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02/27/2021 04:04 PM 

Current mood:  savage

yo i got a haircut i love it sm!  


02/25/2021 03:31 PM 

little monkey

we played more mariokart this morning! it was fun, and they were smacking me around lol. maggie made me a mii:)) its so cute! my old one was pretty cringe tbh. i couldnt call spectrum to set up the modem cus the phone number didnt work :/ i wish i couldve helped them out. their brother called and got it handleed so thats good. we watched some tim n eric which was super funny, and had a lot of unexpeted humor. the shirt i got maggie came today! maggie likes it:) and the record they bought came too! thats pretty fun. it has some scrateches in it though which sucks :/ i played cod with maggie and their brother for a while. it was pretty fun tbh. we won some br which was awesome. they sent me this awesome ig post that was a monkees collection. so were gonna get maggie to be the #1 monkees merch collector. we looked around for stuff, and theres some cool stuff! maggie favorite album you can get signed for like 90 bucks. i think imma surprise them w it. there was this cute kids recorcd player that maggie likes. it has clowns n stuff on it and its in great shape and not too expensive. there was this really cool vintage clown poster that maggie likes(i do too) that they wanted me to get and save it for our house:) maggie wants to have a vintage house, which i think sounds awesome:) maggie talked about the vinly club more and i think collecting vinyl sounds cool! i think that would be a fun thing to do, and another way for us to hang out. we were roasting eachother, and we said some funny stuff. i watched maggie edit pictures of us together:) theyre so cute, and i think we look good together. then i made a joke n said they were impersonating danny devito lmao. it took them a sec to get it but it made them laugh. they started calling me arthy lol. my mom finally sent me pictures of me as a kid/teen and pixies baby pictures. maggie says i was adorable and they wouldve liked me if we went to hs together:)) they also suggested to shave the moustache next time i shave cus i look good w/o it. we were watchin yt, and maggie fell asleep then woke up like 30 mins later and said they were goin to bed :p


02/24/2021 03:23 PM 

african wifi

maggie called me in the middle of the night and showed me the moon:) it was beautiful, and it made me feel really happy. it meant a lot to me. we went back to sleep after though, and then when we got up we played cod! it was really fun. we watched a movie called breakfast at tiffanys! weve talked about watching more classic movies and i think that would be super fun. we listened to hole and nirvana and compared. maggie says that holes better, and hole is really good but i disagree :p we played mariokart for the first time in a while! we did well, and i didnt sucka s bad as i used to lol. were gonna try overwatch later too which should be really fun. their internets been going full retard lately so that sucks. theyre gonna get a new modem cus theirs is super old lol. im gonna call them tomorrow for maggie and hopefully get that figured out. we watched some check it out w steven brule, and we wered gonna watch some tim n eric shows but maggie fell asleep while i was geting a link to the show haha. 


02/27/2021 03:19 PM 

boredom yay ;p;
Current mood:  sneezy

hi uh who wanna listen to some good death metal with me k thankz♥ 

friends lonley metal


02/27/2021 02:36 PM 


Today I watched this cute anime. It was a yuri and its called bloom into me. The girl with the short hair was similar to me. we both get easially flustared. We also both are some what short in height. Well im alittle taller.


02/27/2021 01:11 PM 

we do be procrastinating
Current mood:  cookywacky

I knew I was lying the moment I told myself I was gonna study for my midterm. Me studying?? LOL pls


02/27/2021 03:44 AM 

Current mood:  talkative

im new to this lol


02/27/2021 12:41 PM 

hate him
Current mood:  angry

My dad can go die a slow painful deathFebruary 27, 2021 - 5:26 pm: Why the f*** does my dad have my toothbrush.  I literally saw it while I was looking for his charge so I can charge my iPhone. It couldn't have been my mom because it was my dad's own dresser he only keeps his stuff in it. I don't know what to think now, why would he have it? what does he want with it? It also couldn't have been a coincidence because they are at least 5 toothbrushes in there and he chose mine. I feel like I should start hiding my sh*t from him now. I wanted to pick it up and take it because you know it's mine, not his. but what if he asks. Maybe I should so I could see his reaction. 


02/26/2021 11:09 PM 

Current mood:  groggy


02/26/2021 11:07 PM 

idk how this works

but i need to catch up on skool bcoz i have missing work in 3 classes but dis is gonna take 4EVER 


02/26/2021 09:06 PM 

being new
Current mood:  awake

i  remember friend project back in the day but thought that they deleted their webpage years ago... right now im drinking and trying to find the perfect FP background and i think im finally satified, i still do not know how to do it like some of you and ive realized alot of people on FP are young btw i dont use tictoc and probably never will.. i want to be able to post my photography and quotes that i write and take onto my FP account, if you are interested in some photography where i am from to get an idea of my surrounding let me know?  but im starting to think that im going to write some new quotes and photography what do you think i should do. 



02/26/2021 08:59 PM 

Ted Cruz qouted William Wallace Freedom left Texans without

Ted Cruz qouted William Wallace Freedomleft Texans without without electricity and gas and with broken pipes


02/26/2021 08:33 PM 

Current mood:  bored

Hilets be friends I need to make more so add me :))) 


02/26/2021 07:54 PM 

Current mood:  loved

hi swaggies, besties, whateveri just wanna come here and say that i am oh so sorry if i ever mess up your pronounsplease correct me and others, bc it's very educational for everyone i also just love to hear stories about you and your growth as a person on who you are today yk??and btw, i go by she/her atm.

prounouns, she/her


02/26/2021 06:59 PM 

very confused.
Current mood:  distressed

 had a dream ab my bsf dying. wasnt very fun

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