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✿ 𝙡𝙞𝙫 ✿

06/21/2020 08:29 PM 

hate u all
Current mood:  angsty

hey guys why the f*** are people on here making groups about the columbine shooters 😞

Ava ♡

06/21/2020 08:26 PM 

Dreams and dayz
Current mood:  cynical

I started a dream journal after I watched "A Night on Elm Street" And i've really been trying to keep up with it but I can't always remember my dreams. It's also fathers day, which sucks, but I have my DS so it's ok. First day on the job tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.


06/21/2020 08:26 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky



06/21/2020 08:24 PM 

! baddie alert !
Current mood:  blessed

yall are all so cool and hot and im livinggg for it kfhgdhjdjfh anyways where the catgirls n femboys at 


06/21/2020 08:21 PM 

Current mood:  restless

WHATS UP MY GHOULS!!!!!!!! okay i just got back from getting iced coffee and lipglosss, i got two and they are so cute!!!! not gonna lie i feel soooo HHHHHOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!! my father in helll is like I DIDNT ABUSE YOU SO YOU CAN FEELL GOOOD ABOUT YOUR SELF. illll post a pivture anf you guys can see how much im overconfident


06/21/2020 05:19 PM 

wo rm
Current mood:  warm

ive been at the park all day i took an edible and just laid in the sun 


06/21/2020 08:21 PM 

i ❤️ sonic
Current mood:  flirty

sonic, Sonic, sonic the hedgehog, meme, poop, shit, fart

*•.¸♡ bbmama♡¸.•*

06/21/2020 08:14 PM 

why it isn't time to give up 1

why it isn't time to give up:have you swam in a pool with all your clothes on yet? something about it feels so wrong, even though you aren't necessarily doing anything outrageous. try it- it's a boost of seratonin.have you ever laid down and let the rain wash over you? it's mother nature's way of cleansing you. it washes over you and you're a new person with a second chance. try it- you'll feel pure.have you gone everywhere you want to? have you climbed the tallest mountain, have you swam that underwater cave, have you went to that new city in hopes of finding your people. live a little, give yourself that adventure. try it- you never know what you'll learn about yourself.have you been skinny dipping? the way the water finds it's way into every crevice of your body. it's like receiving a hug. it's comforting yet thrilling because you know that at any moment you could be caught. try it- it's an adrenaline rushponder over that- is it really time to go when you've left everything so incomplete. im always here with more examples. xo

#suicide, #adventure #Tumblr, #hope


06/21/2020 08:24 PM 

ih idk
Current mood:  cookywacky

miss sex very bad !



06/21/2020 08:24 PM 

Current mood:  amused

Hey, this is my first post so i just thought i'd say hi !


06/21/2020 08:21 PM 

first timer
Current mood:  confused

 so it's my first time using this and blogging so im confused, ples dont harrass meim typing with one hand cause i screwed my wrist, i dont use proper capitalization, or grammar for that sense. i hope i get accepted, first blog, hope it goes well :)


06/21/2020 09:23 PM 

Current mood:  bored

i am so bored at work guys



06/21/2020 08:22 PM 

holy sh*t this is basically
Current mood:  confused

how the f*** do i work this sh*t 


06/21/2020 08:21 PM 

gec gec gec

Hey you lil' piss baby, you think you're so f***ing cool? Huh? You think you're so f***ing tough? You talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck. Aw, look at those arms. Your arms look so f***ing cute :3 They look like lil' cigarettes I bet I could smoke you, I could roast you and then you'd love it and you'd text me "I love you" and then I'd f***ing ghost you!!!!!!1!!1!!!


06/21/2020 08:15 PM 

Current mood:  blank

always feeling like a wallflower. insiginficant. my presence is unnecessary. 

ordinary, sad,

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