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06/21/2020 05:52 PM 

survey thing

i got told to do it by sum1 on here[--General Information - -]* Starting Time:: 2:37* Name:: Henry Crowell* Nicknames:: Huck (thats my middle name but dont call me that* Colour of Eyes:: blue* Hair Colour:: dirty blonde* Shoe Size:: 13* Brothers/ Sisters:: little brother 12* If yes, Names:: willie* Single or Taken?:: single* Zodiac sign:: aries* colour:: blue* Height:: 5'10* Braces?:: no* Current residence:: san francisco[--Do You Prefer--]* Chocolate or vanilla?:: choclate* Hugs or kisses?:: kizzies* Scary movies or comedies:: comidies[--Things That Come To Mind--]* School:: friends* House:: small* Best friends:: adam daniel levi * Fave Song?:: up on the sun by the meat puppets. i could name a million songs tho[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]* Watched a movie?:: no* Talked on the phone:: yes* Cried:: no* Gone to the bathroom?:: yes* Watched TV:: yes i watched baseball* looked in the mirror:: yes* taken a shower:: yes* Listened to music?:: yes* Hugged / kissed some1?:: no[--Do You Believe In--]* Heaven?:: maybe* Hell?:: yes* Aliens?:: 100%* Love:: ofc* Magic:: idk[--Some Random Stuff--]* Are you listening to music now?:: yes* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: black sweats* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: music* Who Is your crush?:: ppl[--Favourites--]* Flower:: lavander if that counts[--More Random Questions--]: * Mother's name?:: lorraine* Tattoos?: i wish* Body piercing?: no* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: i do not have one atm* Birthplace:: cmpc in SF* Favourite vacation spot?:: boston* Ever been to Africa?:: no* Stolen any traffic signs?:: no* Ever been in a car accident?:: yes* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: bacon* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4 door 4 all my friends* Salad Dressing?: no* Favourite Pie?:: no* Favourite Number?: 3* Favourite Movie?: ferris buellers day off* Favourite Colour?: blue* Favourite Holiday?: christmas* Favourite day of the week?: saturday * Favourite brand of body soap? Dove: uh* Favourite show?: the flash ig?* Toothpaste?: crest* Most recently read book?: lost ballparks* Favorite Smell?: weed* What do you do to relax?: listen to music* Favourite Fast Food?: in n out* When was your last hospital VISIT?: when i broke my finger* Message to your friends reading this:: hi!!!!!!!* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: playing proffesional baseball* What do you do when you are bored?: listen to music* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: cool vinyls,games* Furthest place you will send this message?: idk[-- Have You Ever - -]* Faked being sick to miss school:: when i was younger* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: burned my finger a couple times* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no* Been hurt emotionally:: yes* Cried during a movie:: a lil* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: maybe* Been on stage:: yes* Been sarcastic?:: yes[--Favourites--]* summer/winter:: summer* cartoon characters:: the skelton from crashbox* drink:: water* food:: spagehtii* movie:: ferris buelers day off* ice cream:: grasshopper pie* subject:: history or english or health* animal:: dog* Color:: blue* Day or night?:: night* Number:: 3* Letter:: R* TV or Computer?:: computer* Happy or Sad:: rn?happy[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]* cried:: no* met someone new:: on this* cleaned your room:: no* Drove a car:: no* Been pissed off:: i dont think so[--Friends and Life--]* Do you have a soul mate?:: in havent found them yet idk* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: no* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: levi cuz ive known him since summer 2010*When do u cry the most:: i dont* The worst feeling in the world?:: uhhhwhen u lose ur bowl[--For everyone to fill inn --]* Silver or gold:: gold* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: ive broken my arm twice, my foot, my fingers* Have any piercings?:: no* If yes, what?:: i dont have any* Rain, sun or snow?:: rain* How is the weather?:: overcast*Do u like cookies?:: yes* Do you like pudding?:: i dont have it a lotTake this survey -> 


06/21/2020 10:37 PM 

finally got the hang of this (i think)
Current mood:  accomplished

this site has potential. the pre-social media era where everyone had their own blog allowed for a little more creativity, and i think we all long for it again, whether we experienced it the first time round or not. instagram, tiktok, snapchat; you're trying to make yourself satisfactory for a following. maybe it turns out blogging will be the same !side note: i want to add a song to my profile, if anyone knows how to!!! please tell me!!


06/21/2020 05:42 PM 

totally random blog x
Current mood:  energetic

seeing everyone's pretty ass profiles makes me happy asf xx i hope html doesn't scare any new ppl away (´∀`;)


06/21/2020 05:42 PM 

mean friend :(

my best friend just told me i was cringey for going on this website. it really hurt my feelings because shes supposed to be there person to never judge me :(

・*:.。. .。.:*dulce・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚

06/21/2020 05:37 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

a guy told me stfu becuz he isnt inna good mood lol



06/21/2020 05:38 PM 

first post
Current mood:  melancholy

Just deleted thousands of photos and videos. Trying to give myself self-inflicted dementia. I hate looking back at everything, knowing how bad it all turned out. 


06/21/2020 05:31 PM 

MY PERSONALITY ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
Current mood:  adored

woaghghhg !!!! u care to know abt me ? ( ノ^.^)ノ゚ tyvm ♥⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀welp, to start i dont actually talk super cutesy unless u want me 2 !! ;;i'm honestly very laid back but i can kinda be annoying sometimes ;;;⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀im a vampire kinnie an kinda mean sometimezz,, but not mean as in i personally attack ppl :( only scum do that.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i also kin ingame and pregame shuichi saihara,, but dont ship saiouma,, cuz ewie



06/21/2020 05:34 PM 

wishing this had an app

i'm LUVing this website bruh LMAO idk im just ready to like meet people and make friends, and vibe w people who like cool sh*t like idk. im feeling very open these days. kinda wish it had an app tho...


06/21/2020 05:30 PM 

Current mood:  high

how tf do u post on this 😳


06/21/2020 05:29 PM 


just got back from rock hunting at the river and i smell like ass crack and swamp water >:(


06/21/2020 05:26 PM 

shane fxckin dawson
Current mood:  betrayed

I feel like shane useshis low hygine and weight as a way to be trendy and make fun of others on the low, can't relate tho im a 120 llb 13 yr old that can't type.


06/21/2020 05:21 PM 

first blog post
Current mood:  blah

hi! i'm liv & this is my first blog post on here. i like this site because it reminds me of myspace. it's possible i'll use this to rant or talk about stuff i'm passionate about but honestly i'll probably forget about this site in a week. see you maybe

✰ Gabe ✰

06/21/2020 04:22 PM 

Blog #1
Current mood:  chill

Hello fellow peepz i just created this bc of tiktok and i love how this site is but ill be posting rants or daily things that happen to me on the daily basis LOLZ. But my name is Gabriel and im 17 years old, i live in texas. Im an aries who is always impatient when things go unplanned LMAO BUT hopefully i will have some online friends who i can relate to on the daily!!!! SEE ya


06/21/2020 05:21 PM 

Current mood:  good

omg someone talk to me 

nova !

06/21/2020 05:06 PM 

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

trying out the fonts haha \ (•◡•) /

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