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โŒ€ damien โŒ€

12/21/2020 03:33 AM 

Current mood:  confused

i still idk how to do this ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ but that is OK!!!!! anyways u can follow me on da gram or on tiktok @ hellpinata OK BYEYEYEY GUNNA TRY TO FIGURE THIS OUT ASF!!

hi, im bored, lol, tiktok, instagram


12/21/2020 01:44 AM 


Relaxed arms and relaxed legs Late 18 milligrams taken 4 hours off schedule Anxiety is bubbling under your skin (God f*** why am i not asleep yet)More like rushing It feels like hot lava and maybe just maybe If you pricked it with a push pin All of it would come flooding out and you would be emptyOf course, you would be emptyBut you wont feel anxoius anymoreYou always tell yourself that you're fine and that you're doing fine and that you wanna be fine but how can you do that if you keep saying your okay? Nothing makes sense anymore and among those nothings, it's getting help instead of waiting for a crisis to strike (one that you knew was coming) to say you have a problem. -xo crow

#anxiety #insomina


12/21/2020 01:05 AM 

This Isn't Romantic I Promise You. Its Just My RSD.
Current mood:  contemplative

You know I don't really know what I did to you or what I did to deserve it. Maybe it was because I was too overbearing with what I loved or maybe it was because I kept wanting to hangout. Maybe I was being too pushy. Maybe it's because I tried so hard for you to get try to like me, Just a smidge after a switch flipped in you that I had no idea how to turn off. I have no clue. I thought that we were okay and that you didn't absolutely hate my guts. You always did say some things that were a bit mean to me but nothing too bad. That night you did that though broke me and I have no clue why. All it was was you being kind of a jerk with a friend. But it felt like someone putting all my emotions in a blender and letting it pour out through slits in my arms and the tiny holes along the rim of my eyes. I tried clogging them with tissues and makeup but it caused styes and infections to grow that made it hurt even more. It hurt even more the next day when I saw you and it made me want to fly two sedatives deep when all of our connecting friends would talk to me. This isn't about being in love with someone, this wasn't romantic but if you see this you know who are and you know who you hurt, you just don't know how. My older sibling still doesn't trust you and I'm not even sure if I do now. I feel like I can't even talk about something my favorite band did without feeling like I'm going to scare them off by being too annoying, or too loud about them. I feel like I can't text someone back or ask someone for help without them telling me to f*** off. I'm too scared to talk to anyone or trying to talk with an old friend without them thinking I was totally weird. I can't tell if something I do is strange or normal and I get so caught up thinking about how I'm acting and how I look and if I'm being overbearing to even listen to what they are saying. You make me overanalyze what I do and how I sound and how I act. I feel like if someone asked me if it was day or night I would think about it too hard and end up saying it's midnight during the mid-day. I feel like whenever someone says that I a good friend or a 'loveable person' that they're just saying that to make me feel better about all of the people who think I would be better off six feet under or muffled with duck tape and shoved in a lake. I don't know how to feel about you at this point. Maybe you really have changed and you are a good person or maybe it was the guilt that corroded away at your mind the way that steel does with lemon juice until you apologized to let you feel a sense of relief. I don't know why I said "okay come back into my life I'm ready for you." I wasn't. Maybe it was because I felt bad or maybe it was because I thought you really had changed. I don't know at this point. You'll never see this anyway so it doesn't matter.-xo crow

#friendship #i think #adhd


12/21/2020 12:18 AM 


you're nothing but a weightless body and sunken eyesyou tell yourself this will pass but you forgot what it was like before thisstanding up on frail bones that are willing to give out on any secondYou can't remember what happened to youYou don't want toyou're made up of nothing but a doctors pity and prescriptions 


12/21/2020 12:53 PM 

Current mood:  bummed

i want to dress like this but i dont know were to shop and i dont have enough money :(


12/20/2020 10:01 PM 

Current mood:  bouncy



12/20/2020 09:03 PM 

hi <3
Current mood:  bored

guess i'm here or whateva...


12/20/2020 06:17 PM 

Current mood:  embarrassed

Not me figuring out how to change my banner a couple of minutes after I vent about it :| Goes to show how fast my mood can change. 


12/20/2020 06:02 PM 

Customize issues
Current mood:  distressed

I wish they made it easier to customize! It's too difficult. I've gone to help blogs, watched videos, and still can't change my stupid banner. I've used sites to do it for me, went to where it said I can change it and it doesn't workThis was literally one of the reasons I left last time. I'm tired and stressed and just want a pretty and cool vlog like everyone else!


