
Last Login:
May 10th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Swinger
Age: 25
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
November 16, 2019


05/10/2024 09:49 PM 

Only took (about) 2 years
Category: Real Life
Current mood:  content

... for me to make another blog post. Lets see what happened. Maybe I should just keep it to where we're at, the novel isn't as interesting as it seems now that I think about it.

Not that I gave up with my move to Yuma, but after 2 interviews with Dillard's Yuma Palms for positions I'm still not there. Just because of the lack of full time for both times. One time last September I actually went with my Dad and stayed at Cocopah for an amazing trip overall, but definetly traveled and spent (and gambled) a lot of money that I saved up just to hear that when the hiring manager walked back in the room on my final visit to the store. While I'm hopefully now going to make more money in my new position (and can resonably guess it will be more money than Dillard's Yuma), it genuinely seems more practical to get an investment property in Yuma when I have the money (and a goal of mine nonetheless), but also going to do a trip out to Scottsdale after the big summer sale to see my company's location there, I genuinley have no idea what to expect.

Oh yeah, my new position. Well I'm selling Shoes now on comission. I just came back from a trip back up to Newport Beach where I went to my first store and thought I passed my first ever manager while walking but wasn't sure and didn't want to say anything if I guessed incorrectly, but yes, I made more than my draw that I was supposed to on my first day. Returns will hurt me, but that was a Tuesday and Saturday is tomorrow.

Now I know though, I'm worth something, after getting the part-time offers at Dilard's, and now getting this job, I'm more optimistic on that front than ever. Remember, whatever life throws at you, you will always have options, even if you don't know what they could be at the moment, you will always have them heart


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