Yes, this is my little diary where I type up some thoughts I get in my head.


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July 18th, 2022

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Gender: Female
Age: 28
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 16, 2020


10/20/2020 09:40 AM 

Another life update. I tried weed for the first time.
Current mood:  okay

♥ Hello. I am back again. Back with my bs. Yes, you read that title correctly. Each time my dad goes on vacation, he goes out to this dispensary and buys whatever weed he can get. To him, it's all the same. I dunno about that. Anyway, I crushed the buds up and put it in some Yoplait. Not the tastiest way to consume the devil's lettuce, but it's the only thing I was willing to consume immediately. ♥

♥ Ok, the stuff I got didn't exactly blow my mind, but the effects were...interesting to say the least. I tried it last Friday. I am aware that different strains can cause different effects on people, but I was kind of impressed. To tell ya the truth, I didn't really want a super strong high, but just enough that it was noticable. How did I feel? Well, I noticed that the thoughts in my head weren't as loud as they normally would. In fact, I could hardly hear my own thoughts at all! My brain felt...quiet and empty. I could still think and process things, but it was at a slower pace than usual. As someone that occasionally gets tormented by unhelpful thoughts, it gave me such relief. That could've been the weed taking over my brain, but it was nice. It felt good having that stuff in my body. I'd say it's much better than how booze tends to make me feel. That'll just make me get stoopid and ruin my liver. Anyway that was my first experience with weed. ♥


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