
Last Login:
May 12th, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 42
Sign: Cancer
Country: Norway

Signup Date:
June 05, 2018


09/25/2021 04:35 PM 

A big day for Norway today!
Current mood:  happy

As of 4 PM today, Norway will officially lift all covid restrictions across the country, meaning that people will once again be able to do handshake greetings, hug each other and dance at nightclubs and mingle in bars like before the pandemic. The one meter distance rule will also be lifted, as well as the official advice to wear a mask in public places such as stores , movie theaters etc and on public transportation. I actually went to the store earlier today without a mask as I'm fully vaccinated and it felt both weird and liberating at the same time. The government claims they'll manage to have control of people in hospital with covid as the numbers are manageable and the general infection rate in Norway is very low as well and it keeps dropping. The corona virus will never go away, but now health officials in Norway say we can treat it as another respiratory illness, along with the common cold, given how many of us are vaccinated and more people hopefully will get vaccinated as well. In the worst case scenario, there'd be another variant of the virus that would be more resistant to the vaccines, spreading even more easily, causing us to have another lockdown but I'm crossing fingers that won't happen.

09/11/2021 04:15 PM 

Got new headphones! :)
Current mood:  happy

I went to the store today and got myself new headphones, they're by the Kygo brand like the old ones, they're a bit smaller and lighter and in more of a greyish white color but they still feel comfortable on my head and who knows, they might outlast the old headphones with the right care and treatment. I'm happy the headphones situation got solved because I simply can't live without headphones! :)

09/10/2021 07:22 PM 

Headphone struggles faced by someone who almost constantly wears them
Current mood:  aggravated

Looks like the time has come to probably get new headphones. The earpads on my current Kygo headphones and their surrounding materials are barely hanging together, the leather has almost completely worn off on the pads and the fabric inside the right headphone keeps falling out, making me have to put it back in where it's all awkwardly uneven and bumpy and it makes it slightly uncomfortable when I wear the headphones.

First world problems much? lmao. It is rather annoying though, ngl. 

08/25/2021 04:35 PM 

I'm officially fully vaccinated! :)
Current mood:  happy

Got my second Pfizer dose at 08:30 this morning and it feels good to be fully vaccinated! No side effects so far but I'll still stay at home for the rest of the day in case I come down with some not so pleasant side effects and ride it out the best I can. But I might also just feel fine for the rest of the day which is what I'm hoping for. Either way, I'm now double-Pfizer'ed and it feels good! :)

08/23/2021 04:45 PM 

An old video I recorded on top of my city's highest mountain

I recorded this video back in 2017 at the top of Mount Ulriken, the highest of my hometown Bergen's mountains. It's 643 meters above sea level and offers spectacular views and lots of hiking trails for tourists and locals alike. I was meant to upload this video earlier but I somehow forgot until I came to think about it today so I figured I'd upload it to YouTube and share it on here as well :)

Mount Ulriken (2017)


07/06/2021 12:51 PM 

Got my first shot of Pfizer today! :)
Current mood:  happy

It feels good to have taken the first step towards being fully vaccinated! My next shot will be within the next six to eight weeks so these are definitely exciting times! 

07/06/2021 06:13 PM 

Getting my Covid vaccine today!
Current mood:  excited

It's been a long time coming but today is the day when I'll be getting my first shot of the vaccine! I got the official announcement in my mailbox three weeks ago that my age group is now applicable for the vaccine so I wasted no time, I registered for my shot and it will take place at an indoor ice skating rank called Bergenshallen (where the ice is currently removed for obvious reasons) and it will be happening at 2:40 PM. I'm very excited, this will be a step closer back to a normal pre-Covid life for me and I'm also curious to see if I'll have any side effects from the shot but I think I'll be fine, I will probably just notice that my arm will be quite sore from the shot and it will probably stay like that for the rest of the day. I've heard that the second shot could lead to more uncomfortable side effects, such as nausia, headache and vomiting but I'll deal with that when the time comes for my second shot. I'd rather be sick for a few days than catch corona and suffer with long term effects from the virus so taking the vaccine is really a no-brainer for me! I don't know which type of vaccine I'll get, it's most likely either Moderna or Pfizer but I'm just stoked either way for it finally being my turn! :)

