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☠randy ☠

05/28/2020 02:20 PM 

So Many Emos
Current mood:  grumpy

I love how when I'm looking for stickers/gifs to decorate my profile, that I see so many MCR or Twilight based stickers/gifs/ etc , and I know that they are there because of the time period that the website was made, but damn there were def more emos on MySpace than Goths/Mallgoths haha. If anything, I was trying to find goth or mallgoth etc. stickers, gifs, and didn't realize that there was a search bar

Lana Lagrima

05/28/2003 01:51 PM 

TBH #1
Current mood:  blessed

 first ever TBH >more to come<¡so be on the look out! ADD TIK: ADD MEREDITH:

simping for prince sidon

05/28/2020 12:01 PM 

ugh i have having a mortal body fr

does anyone else ever want to identify as a lesbian bc you reallllly like girls but you also like some enby people and like 1 boy so youd feel fake and not have as many options then if you were bi but you cant ever see yourself with a boy but you actually like this one boy so youre defiantly not a lesbian but you identify with them a hell of a lot more bc girls make you cry bc they're so pretty and boys are trash and you hat e being attracted to them?? bc same


05/28/2020 11:47 PM 

Current mood:  hopeful

i used to be in a program because of some medical/mental stuff that was going on a few months ago. i used to give everyone there stickers. my journal as a small folder in the back so i keep them in there. i always say that people could never possibly forget me because of my clothes/hair/makeup/personality and also because i give everyone sitckers. today someone texted me and told me they found a sticker i gave on their headboard, and that it was cute and made them smile. even if i don't do much with my life i'm happy i still made the tiniest impact on someone. i hope everyone else kept their stickers too. 


05/28/2020 04:36 PM 

Institutionalized 2014 & videogames
Current mood:  argumentative

Hi. I'm new in this so I don't really know how to use it. I'm listening to Institutionalized 2014 by Body Count becuz I really feel like videogames and f*** off. Idgaf i wanna play my videogames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

my life real life i am real


05/28/2020 03:53 PM 

Current mood:  curious

HelloI am Qi. Welcome to my blog, I made this just today after being told about Friend Project by Dave. I will probably regret making this at some point sooner or later    For now im just looking forward to talking to the people here and maybe even making some friends 


05/28/2020 01:01 PM 

welcome to my blog

:) im velvetyy and im cool also this is cool

hi, me, cursed


05/28/2020 08:44 PM 

Emo Boy Emo Boy
Current mood:  angsty

emo, scene, emo boy, scene boy, sanrio, picsart, edit, cute, rave


05/28/2020 08:01 PM 

Current mood:  guilty

i'm just a tired girl, no words to say


05/28/2020 02:46 AM 

Current mood:  energetic

link!!hai guys!!!! i made this matching quiz on google forms for people (specifically scene/emo/alt) pplz looking for an s/o or a friend!! i'd rlly appreciate if u took a few minutes to fill it out... ( ^ω^ )

dating, lgbt, single,


05/28/2020 02:21 PM 


what do i put here? lol


05/28/2020 01:31 AM 




05/28/2020 01:12 PM 

Kitty 3D Bracelet X3

kandi, scene, emo, scemo, alt, alternative, emo boy, scene boy, kandi kid, scene kid, rave


05/28/2020 12:21 PM 

Current mood:  amused

watching midsommer and im kinda freaked already aaah im so happy its good 


05/27/2020 11:07 PM 

Current mood:  fascinated

My family thinks people vomiting is gross...what's up with them=/


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