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02/06/2020 12:44 PM 

Dear diary #2

Ufff where is the pink font guise???Hiiiiii its me Clara again :-3So I said, I will ask alex ♥ , tomorrow, umm today! *tuck* I had the girly bollz 2 offer him*giggles* he said YES. *tuck* F*** yes! *tuck* He told me he has a girlfriend for 2 years now, omg I didn't knew when we had sex *tuck* He said I could be his side lover cuz im HOT *tuck* I said I kno *tuck* we are secretly together *tuck* but I feel jealous of his gf, she like.. has greater baloons *tuck* he said its nothing to worry about because im younger and hot *tuck*OK ALEXIsn't he sweet? *tuck*Dont feel jell bitchez, LUV U ALL MUA ♥


02/05/2020 11:26 PM 

Current mood:  awake

hewwooohow are you????


02/05/2020 10:20 PM 

Dear diary #1
Current mood:  hot

*tuck* hello, my name is Clara and im hot and my daddy is rich so im rich (yaay). I go to school in high heels and I love 2 partaay. *tuck* I lost my virginity today to Alex (omgomg) he is like 21 - so what if he is 7 years older omg shutup you jell haters *tuck* my besties all non virgin years before me. *tuck* I dont wanna be the nerd na-ahAlex is hawt and has tattoos *tuck* totally wanna be his girlfriend. I will ask him tomorrow OMGOMG it$ tomorrow hold fingers 4 me guiseMUA ♥ ♥

Silver Note

02/03/2020 11:30 PM 

About done
Current mood:  aggravated

How long does it take for a doctor to sign a death certificate???


02/03/2020 09:44 PM 

Memorial for Myla
Current mood:  distraught

Hollow Knight, Myla


02/03/2020 01:19 PM 

hi hi

.....what if we kissed in da cemetery.....and we were both gurlz....  


02/02/2020 09:53 PM 

Watever 2
Current mood:  envious

I'm sooo done with being in my house but patiently waiting until I turn 18 

get me outta here


02/02/2020 02:30 PM 

Today started of greaatt
Current mood:  annoyed

Honestly I'm am so hopeless when it comes to technology lol I'm a gen z kid I'm supposed to know this stuff! I guess I'll just have to do some research lol also I have a f***ing AWFUL ear infection rn and its sucksss


01/31/2020 10:16 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

WOOOOOOOOOOOO I think I'm finally getting this it took me like 3 hours but I like how it turned out!!!! XD


01/30/2020 04:14 PM 

Journal # 71

I'm staying home from work today. I just really didn't feel like going into work today. I would rather get some work done on my apartment. I plan to do a bunch of stuff today. My main problem is the pile of sh*t that needs to be put away and sorted through piled against the wall. All I got to do is go through those bad boys and then the rest is easy. It's just picking up and cleaning the house really. I got mostly everything set up here. I went to my parents house and they had sense then condensed all the boxes and I don't have a sh*t tone left now there. The sooner I get those other boxes gone and out of here, the sooner I can get the rest of my stuff and then go through that stuff too. I plan to give myself a break though. Once I get my apartment cleaned and all that sh*t, I am going to take a break and just grab a few boxes at a time and put away only a few at a time. That way it doesn't add too much clutter to my apartment and it looks less intimidating for me. I keep avoiding doing it because I just don't want to do it. I would rather vacuum the floor and clean stuff. The only problem is, I can't really do that until I get everything off the floor first. Those boxes and sh*t need to go. I am going to focus on doing that first. I really don't want to but I have too. After I take a nap of course....I need to bring my computer stand thingy up too and set that up. It will be perfect! All I need to make it complete is the matching mouse for the mouse pad. I seriously can't wait to put this all together. It's kinda like a TV tray with wheels on the bottom so you can move it around on the floor. It will be perfect. I haven't figured out where I am going to put it yet, but I am putting my old computer and a wireless mouse on the desk in the living room because it is old and honestly, no one would want to steel that. I want to keep it though because this computer doesn't have a disk player in it so I can only play Sims on my old computer cuz you have to have a disk to play it. Well, I am going to go take a nap. I will continue writing the rest of this later after I do some work around the house.  I am having a really hard time having the motivation to do anything. I just want to sit around and chill and watch Jersey Shore Family Vacation Season 2. I ended up paying for it on Amazon Prime. I plan to buy all the seasons once I get paid. That will be my gift for the week. I am going to buy one and three. The fourth season is coming out soon. As soon as I see that it is out, I am buying that sh*t. There are a bunch of other TV shows that I want to own on Amazon Prime. I am willing to pay money to Owen all of them. I figured every paycheck I would pay for a few different seasons. 3 every two weeks sounds good to me. I still ain't done with season two of Jersey Shore Family Vacation. They have a lot more episodes this time around. I like it. This sh*t is seriously great. I am so happy that they chose to start that show back up again. I have yet to find an episode of it that is boring. I am pretty much Snooki anyways so haha! I also really like the show Ex On The Beach, Breaking Amish, I Am Jazz, Shameless, The Walking Dead, and other shows. I am so buying sh*t to own. I will prob end up watching all these seasons a million times just like i did all the other seasons when I was in hgih school and i thought that it was stupid until i watched it.


