depressedpathway❤️❤️dot on - depressedpathway❤️❤️dot

33 years old
chicago, Illinois
United States

Last Login:
September 07 2023

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   depressedpathway❤️❤️dot's Albums
haunted, picture’s for in the future.  (0  photos)
This, picture’s folder is for me to take different emo picture’s not now because. Of my surrounding’s is not right yet I am not the place..though. Lol, not going to, take any picture’s yet....
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    depressedpathway❤️❤️dot's Interests
Generalwriting, dancing, singing I started singing with sound literally coming out in my twentie’s I thought I would never let sound out to any one, and life, because I was to shy, and shut down,. To life, and people, to only singing when I started letting out sound I realize me started singing was, close to death age. Even in my twentie’s but I am not shy any more, it is a fun thing to do, it is exciting to beside’s singing goe’s not shy any more. sleeping, watching tv, relaxing, going outside, mainly being inside, reading nothing but horror book’s, horror, and mystery book’s, horror, and thriller, horror, and suspense, book’s, and mainly/only horror book’s,. No matter what extra topic come with, it horror come first it is fun, interesting,. :). being emo for me it is not a interest, it is life I do treat it like a interest, life style, and nothing, because. I am interested in what they have, and my mind drift off because it is how emo I am. Like this with any subculture I want to live in but there are, no subculture’s for me right right it do matter what zone. I am in living life come’s, because it tell the truth about a person, and people,. chatting, and texting, online, and offline, to much fun, and addictive, 🤒. emo music, scene music, video game’s, computer game’s, junk food, eating to much restuarant food, restuarant food, food in general, being a carnivore, horror movie’s only....if they are any thing, like the book’s I read I will watch but for me horror come first. just uploaded some, photo's with a song to match how I feel inside. It show's what goes, on in my life. myspace graphic comments
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living different live’s, arm warmer’s, converse’s, my fun job’s, skate boarding, skating, different kind of ice cream’s, desert’s, piercing < only in this subculture, when it is time to be goth or any thing else it depend’s/only with goth I love tattoo’s more because it is just how I am, for now it is piercing only, social network’s, this is not the end of the list my kind of list is never end’s but when it do it will end.
Musicemo music, screamo, hard rock, emocore, brutal metal, death metal, every last genre of emo music there is, and until it stop, emo music only, emo pop,and indie rock for only emo themed, and emo people only,. 1. avril lavigne* 2. automatic loveletter* 3. kittie* 4. iwrestledabearonce* 5. flyleaf* 6. rainer maria* 7. paramore* 8. the nearly deads* 9. the millionair’s* 10. every one asked about you* a short, of what I listen to.
Movieshorror, and gore, movie’s, horror movie’s, horror, thriller, movie’s, horror, suspense, horror, and mystery, and horror, and action,.
Bookshorror, and suspense, horror, and gore, and horror, and mystery,.
Heroes No, one but myself.
Groups: ⋆✭⋆Tha Emo/Scene Bitchez⋆✭⋆, Not A Phase (2000's Emo/Scene) , emos <3, scene/emo squad O_o!!!!,

     depressedpathway❤️❤️dot's Details
Status:In a relationship
Here for:Networking, Friends,
Connect with Artists, Discover New Music, Rate Music,
Orientation: Gay
Hometown:Chicago IL
Body type:Slim / Slender
Children:Proud parent
Education:High school
Occupation:Cooker...:) :)
Member Since:August 15, 2020