12/20/2020 03:47 PM 

I haven't had any dreams last light but i'll write about one from a while ago
Current mood:  blissful

I dreamed that I was trying to walk away from a party in my neighborhood at night. There were christmas/haloween lights up at the houses even through the weather felt more summer-y. I don't remember exactly why I was trying to leave the party, but I remember that something unpleasent was going on there that I didn't want to see. But I think I was enjoying my walk, i was listening to music from my phone and I was enjoying my own company.Then I took a right into the feild near my local rec-center and saw some of my friend who were at the party running twords me wearing glowstick braclets and necklaces. I felt a little woriied that my friends would pry on why I left the party but they just started walking with me.


12/20/2020 02:23 PM 

Bored XP
Current mood:  bored

All I do every day is play the Sims. I switch between Sims 3 and 4, but I wanna play Sims 2! Just to pretend I'm a teen in 2004 and the whole world isn't crashing around us. I tried to pirate the Sims 2, I own the expansions but I don't have the base game anymore, but it didn't work :(. My computer didn't have enough space. Sims 4 is so boring when I don't have any mods installed. Even then all I do is play with the violence mod and stripper mod XD. Sims 3 is fun, but I absolutely hate the mouse controls. I wish Sims 3 had the Sims 4 controls. It would be much easier to control my game. Anyway, I wish the Sims 4 had the eat the baby mod. 

Sims 4, Sims 3, Sims 2


12/20/2004 01:04 PM 

--just wanted to vent a bit--
Current mood:  depressed

I’m in a constant need to fixate on one particular thing in dull/depressing ruts in my life and I just recently have been stuck in this cycle of being in a better-ish spot and still not being happy. I’ve started to fixate on my weight, which isn't unhealthy at all but it’s started again and I thought I was over the whole thing after high school but it seems that I was wrong. I can't really talk about it anywhere else so I figured this would be the best place. Anywho, I hope you all have a happy holiday(s) and such ♥ take carexx-asteria 


12/18/2020 01:06 PM 

clown army

i helped maggie write an email today. it was kinda fun tbh i really like helping them out. maggies feeling better today but they still have a stomach ache :/ i saw a beautiful picture of maggie today:) they are so f***ing gorgeous it makes my heart beat really fast and i get all wowed out. when i left my room my mom saw how red my face was lmao. we talked about moree life planning stuff, and we talked about driving and me getting a car, and maggie helped me take driving tests:) the keychain maggie got me came today!!! its so cute:)) i want to get a car just so i can use it. its amazing:) maggie made fun of my thumb lol. they showed me their hands too:) maggie has really nice hands. i made a custom planner and little keychain square with maggies pictures on them:) theyre awesome! maggies pickles didnt turn out right :/ they just tasted like vinegar ig. i watched maggie play games:) it was like they were streaming for me. theyre my favorite streamer! we looked at phones too. im gonna get an iphone :o i wont have a sh*t phone anymore so i can play w maggie and not ruin games lol. they made custom alerts:)) and they send em when i donate! i like supporting maggie and seeing that makes it really fun. 


12/20/2020 11:39 PM 

Winter Break and Homework
Current mood:  blah

I finished my 8-week internship at a fabric store and am now on winter break. I have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on but I've been feeling pretty unmotivated all through my senior year so far... I'm hoping to just take it slow and not stress myself out too much over my work but it has been hard since I hold myself to a very high standard and it feels like no matter what I do there's always something I could do better. I'd like to think that perfectionism is a good quality to have but not in my case where my standards often keep me from being productive. I try to tell myself that its always better to have something that's mediocre but finished than perfect but forever in progress but the humiliation of having to face my peers and my teachers to show off something I'm not proud off is the worst feeling...I've mentioned it in a previous post but my plan is to study art at uni so I'm trying to focus more on my art and building a portfolio over regular schoolwork because if I'm too much of a depressed mess to do one thing I might as well put all my energy into something I enjoy more. Why do all my blog posts start as cute life updates and end as depressed rants? Anyway.. here's a bad bitch graphic to cheer you up after this downer... 


12/20/2020 11:49 PM 

What content do yo all wanna see?

hey guys, so I plan on posting more stuff on my "blog"so here are some lists of things I could post abt: Style/ootd Day in my life Mental Health Music recommendatons Anime/Movies Shopping links Healthy diet / exercise comment what you would like to see on my blog♥if you have other recommendation i'd be happy to hear it

style, alt, goth, mentalhealth, anime, diet

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