05/17/2021 01:51 PM 

It's Norway's Constitutional Day today!
Current mood:  cheerful

Today is Norway's Constitutional Day and in three hours, my sister will pick me up and drive me to our parents' place where we'll have breakfast together and later on, we'll change into suits and dresses for the main celebration of the day. I'm not sure what my mom has planned for the day but hopefully we'll be playing some fun outdoor games in our backyard if the weather holds up and there will definitely be lots of good food and drinks involved! This is the second year that the festivities will be scaled down significantly from how we usually celebrate, due to covid-19 social restrictions. So we can't go into the city and watch the big parades and the citizens of our city can't gather in huge crowds in the city either so people all over Norway have to stay within their social bubbles (or "cohorts" as Norwegian politicians have become fond of calling them), as will our family. We will just be staying at my parents' place and celebrate the best way we can, despite the circumstances.

05/16/2021 07:58 PM 

Changing my Top 8

So I thought it was time to rearrange my Top 8 seeing as I used to do that from time to time on MySpace back in the day. Ngl, I did find FriendProject's way of doing it a bit cumbersome seeing that you have to go to each individual person's profile and copy/paste their member ID number and then replace the random top 8 people's ID with the ones you wish to include instead. On MySpace I recall that there was an edit button in the friends list where you could drag people's profile up to your Top 8 and drag them around in the order you wanted them to be. I definitely found that a lot easier back then but I'm happy we have a Top 8 we can edit here at least. Don't be offended if you're not in my new Top 8, you could always let me know in a comment to this blog post if you want to be in my Top 8 and I can put you there. I don't intentionally mean to exclude anyone, I'm basically just testing out FriendProject's take on this feature.

04/06/2021 06:04 PM 

Back home after a 6 and a half hour's drive and feeling drained!
Current mood:  accomplished

I drove back home to Bergen with my dad today and we had to choose a slightly longer route than the usual three hour (give or take) route we drive to Ustaoset and Bergen and the other way around as well, due to strong winds and snow blizzard causing our regular route to be closed so we had to look at other options for getting home. We went with a slightly more eastern route via Hemsedal that stayed open, despite strong winds during parts of this route as well, and the drive would take an additional three hours, which meant we would be home around six in the evening, which wasn't really too bad. 

I was excited about going home, since I feel that our cabin tends to be quite small and you kinda have to give up privacy, especially when a lot of family members live together and the noise level is through the roof most of the time. Yet, I had this quite upset stomach and a nose running harder than the Niagra Falls that made for an uncomfortable combo (the upset stomach was most likely due to eating too much cheese from yesterday's raclette dinner....ooopps) but I decided it was not gonna stop me from making the drive down to Bergen with dad.

I'm an introvert that finds it hard to talk to someone during long car rides so I was kinda dreading that bit and dad just drives mostly and occasionally throws in a "yeah" and "ah I see" to my comments about whatever we drive by at any given point, just to break the constant awkward silence between us. He'll only get talkative if there's a story about either sports or something related to his past (childhood, youth etc) that gets him talking non-stop but that didn't happen today. Not only did I find the silence uncomfortable (despite having the radio on as our only source of entertainment that we both could listen to, to get our minds onto something actually enjoyable) but my car seat made me uncomfortable as well, as well as adding my upset stomach to the mix. It all drained me out and I couldn't be happier when we finally stopped outside my apartment complex - HOME SWEET HOME!

Now I'm ready to enjoy spring here (those last pieces of snow will probably soon be gone) and some warmer weather where I can be outside wearing a t-shirt and shorts again :)

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