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Cute Hello Kitty 9

Last Login:
December 7th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sign: Gemini
Signup Date:
April 26, 2021


09/19/2022 08:51 PM 

senior year
Current mood:  drunk

WHERE to start!

Well, it's my senior year! I'm interning at a high school near me (BHS...all I'll say...) and it's going pretty well. I have to go two days a week, but only went once last week and might only go once this week (or do one and a half) since I have been sick...and my teacher's son has been sick.

My co-op teacher and I get along SO WELL. I really couldn't have asked for a better placement. At least not a random one.

I got myself a new macbook today! My first NEW macbook. I already love it so much and I find myself getting very acquainted with laptops very easily. My surface book is on the fritz and my chromebook isn't like...good enough to really function as an everyday laptop for a college student. At least not one who's not in community college anymore. 

Also! I am somehow not a virgin anymore! HAHA. Finally. What an annoyance that was.

Out to both of my parents now...4/5 siblings know about my gf...just haven't told my oldest brother cause it's awkward as hell.

I always think I'd like to keep this blog better updated because I enjoy looking back at it, but it's not like I don't remember the gaps...I guess at some point I won't remember them. 

I started a book in October of last year...can't remember if I mentioned that? I'd really like to get it finished by the end of senior's to hoping! I think I might start setting aside time to write everyday. It's either that or never get it done.

ALSO omg! I am going to have coffee with my old Shakespeare prof from last semester. I MUST remember to write tomorrow night about that. Also, I'd like to have this blog to document my clinicals for my cert.

As of right now, I am obsessed with futurama! Let's see how long that lasts LOL
Current mood isn't correct but soon it will be! Time to go write some fanfiction and then hit the booze. 


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