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Last Login:
June 11th, 2020

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Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 21
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 26, 2020


05/28/2020 11:11 PM 

George Floyd
Current mood:  angry

        George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by a group of police officers on Monday, May 25. A police officer had his knee on his neck, while Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe. Even after he lost consiousness, the officer stayed on his neck until he died. When first responders arrived, it was already too late. The officers respnsible for his death had so much faith that the government wouldn't do anything about it, that they murdered a man in broad daylight in front of a group of people.
        Of course this wasn't their first time abusing their power as police officers. The man who kneeled on George Floyd's neck, Derek Chauvin, has been reviewed for 3 shootings since 2006, and has been reported for using unnecessary force. He was not disciplined for any of his complaints since 2012. Officer Tou Thao, another officer at the scene, has been known to sweep things under the rug and fail to do his job correctly. Thao responded to the assualt of Jenna Nelson. She said he didn't take her seriously, and she ended up having to go to the precinct, where she found out Thao had never filed the report. in 2017, Luisa Fernandez' brother got in a fight in the bathroom of a club. And a security guard threw him down the stairs. Thao responded, briefly talked to the club owner, and told Luisa that there would be no report, and that her and her party needed to leave the club immediatly. There was no disciplinary action against the security guard.
       This force and abuse of power is not necessary to convict people who have committed crimes, especially crimes like being accused of forging a check. If white men can be convicted alive after committing mass shootings, then black men can be convicted alive after allegedly forging a check. So far, there has been no legal action, but the officers have lost their jobs. In conclusion, ALL cops are bastards.


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May 28th 2020 - 11:58 PM

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fuck cops fuck the system. justice will be served, the cops will get what is coming 2 them... we r going to fight back. 



May 28th 2020 - 11:49 PM

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I'm very proud of you & the research you've done. 

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