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06/03/2024 11:41 AM 

Current mood:  nostalgic



06/02/2024 11:13 PM 

Things that I count as art:

Poetry, sex, paintings, music, literature, the human body, red lipstick, rain, emotions, nature, graffitti, and all other beautiful things are art to me. Art is meant to be messy and imperfect and they're supposed to make you feel. One day I hope that I make somebody feel something worth feeling. 

art, poetry, emotions, feelings


06/02/2024 11:03 PM 

Things that make me feel alive..
Current mood:  fascinated

Playing in thunder storms/heavy rain,The Jackpot Juicer album by Dance Gavin Dance,Kissing people,The sound of rain,Pixel,Jenny,My siblings,Poetry,Music,Books,Reading,Green tea,Going on long walks,Enjoying the beauty of nature and the natural world,The mountains,Crying,Joyriding at unnesseccarily high speeds, Breaking rules,Deep conversations,Astrophysics and space as a whole,Philosophy,Flirting (even when it's just with my friends and I don't mean it),Handwritten letters,complicated things,riddles,challenges


06/02/2024 09:52 PM 

im pritty funky fresh

https://C:\Users\jax\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (24).png


06/01/2024 02:01 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

I just learned how 2 make a possum/opossum w/ kandi beads last night n I was like "m'kay cool I did that. I think that's enuf 4 today" n went to bed but I woke up and realized now I only have 2 days to learn so many new patterns n stuf b4 my theater thingy n Im sorta procrastin8ing all of it... yah I dont think Im gonna meet my deadline :P

kandi, making stuff, deadline

DeciSpark 🍉

06/01/2024 12:29 PM 

June is Pride Month

As we enter Pride Month, here are some reminders: You are valid no matter what you identify as. Trans men are men, and trans women are women.  Trans rights are human rights. Non-binary is NOT women-lite. The A in LGBTQIA+ does NOT stand for Ally. It stands for Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender. BIPOC and disabled LGBTQIA+ people are still part of the community, and are still valid. Support LGBTQIA+-owned businesses, creators, artists, and writers. Do NOT support corporate pride. Do NOT support LGB Alliance, as they are a trans hate group.

pride month, pride month 2024, happy pride month, lgbtqia, lgbtqia+, lgbtq+


06/01/2024 05:28 PM 




05/31/2024 12:22 PM 

My SpaceHey profile! (I'm more active there)
Current mood:  nostalgic

[Click here to go to my SpaceHey profile!]

spacehey, blog, profile, link, redirect


05/31/2024 01:45 PM 

working time song c=:
Current mood:  sneaky

roger, im writing this from my works com0uterrrr rightnow! WHAT IF I GET CAUGHT  NoOoOoOoOone of the scary working guards is right next to me and i realy have to check and look out. im sitting behind a small wall on the secret hidden computer :=) i dont like it here i will be home by 8oclock guys and text you all back! bye  wish me luck signing off NOW! -disconnect- 

ℌ𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔞⭐️

05/29/2024 10:10 PM 

Last day of school
Current mood:  unhappy

Tomorrow is my last day of school before summer break (my internship). Idk why but it feels sad to me 😣

Marius Josef

05/30/2024 09:13 AM 

BlackBerry for FriendProject?

Anyways I was thinking if I should buy a BlackBerry for me typing on FriendProject so I can finally live in my 2009 dream life.

BlackBerry, FriendProject, Status, 2009


05/29/2024 01:18 PM 

The Making of 'End Of A War (An Ode To Little Dog)
Current mood:  accomplished

The song 'End Of A War' is the closing track for my album 'Briefly Gorgeous'. This track was produced and is solely an instrumental track for the closing of the album. The song adds elements and samples from past track 'The Heart Of The Sky' which is also a aprt of the album. A slow instrumental composed of sythesizers followed by a discordant mix and a sythezsized and drowned recording of me resiting a qoute from Ocean Voung's book 'On Earth, We're Briefly Gorgeous' which HEVEALY inspired the album even borrowing the name 'Briefly Gorgeous'. The track name is a reference to Little dog and the qoute from Little Dog (Little Dog is the nickname of the protagonist of the novel). The track ends with drowned vocals of me me stating the line 'Are You Real?' and a qoute of my own.The debut LP 'Briefly Gorgeous' coming soonListen to 'End Of A War (An Ode To Little Dog)' early, exclusively on SoundCloud.

#makingof #song #indieartist


05/28/2024 11:53 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

my mother left my for a work trip with my dad my brother so im stuck with boys they rest of the week and i was bored out of my mind all week


// :01 PM 

love and idiots
Current mood:  disgusted

I found a lipstick with a perfect color  but i used it even though it didn't suit me at all. I kept it away from everyone so that others wouldn't discover it. caused eczema on my lips, but i couldn't give it up because i loved it so much. Later, when i saw that my lipstick looked good on everyone except me, my lipstick not looking as good as before. Even though this saddens me, now im just trying to heal the eczema it left me with and i've decided not to use lipstick for a while  (this issue has nothing to do with lipstick.)


05/28/2024 04:42 PM 

Current mood:  blah

Hey guys! I'm really tired today but turns out my cousin isn't coming over so that's a relief My mom almost found out about the trans flag my friend gave me today though so I was scared. I'm not gonna say much today but I have you have a good day/night

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