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July 4th, 2021

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 20
Sign: Pisces
Country: Panama

Signup Date:
May 27, 2021


05/30/2021 01:52 AM 

this guy :/
Current mood:  confused

hi friends !! this blog is mainly to get things off my chest and ask for advice since i cant talk about this to any of my irls cause theyre all friends, but that doesnt matter.
ive been having a weid situation with this guy on one of my friend groups and i dont know how to feel, it all started one day when we were talking and things began to get a little flirty, then it stayed the same the following week. but like a while later he told me he liked me and i was like gasp !! and obvi said i liked him too, we wanted to try a relationship but we decided not to do anything since it would be long distance and he didnt want that, which i understood and said it was fine.
now this is where things take a turn, cause i found out he actually dated one of my best friends, and on top of that he started talking to me in a flirty manner when they were still dating, then he told me he liked me right after they broke up. it was kinda devastatind ngl, but i asked him about it and he said they dated and stuff, then he said he tried the long distance cause he really liked her and wanted to give their relationship a try, and things just got worse after i asked him if she still liked her cause he said yes.
after this i stoped talking to him for a while cause i was really hurt, but it was only for like a week, then we kept talking but it was different, he kept asking me for nudes and stuff and i just sent him some cause i really liked him and wanted to do what he asked, he was really dry and distant tho, so i was kinda desperate to keep his attention. he would often brag about how he had me wrapped around his finger and how he could do whatever he wanted with me, i just thought it was funny so i laughed it off, but it was starting to hurt me. 
then he suddenly disappeared, i didnt know what was happening and i didnt like to text him a lot cause it would annoy him, so i just stayed silent, but one day i was talking with a friend and he joined the call, we started talking normally but then we were playing something and my friend asked him if he would date me, and this time he said no, the reason being "he doesnt like easy girls, and im too easy". this destroyed me cause i was just doing what he asked me cause i really liked him, i left the call almost inmediatly and ignored him after that, but i found out about even more stuff. turns out one of my friends found out i was talking to him like that (while i didnt know he had dated my other friend) and she started saying i was a home wrecker and i was like bruh ?? she didnt even tell me (because she thought i would judge her relationship for being long distance). the weird part is that everyone knew i liked him and that he liked to play with me, but no one said anything.
this is a quick summary of 5 months worth of stuff so it may be confusing, but the thing is that now hes talking to me again and i dont know what to do, any advice?


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