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06/21/2020 06:41 PM 

first post ♡
Current mood:  happy

hiiii!! im very new to this and im hoping to make new friends!! 

witch, ghost, alt, goth


06/21/2020 06:42 PM 

Want friend

Add me and ill add you back just want some friends on here, love you ♥


06/21/2020 06:42 PM 




06/21/2020 06:38 PM 

Current mood:  enlightened

This is superior to any other social media I've ever used.


06/21/2020 03:29 PM 

first post
Current mood:  embarrassed

hi so i need to vent lol. so i haven't been on my insta in forever and ppl started asking for it so i gave it to them- but then i remembered i used to be 'haha i'm such a crackhead' girl and realized ppl were SEEING THAT on my account ;(. vv embarrassing. also am i the only one that has changed sm over quarentine? like when we go back to school idk how i'm supposed to act around ppl. i've also realized how sucky my irl friends r, but they were the only ppl i had and i have attatchment issues so i centered my whole life around them which is STUPID. my only friend that was actually rlly there for me moved away a couple months ago, and it's so hard to keep in contact with him. sorry for venting lol. p.s don't forget to sign petitions for blm and donate!marissa xx


06/21/2020 06:22 PM 

a little more about me!!/ disclaimers

hello!! I thought I should tell a little bit more about myself.firstly my name is stitch :P. I'm 15 years old, so if ur older than 19 or younger than 14 pls don't interact!! I go by he/they/she pronouns!! I'm bisexual 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩. some of my interests are art, music, dance, and writing. ​I have a pretty wide music range so tell me some of ur favorite artist and we can listen together! :)​​​​​​ I'm a very friendly person so if you want to be friends just message me!! I'm always open to having new friends :D. *i'll probably spam post or not post at all at times so it that bothers you unfriend me!*sometimes I may come off as rude but I'm just not very good at keeping small talk and having  conversations :/*I dont really have any specific triggers or may not find something triggering so if I say something that you find offensive or makes you uncomfortable please don't be scared to tell me!!*my messages are always open if you need someone to talk too!! :D​​​​​​​​​​​​​


06/21/2020 11:32 PM 

11:31 PM
Current mood:  blank

blankso blank, this room is filled with the fragments of glass from the jar that was sitting quite comfortably in my head, my sanity is lost all over the wood, glasses won't help find these as they are so small they could fit through the pores in your fingers, they are within the realm of my life and now no way to get back to that reality I called home, I lost my mind on acid  



06/21/2020 03:33 PM 

Current mood:  blah

im still figuring this all out ♥ add me :)

✞༒ 𝔅𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞༒✞

06/21/2020 06:29 PM 

Current mood:  nostalgic

I finally started to figure out this website just to pretend like on MySpace :)


06/21/2020 06:25 PM 

i can't im so bored
Current mood:  annoyed

oh to hang out with friends:( someone be my friend or I'll be sucked into the depths of my loneliness



06/21/2020 06:23 PM 

Current mood:  crappy

i had a weird ass dream about school, like ew wtf 


06/21/2020 05:19 PM 

Current mood:  sweaty

my air conditioner is broken and i live in florida and we now have bugs in our house. thinking of ending it all 

pain, air conditioner


06/21/2020 06:18 PM 

hey how yall doin
Current mood:  melancholy



06/21/2020 06:18 PM 

i dont know what im doing
Current mood:  confused

very confused about what im doing

˚˳✧ ༚ * rosie ! * ༚ ✧˳˚

06/21/2020 03:15 PM 

i’m ok!
Current mood:  accomplished

i think i'm finally starting to figure things out XD

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