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Age: 21
Sign: Pisces
Country: Japan

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April 20, 2020


04/23/2020 01:29 PM 

Shank's Survey for Alternative People

Shank's Survey for Alternative People ♥

▪︎what subculture/s are you a part of? (punk, goth, emo, scene, etc.)

▪︎when/how did you get involved in the community?

▪︎who are your favorite musicians?

▪︎do you play any instruments?

▪︎what piercings do you have/want?

▪︎what tattoos do you have/want?

▪︎what colors have you dyed your hair?

▪︎what is your favorite article of clothing?

▪︎are your family/friends a part of the community?

▪︎what are some common stereotypes about your community that you disagree with?

▪︎do you feel like you're part of a safe and inclusive community?

▪︎do you feel accepted within your community?

▪︎do you have any unpopular or controversial opinions about your community?

▪︎would you date someone who isn't a part of your community?

▪︎what's your favorite thing about the community?

▪︎what's your least favorite thing about the community?

▪︎is there anything else you'd like people to know about your subculture/s?

feel free to comment your answers or make a separate bulletin post! just credit me i guess lol

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Apr 25th 2020 - 10:43 AM

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Shank's Survey for Alternative People ♥

▪︎what subculture/s are you a part of? (punk, goth, emo, scene, etc.)
- i'd say i'm mostly active in the punk scene, but i enjoy gothic and emo music.

▪︎when/how did you get involved in the community?
- i started out as a scene kid in the early 2010s. my first favorite band was evanescence lol.

▪︎who are your favorite musicians?
- probably my chemical romance and fall out boy. i'm basic

▪︎do you play any instruments?
- yes! i play guitar and sing in a band

▪︎what piercings do you have/want?
- i have my septum done and two piercings in each earlobe. fun story, i did all except my first ear piercings in my friends bathroom. i plan on getting both my nostrils and my bridge done.

▪︎what tattoos do you have/want?
- i don't have any ink yet, but i want to get a replica of my dad's tattoo, and i want to get matching tattoo's with my best friend (vomit boy)

▪︎what colors have you dyed your hair?
- blue, purple, pink, and accidentally red

▪︎what is your favorite article of clothing?
- my punked up vest lol

▪︎are your family/friends a part of the community?
- my family isn't, but my best friend is hella emo and most of my other friends are punk

▪︎what are some common stereotypes about your community that you disagree with?
- that most punks are rude

▪︎do you feel like you're part of a safe and inclusive community?
- for the most part. there's always some gatekeeping, and there's bigots in every community.

▪︎do you feel accepted within your community?
- yeah i do.

▪︎do you have any unpopular or controversial opinions about your community?
- you can't be apolitical and still be punk. punk is a movement rooted in politics. also if you're racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc. you aren't punk. gtfo.

▪︎would you date someone who isn't a part of your community?
- they don't have to be alternative necessarily, but they have to be on board with my political ideologies.

▪︎what's your favorite thing about the community?
- we tend to be more accepting and openminded.

▪︎what's your least favorite thing about the community?
- people who call themselves punk but they're really just jerks

▪︎is there anything else you want people to know about your subculture/s?
- not that i can think of. i'm always down to educate people on being a leftist, so if you're interested feel free to dm me.

feel free to comment your answers or make a separate bulletin post! just credit me i guess lol

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