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06/21/2020 12:58 PM 

Current mood:  blah

i wish i had someone i could gift a necklace with a vial of my blood </3


06/21/2020 12:55 PM 


as the feeling of reality crushing my ribs I realize one day I can go back to who I was. simply be born anew and rise from my ashes on a new path of life. cant wait to be born again. to be reincarnated. one day. until then I'll doze off into a daydream about what my future life will be like. but I wonder why my soul decided me to lead the life that Im currently living. why did it choose for me to be walked over by everybody I happen to meet? what lesson do you want me to learn from that? I dont understand. I havent felt true happiness in months now. what am I trying to be taught? time will only tell I guess. so I'll keep daydreaming until time does tell me what Im supposed to be learning or have learned. I have my next life all planned out already. I really long to be there right now. one day.


06/21/2020 12:55 PM 


what is this websight? im so confused


06/21/2020 12:51 PM 

how im tryna be
Current mood:  hungry


06/21/2020 12:40 PM 

Current mood:  worried

just got called a princess from the person who hates me the most lol


06/21/2020 12:35 PM 

Current mood:  awake

Having just woke up i feel like i should do what any apathetic teenager on the interent strives to do and thats create a log of their life in (almost) anonimity. I dont have anything to say now so ill say this, other things ill post about are music, movies, tv im watching and anything i can discuss with a person in real life but decided to spread to random people online. Ill check back in when something does happen but until then im off.


06/21/2020 06:34 PM 

Room makeover
Current mood:  happy

I tried to make my room look better by sticking paper butterflies and spotifycodes to my wall. I'll probably never use the spotifycodes but idk it looks cute. :-)


06/21/2020 12:18 PM 


sometimes if I think hard enough I can still feel the warmth of summer. 


06/21/2020 12:16 PM 

hi everyone!
Current mood:  chill

im having a fun time exploring this so if i spam you im super sorry. but hello, im berk, and im an 18 year old non binary fellow from upstate ny. i love french fries like so much, and i havea massive caffine addiction. quarintine has hit hard for me so i was like "why not" when i saw this website on my for you page on tiktok. anywhos stay cool bees.



06/21/2020 12:11 PM 

Current mood:  chill

 i want friends that literally lit, i prefer friends that live in nyc but anyone is fine  

friends, lit


06/21/2020 09:10 AM 

Current mood:  accomplished

i successfully have 10 arizona tea cans

arizona tea,


06/21/2020 12:03 PM 

Current mood:  crazy

um hi guys. this is my first blog post. if i opened an etsy shop would u all buy my patches and tote bags? also hmu masc girls (especially if ur muscular lmao)

masc girl , wtf , is this ,

evieเฌ˜(เฉญหŠแต•ห‹)เฉญ* เฉˆโœฉโ€งโ‚Šหš

06/21/2020 12:03 PM 

lazy :O
Current mood:  blah

want 2 order food bc im too lazy to make sum but also im broke !!!!



06/21/2020 12:02 PM 

Current mood:  blessed

everyone on here is so pretty what-


06/21/2020 11:56 PM 

Current mood:  restless

i need to poop so f***ing bad

poop, pee, fart

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