
Last Login:
June 8th, 2021

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 20
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 13, 2021


03/15/2021 06:45 PM 

feelingz lol
Category: Real Life
Current mood:  blah

man life is so weird, existence makes no sense. feelings are just compounds of bonded elements and yet they have this much impact on my life? what even defines a human life? nothing does! nothing in this world is important enough to have any real value so why should i let other unimportant mfs define what i can and can't do? moral grounds are important ofc because everyone has the right to live how they please on this hellscape without some other unimportant person ruining everything but goddamn!!! what the f*** is living!!! my emotions make no sense and yet they're made out to be so simple in this world... why do i feel the way i feel? and why does the way i feel make me feel problematic? and why does the fact i feel problematic make me feel even more problematic? its a never ending cycle!! why can't i just be at peace with existing :( why why why??? the universe isnt big, but it isn't small. we humans define things in ways that meet our standards but why do we need standards given the fact we aren't literally fresh out of evolving into homo-sapiens sapiens? we have societies and science telling us everything means nothing so why does it still mean so much to so many people? does it bring them a sense of control? of order? idk!! it just makes everyone's lives harder doesnt it? i wish we could just live in nice little communities, trading and bartering, living life without a care for how we look or sound or present ourselves and just lived peacefully understanding and accepting how small we are. being small and having little to no impact on the universe isn't a bad thing, not accepting it just leads to problems for all of us


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