
Last Login:
October 18th, 2021

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 15
Sign: Leo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 22, 2021


08/02/2021 12:15 AM 

I just had a weird freaking dream that makes me laugh every time I think about it
Current mood:  amused

In my dream, Ray Toro tried cooking Andy Biersack in the oven. I ran and had to fight him. I made it to the house eventually. I told someone and we rushed to get Andy out. He ended up being okay thankfully. There were no burns at all cause it was a dream. Andy also stole a leather jacket from my house (which I was perfectly fine with lol) and Juliet was with him. She was worried about him so I tried comforting her. I told her that he's been through worse and accidently mentioned that he got shot once. I told Andy sorry cause I wasn't supposed to tell her that. He said that it isn't my fault and that he should have told Juliet whenever it happened but he didn't want to worry her more. Then me and my family went to a concert at a bar for some reason. Black Veil Brides played, and then Falling In Reverse did. When BVB started, my dad said that they're pretty good. There were so many fangirls at the front and everyone else was pretty much dead silent. After BVB played then there was a ten minute break so I decided to get on tik tok but I ended up missing some of FIR's part. Some girl cheated on her boyfriend with Ronnie so her boyfriend was sad for the whole concert.

Cooking someone in the freaking oven isn't even a good way to murder someone. But it was still a pretty good dream. 


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