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   depressedpathway❤️❤️dot's Blurbs
About me:
..... My name is tameka patrice polk I am 30 year’s old a emo person, never told the truth before. Ha ha ha, feel weird now that I think about it it feel’s scary while feeling wired toward’s the end of feeling weird. Will admit in the past I nevered had any friend’s. Never could make friend’s because of me not any one else, what kept me positive of being around people. Under the person I pretended to be known I am well loved person...plastic, without plastic. Any one can do what ever they want just stay, and be, a normal person in a positive way. Alway’s thought of making friend’s, but alway’s was shy not wanting to be bothered, by people. It do not mean I do not want to be bothered just cannot get out, what I want to say yet. Once I talk I will talk,...I guess it is nice to make them am a person who watch people, be friend’s with each other. It is, fun to watch people have this kind of connection with each other. Am right along with people on this one in my own way, I am not a people person. Still, still a isolator in a different way ready to make them now this actual making friend’s, started when I was a teenager. The, age of 16 I guess but I forgot my age of being ready to do that kind of thing. But, it was not the end of the age of 15 to age 18. 18 is the age I really showed my true me. ::XD. I hate people who play joke’s actually not these joke’s, in a certain of way it have to be like a person. Showing their real self while playing, a joke, and while, being a normal person I hate the kind of joke’s I played in the past. Love the us clingthing/packed, yeah now that is me I lefted the cling thing/pack when I was a kid, sitting at the computer. Because trusting people did not feel right but in my teenage, year’s of eighteen from the age of 15 to continue to stay changed. In the age of 18, and there is nothing to say but to stay changed, and join in,. How I really about, life is that I love living life, and people, life is a fun place to be the living life part of living life. Is not kind of for me, a if a person is going not to tell the truth get out. A person who love life while staying true to storie’s, this is only a part of me for staying true. While living life for the subject of life, my favorite color is red of every last shade. Not black the color of black is second but it is a little down, from red it could be a twin to color red. Brag about this color black because it is like red but it quit early but it is a weak color, it do not look like it though. ....It, look dangerous but it is not. Oh, I did make friend’s in my telling the truth ages likeI mentioned earlier. Yeah, those joke’s I hate not the cling/thing joke’s a 30 year old who decided to join in life in her early year’s. A emo person who love every last part of it am not changing nothing, and forever, and forever, it is who I am. I drained what I thought and decided to have their brain, and head, because life is different. Listen to the music to like automatic loveletter, avril lavigne, and kittie, and meg & dia, and iron for hire,. These are only a few of what I listen to, while being my favorite kind of music. Have notebook’s, and notebook’s, of music artist’s in my head I love the emo, and the all in one unionist’s life there is only emo to love for right now. I listen to emo rock, hard rock, emo core, heavy metal, death metal, brutal metal, screamo, emo music, scene, music when time is right cannot listen to it when I cannot, because it will be the wrong time. And, brutal metal, I love every last of genre of emo music there is this subculture sound boring but it is not. Am addicted to eating to much but do get tired of it, it is not for me like that ew :). Just subculture wise, and nothing else, if it not part of a subculture it is a no. I love animal’s, every last one of them in a real, and regular way, cat’s, tiger’s, horse’s, dog’s, every last one of them is lovable will not do any thing for nothing because that, is a evil thing. Love meeting new people, and making friend’s do not hate people am a fighter for them when ever they need it. To family, friend’s, in a regular/life way, just any one I care about when time is right I hate fighting for nothing. Joined emo wire to finally make friend’s, and to be a member of I hate people, who start thing’s it showed in the past when I was running a fake profile. Of fake profile’s in the point of running around, when I would wipe my face or show frustration. Wonder why I would get in that way, I know now. Ha, old me in there wanting to get out I am just like every one else. Never went outside before, it will be the first time for me later on. Because of a reason I found out, not the truth to life the me going out part. I like to hang out with people and meet people, I never seen before fun to do to build up people. To my life this is me saying how it is, adding people to my world do not be afraid to talk to me if any one do want to talk to me about any thing. This is a favorite website to be on the people are alright, fun, and every thing to have in one join joining in thing every last one of us want. And, this is life friendship and family not looking for any thing else from emo wire. Do not just stay on my social network’s profile’s, a few link’s are sent from my me, the reason why this happen’s. Different kind of danger is wanted to be away from me, while avoiding it. Not being family like to much in this way want to look after for myself. I am a out door’s person because I like to travel by loving the in door’s, mainly. I alway’s just been afraid to admit to liking the outside, because I was afraid to trip and fall outside by not watching where I am going not any more. Not because of my balance, this is from me not watching by accident...a secret from me this about me is with the wrong joke’s off. And, the plastic off yeah. Life hate people like that and I agree not the kind who like to live with it. If I find out the truth about some thing will do what life, want by agreeing to be a joint in. There is nothing else to say just, get to know me...writing, dancing, playing video game’s, just started finally singing with sound out, ud83dude43 it is fun to do but scary any way not like the old day’s, listening to music, sleeping, relaxing, watching tv, and drawing,. When people get to know me a regular normal sweet person, who love every last kind of hate there is to have. I do not show it though I might show it kind of, in my own way a satanist’s it feel blunt, and different, being one. Like what on earth have I been messing with and like, every thing just look blunt, and frightening, me knowing this do not make me change my mind though. A used to be christian from to along time ago when I was a in my to young day’s, do not know only kind of if I was suppose to be a christian or not. I messed it up by faking being to excited only know of from me, not looking out for it in the past while messing it up at all. Did not want to have to check later so I know what I want, just not now. Really realize it and really made, the choice to be one not to mess up my spot being a satanist’s, to make sure it is not a lie. My favorite holiday is still halloween it is a fun holiday to celebrate, do not think about kind of while it still being in it same favorite spot. My mind drift off some where else wanting to stay away from it, to do other thing’s. In life that are fun not scared of it just find it boring while it still being the same. I have one cat, the color of it is black am a by themed person only who is a emo person. On other social network’s, I went to high school already it was a nice, fun, interesting, experience now I think about it. Still hate high school 100% percent and fully, nothing changed about it. Am a talented person kind of thinking, about showing it through being this kind of person, for sure/thinking about it/not for sure because is work’s here to. At first hated how it looked not any more this way is a favorite, from me knowing how it goes. Like the season, of spring along with the season’s of spring, summer, and winter, still a celebrity like person but differently. It do not matter who I am if any one want to talk to me, they can I do have a celebrity heart it is the same one in a different way. There is nothing more to say about me, it is my full about me for only emo wire, and This is me fully in one, about me I will think of more later this one is just one of them. The kind of person who love to have a main about me, this is like the main one it is not this is close to it. Along with this kind of person, I want to spill out more fun, and important, about me’s of the same person which is me. Except for this one, what else is spilling out with fun is more about me’s, talking about the same person. ***** tameka patrice polk click the submit button *****.

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Who I'd like to meet:
New people, more people that match how I feel, other emo people adult’s, teenager’s, and kid’s of all age’s, emo band artist’s :XD...maybe/I guess, and the right kind of people to me as life goes on, and stop.

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Feb 19th 2021 - 7:56 PM

Hey what's up ? 

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