01/29/2020 08:01 PM 

Dear Die-ary

Dear Die-ary Mood: ApatheticMy life is spiraling downwardI couldn't get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concertIt sucks cause they play some of my favorite songs like "Stab my heart because I love you" and "Rip apart my soul" and of course "Stabby rip stab stab" And It doesn't help that I couldn't get my hair to do that flippy thing that guy from that band can do....some days you know...I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can beYou'd be non-conforming too if you look just like meI have paint on my nails and makeup on my faceI'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legsCause I feel real deep when dressing in dragI call it freedom of expression, most just call me a fagOur dudes look like chicks and chicks look like dykesCause emo is one step below transvestiteStop my breathing and slit my throatI must be emoI don't jump around when I go to showsI must be emoI'm dark and sensitive with low self esteemThe way I dress makes everyday feel like HalloweenI have no real problems but I like to make believeI stole my sister's mascara now I'm grounded for a weekSulking and writing poetry are my hobbiesI can't get through a hawthorne heights album without sobbingGirls keep breaking up with me, it's never any funThey say they already have a p**sy, they don't need another oneStop my breathing and slit my throatI must be emoI don't jump around when I go to showsI must be emo


01/29/2020 05:15 PM 

Half-Life mod anyone?
Current mood:  bored

I might make a Half-Life mod some day... So basically the idea isn't that developed at the moment, but I have a decent layout for the story.It won't take place in HL's universe but it'll use it's engine because I like the Source engine. :p Wheatley Afton 

half-life, mod, idea, bored

Ryan !!!

01/28/2020 03:19 AM 

Current mood:  drained

i’m so tired..... zzzzzzz...... just wanted to say i started reading twilight and i reeallyy like it! i haven’t read books in years and it’s just nice to have an easy and cheesy (rhyme) teen book to read :-) i love it . slowly immersing myself into 2000s teen culture....... zzzzzz..... okay sleep timery

twilight, vampires, i’m basically a vampire to be honest, zzzzzzz,

xX Just-Jac Xx

01/24/2020 04:54 PM 

jac is my name, and oversharing is my game
Current mood:  blah

aaaa i like doing these lil Q&AsWhat are your favorite smells?either really fresh, like hot-off-the-press, printed books or really crusty old books from like 100 years ago. also church incense?? it's the only reason why i actually sit through massCan you go a whole day without caffeine?I DRINK BANG EVERYDAY BRO AAAAAAAWhat song did you last listen to?king for a day lolDo you have a crush on anybody?y....yes (>////<)Do you like The Beatles?yes i do! helter skelter is my fave songIf you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?b.. blackDo you cook often?kind of lol, my mom works late hoursWhat was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?finally got around to watching both the Blade Runner movies! they were super coolWhat’s your favorite movie?i s2g do not judge my choices but probably Interview with the Vampire or Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?I'd say bang but i know the reason (im fricken tired all the gd time). i find myself wanting to go to the waffle house at 2 am a lot recently though. What is your favorite fruit?blackberries and strawberries!!How do you like your eggs?soft boiled :PAre you health conscious?im here for a good time, not a long time budWhat is your MBTI INTP-TDo you curse a lot?like a sailorWhat was the last book you purchased?oof uhh maybe Dante's Inferno for class last year? i normally check out books from the library instead of buying. the last book i checked out was Vampyre by John William Polidori last week. id like to get fresh copies of my favorites in the future though.Where was your last vacation?hmm i took a day vacation into NYC a few weeks ago with my friends and did dumb touristy things. it was really nice. i haven't been on a long vacation in a long time lol.Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?hjks yeah, i regularly break my little toe from stubbing it into door frames and walls yikes. i seem to wake up with stupid injuries like scratches and bruises. guess im just really clumsy and i just dont realize it heheWhat was your last argument about and who with?My friend Blade and which flavor of bang is best lol. They said Blue Razz was a "basic bitch flavor" and i was about to throw hands  


01/26/2020 11:34 PM 

Current mood:  headphones

Finally brought myself to watch avgn videos starting with season 1 and it's not that bad  I would listen to it like a podcast but Nostalgia Critic is more entertaining to watch x_x sorry not sorry avgn

watching vids

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