TO WORK OR SCHOOL?:IF YES, WHAT KIND OF REACTIONS DO U GET?:IF NO, WHY NOT?:HOW DID THIS SURVEY MAKE U FEEL?:ENDING COMMENTS?:


11/28/2019 01:30 PM 

Current mood:  happy

happy thanksgiving ya'll

happy thanksgiving


11/27/2019 05:43 AM 


i w0k3 up @ 3 2d4y...d0wnl04ding d4ng4nr0np4 rn


11/25/2019 02:20 PM 

um idk
Current mood:  bored

HIIIII itz bunzie and i'm kinda new to this website o.Oi just wanted to kinda introduce myself cuz no one rlly knows me here. if u've already read my profile then good 4u >.<im a big weeb and i luv anything japanese. i like 2 draw and make music. i have a broad taste in music and i love meeting new ppl! if u wanna chat just send me a message and i'll reply whenever i get online heheso ya thatz about it. i just wanted a small lil post 4 u guuuuyz cya xP

blog, about me, intro, uwu


11/24/2019 07:16 PM 

Current mood:  calm

I do the arting sometimes, I would like to post one picture everyday I suppose. They are digital and or pen, and most of them are either disturbing because they are creepy or its just from a fandom lmao.

art, danganronpa, kokichi


11/24/2019 06:32 PM 

Bored asf
Current mood:  adored

How life everyone ? I’m just bored and typing this. Rn I’m laying down and on my phone like always lol. Have good day 


11/24/2019 04:33 PM 

Current mood:  bummed

i rarely feel like i’m actually here anymore. it’s kinda like i’m on the verge of disappearing and i have no idea who i actually am. tbh i’ve been having an identity crisis for a while now but i don’t think i could deal with dissociating on top of that :|

✟ st. abby ✟

11/24/2019 02:52 PM 


do not fall in love with me.for you are only one of many and i break every heart i, this blood only belongs to man. one star. when i close my eyes i only see himand if you get me into a corner, his name is the only one that spills from my head is not to be turned because every inch of my mind has "HIM" carved into it, and i'm nothing but devotion is not to be tested. (you-shall-not-have-any-gods-before-me)i think you'll find yourself all colours of hand me the ladder, 'cause you've got me up on this pedestal and i'm scared of heights.a x b x b x y


11/24/2019 02:13 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

ok so today this girl came up to me and was like how can you even see and I was like with my eyes she was like well I don't see your eyes but then e was like how many fingers am I holding up i was like2 she said hm well I hope your hair gets middle parted and you would look better if you looked normal I waz like ummmmmmmm   whhhy are some people like this whyyyyyyyyy

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