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12/25/2020 04:26 PM 

Current mood:  nervous

if i sent u a friend request its just becos i thought ur layout was cool haha


12/24/2020 05:19 PM 

tongo dingo ringo

we talked super early in the morning today:) they called me at 7! we listened to the beatles more this morning:) and maggie told me about the conspiracy :o people say that paul died in a car crash and they left clues in some songs and album covers(like the abbey road one), because they couldnt just tell us. they played this one song called revolution 9 which is pretty weird sounding but i really like it:) maggie made a playlist of their favorite songs and we listened to them together:) its a super good playlist. maggies favorite album is the white album. they used to play it while they walked home from school. they asked me a few times to figure out who was singing but i was pretty bad :/ i wanna get better at it. they played their first album for me (please please me) and they showed the difference of their stuff before they did the hippie stuff. it was pretty cool to hear, and i really like that album tbh it might be one of my favorites. i watched maggie play for like 30 mins until their mom got home and she was angry so maggie had to go lol. after a while they came back and we started talking more:) its still amazing to me that maggie told their mom about me. it made me really happy, and idk everything weve been doing lately has me(and maggie too) thinking about everything and it just feels really real. its amazing, and i cant wait for the day that i get to meet maggie in person. itll be one of the best days of my life. after we chatted for a bit i watched them play:) its honestly so much f***ing fun. i love watching maggie play games. after my study we kept chatting:) and we listened to music too. maggie told me that their therapist says that i keep topping myself. im happy i can be such a bright spot in their life, and i want to do nothing but make them happy, and make everything easier for them. later last night i watched them play cod more:)) i passed out at like 11:45 though lol. i felt kinda bad. maggie put me to bed lol, and stayed with me for a bit. that was really nice:) they stayed up til 2 something playing cod lol. they got the new gun though so thatll be fun to watch them use. 


12/25/2020 03:23 PM 

Last Quarter
Current mood:  crying

"Like the fading moon, ruining the darkness, paling, these lips... I sing something, I pray for something, as I lose the sun that is you." dammmmnnnn that line hurt me so good. THANK YOU AI YAZAWA FOR BLESSING ME WITH YOUR WORKS ♥ anyways i will continue to cry about that line until the day i die.


12/25/2020 03:15 PM 

Last Quarter
Current mood:  crushed

i just finished reading a manga called last quarter by ai yazawa and it's really gooood. i cried many times throughout reading it. although i didn't expect for the ending to turn out that way i think it was for the best. but im still so saaaddd from reading it. T-T


12/25/2020 01:45 PM 

woah woah//.-
Current mood:  amused

why is everyone on the internet  arguing about wojacks


12/25/2020 01:01 PM 

Merry Christmas!!
Current mood:  cheerful

hello happy holidays!! i made some art


12/24/2020 07:02 PM

(lmao) From 2003 to 2012, Myspace was the premier place for bands to post their music. In 2018, it lost it all in a botched server migration. The Internet Archive has managed to get their hands on a collection of nearly half a million songs, and has made them available in a searchable interface. Below are some gems I found myself and the link to the website.FSCENE8 By Medic DroidI LIKE MONEY By MillionairesMCR TEENAGERS (Live in Mexico) >>> find ur old songs here <<<



12/24/2020 05:29 PM 

Primer blog

Estare posteando cosas en este blog para matar el tiempo y descargarme.Estoy escribiendo un comic y estare posteando actualizaciones.


12/24/2020 01:44 PM 

How to erase the pimp-my-profile watermark.

I'm gonna teach you how to erase that annoying watermark from the pimp-my-profile profile editorJust after you've finished your profile you copy the code and delete the part that right after "".  And it is as easy as that! 

profile, pimpmyprofile, pimp-my-profile, editor, costumization, resources


12/24/2020 01:15 PM 


just ordered viva la juicy  cant wait to wear it 


12/23/2020 11:27 PM 

fool on the hill
Current mood:  happy

we finished the rupaul podcast we started yesterday. its pretty fun tbh. maggie went and ate and then when they came back we listened to nightvale together. its a pretty fun podcast, but we both wish it was scarier. after they finished eating it was stream time:)) we listened to the beatles. before they started playing they told me about this crazy dream they had where people got picked to be hunted by the whole city, and one of their friends got picked so they helped hide them. it was wild lol. we talked about the possibility of rich people hunting people for sport. i think its possible tbh. maggies family was stressing them out, so that sucks :/ they let me listen to nightvale for a few episodes and they were doing stuff. they gave me a task to find a scary non paranormal podcast, and i think i did an ok job. theres this super creepy one that is supposed to be uncomfortable to listen to cus of the 911 calls and stuff like that. i think itll be fun to check out. i got to listen to maggies therapy again. its nice. maggie made a good looking sandwich for dinner. oh! guess what! they told their mom about me:)) it makes me super happy, and im happy that their mom said that i sound nice and its cool that maggie found someone like me. i cant wait to start dating dating maggie. or just seeing them for the first time. maggie called me jj the jet plane lol. that show is so f***ing weird lookingbtw. idk why they thought it was a good idea...maggie says i look like a who:) maggie says im very cartoony, which i like:) they told me some beatles stuff, and we listened to some super good songs. their favorite member is paul btw. hes pretty cool so it makes sense, and tomorrow hopefully maggie will tell me more about a beatles conspiracy:o


12/24/2020 02:12 PM 


Hola a todos! soy nuevo en Friend Project y ha sido increíble hacer una cuenta por acá He decidido que cuando pueda, escribiré un poco por aquí, le daré algo de forma a mi blog aunque nadie lo lea jajaja

emo, blog, navidad


12/24/2020 01:12 AM 

Current mood:  hopeful

penis eating. [edit: i am dehydrated]


12/23/2020 09:04 PM 

'lifesabath' remastered

yooo it has been wAY too long!! i updated a few things on the page, not like anyone's even looking at my sh*t tho, but i sure think it's a pretty revamp. how is everyone? i hope better than i've been these past 6 months. gosh. that is a long time. not many things have changed yet so many things are different, and i wish i knew how to explain that. due to my fear of moots reading this stuff, i'll leave out the big details on what's been going on... but i will say that i've grown a lot. i know that's hard to imagine since it's only been 6 months, but shiitttt half a year is a long time. i try to be optimistic about this stuff let me be. anywayz, it's f***in christmas eve tomorrow wtf lol. i have to go to this lil thing at my aunt's house that im lowkey dreading so we'll see how that goes. only one more week till this god forsaken year is over. i can't wait! hope ya'll have a good holiday. peace.

shady's back, back again, sad, christmas, 2020 got worse, lmao


12/23/2020 05:47 PM 

Hi :3
Current mood:  chill

Hello! I'm new here: XMy name is AlexI live in Romania and I am emo: X RWARRMy favorite rock band is Linkin Park: 3

Hi :3

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