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05/27/2020 03:30 PM 

Current mood:  angsty

I'm a film maker and clown looking for people too collaborate with.i made dis

deemah εiз

05/27/2020 03:24 PM 

first post
Current mood:  accomplished

i kinda get how to use this website now


05/27/2020 03:17 PM 


Since I've been logged out I have:A. Become a celebrityB. Eaten only vegetablesC. Chopped all my hair offD. Stopped being emoIf you answered "C", you are correct.


05/27/2020 03:05 PM 

Senior Quotes
Current mood:  exhausted

"Communism only works if you can eat where you're standing"  "Alexa have you been touching your bootyhole lately?" "no but i had spaghetios yesterday" “If you ain’t yee’in your haw, then what the hell are you doing?” "please don't test me i grew up in a village" "I'm not trying to molest you" “They’ve dead.” Unfortunately I missed the deadline for senior quotes


05/27/2020 12:03 PM 

Current mood:  electric

dying hair today.


05/27/2020 02:56 PM 

trapped in my own cage of epicness
Current mood:  recumbent

hey guys. this is my first post!! i hope i can post more as the days go by. Im going to be putting my short stories on here if anyone is interested.I LOVE U!──────────────────▒─────────────────░█────────────────███───────────────██ღ█──────────────██ღ▒█──────▒█─────────────██ღ░▒█───────██─────────────█ღ░░ღ█──────█ღ▒█────────────█▒ღ░▒ღ░█───██░ღღ█───────────░█ღ▒░░▒ღ░████ღღღ█───░───────█▒ღ▒░░░▒ღღღ░ღღღ██─────░█───▓█─────░█ღ▒░░░░░░░▒░ღღ██─────▓█░───██─────█▒ღ░░░░░░░░░░ღ█────▓▓██───██────██ღ▒░░░░░░░░░ღ██─░██ღ▒█──██ღ█──██ღ░▒░░░░░░░░░░ღ▓██▒ღღ█──█ღღ▓██▓ღ░░░▒░░░░░░░░▒░ღღღ░░▓█─██ღ▒▒ღღ░░ღღღღ░░▒░░░░ ღღღღ░░ღღღ██─█ღ▒ღღ█████████ღღ▒░ღ██████████ღ▒█░██ღღ▒████████████ღღ████████████░ღ█▒█░ღღ████████████████████████████ღღ██▒ღ██████████████████████████████ღ███ღღ████████████████████████████ღ██─██ღღ██████████████████████████ღ██──░██ღღ██████████████████████ღღ██────▓██ღ▒██████████████████▒ღ██───░──░███ღ▒████████████▒ღ███────░░───▒██ღღ████████▒ღ██───────────▒██ღ██████ღ██─────────────██ღ████ღ█───────────────█ღ██ღ█────────────────█ღღ█────────────────█ღ█░─────────────────██░ 


05/27/2020 02:37 PM 

Current mood:  calm

today i planted some basil in my garden... vry excited ;p


05/27/2020 12:28 PM 

aesthetics ★
Current mood:  pirate

"i feel like i've found the right puzzle piece; someone that completes me in the spaces carved out by trauma. you fit me like a glove." 

quote, bored, love, fucklove

simping for prince sidon

05/27/2020 11:22 PM 

vibing :(
Current mood:  envious

im just vibing to 80s music, dreaming abt being in an indie teen coming of age movie in the summer with all my friends. oh to be an angsty main character on the roof with my love interest stargazing and spilling secrets. cuddled up in a mountain of blankets bc its a chilly summer night, maybe just dozing off in their arms nd being completely happy. the next day we would all go to an abandoned warehouse to f*** around nd maybe get yelled at by jealous adults, but have the best times of our lives. any1 wanna do that with me lmao???a random yt 80s playlist, i would link my spotify playlist but idk how to do that lol


05/27/2020 04:11 PM 

Current mood:  bored

im very bored since we are in quarantine but exentually well be out i suppose so thats epic  


05/27/2020 10:41 PM 

Current mood:  bored

whos onlineee ? :(

#bored #online #chat


05/27/2020 02:27 PM 

letz b friendz!!
Current mood:  hopeful

hellooooo!! dis is my first time on here so i guess i'll introduce myself! my name is Ula, pronounced oo-lah:-)))) ironic, bc i wanna do music when i grow up lmao. im from lithuania but live in da uk, london (south east). im 14, but i act mature for my age i think hehhe. im looking for friends around my area bc i b lonely as f uck also im a sagittarius and an infp! would b nice to have someone to do drugz with, cuddle and maybe watch anime/play minecraft together:3 im kinda alt i guess,,,,, uhhhh i listen to alot of metal and rock but i also like loads of other stuff!!! so yeaa, plz someone b my friend


05/27/2020 12:11 PM 

day 1 bby
Current mood:  embarrassed

it's early in the morning and my friend has had me working on this freakin' blog and I lost track of time that I could have been playing Minecraft with and now I need to go to the store and bake a pie for my husband's birthday tomorrow and I'm not even tired at alland I've just noticed my forgotten BANG about half-drank, discarded on the far side of my desksiiiighhh first world problems babyyyy



05/27/2020 04:34 AM 

Current mood:  angsty

People keep saying you have to make all your d@%n art digitlly... but i say that art is meant for paper, and not everyone can have a comuter to draw on computers good. Im use to using a pencil so I wont be as good using my mouse. Most of my friends are in real life at school so they cn see my art in person and i dont need a profile picure there.... but i think i did good on mine.... but it still took a while...... and it wouldve been MUCH BETTER on paper...... bye.

art, anger, paper, friends, rant


05/27/2020 03:43 PM 

im here for parties
Current mood:  chill

here to meet partygoers so hmu 

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