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07/10/2020 03:14 PM 

Random Survey #1 (80 Questions)
Current mood:  okay

1. State your name:Phu Mau.2. State the name that your parents almost named you:I think they had my name planned as Phu from the start.3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?Second brother.4. What was your first job?Farmer.5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most?Kind of a harsh question...If I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so fond of the oldest brother who shamed me for my weight a few years ago.6. Did anything embarassing happen this week?Nothing embarrassing as far as I know.7. Do you miss your ex?It's been 12 years. We've moved on with our lives and forgot each other, so no.8. Do you ever dream about your ex?No.9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?Black.10. How do you wear your makeup?I don't wear makeup.11. What are some of your nicknames?PhuCat.12. How many bedrooms are in your house?Three.13. How many bathrooms?Two.14. Do you have a job?If you count helping a farmer for one to two days every two months a job, then yes. Aside from that, no.15. Do you have a car?Yes, 2016 Altima.16. Do you think you will go to college?I was in college. Will be back for a new major.17. Tell me what you think hate means:Disinterest, lack of respect, negative thoughts in someone or something.18. What is your definition of ugly:What or who is nonappealing.19. What is your definition of beauty:What or who is appealing.20. Do you have muscles?Yes, natural bodybuilder. Lover of calisthenics.21. How about abs?Yes. Between 10-12% bodyfat. Lots of cardio, a proper diet, and abdominal exercises here and there.22. Do you work out every week?Yes, at least three times a week.23. Did you brush your teeth this morning?I actually do it before I go to sleep.24. Name a fact that you think is bullsh*t:Sailor Moon is for girls.25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullsh*t?No.26. Do you like Obama?I don't see a problem with him.27. Did you like Bush?I was a kid when he was president and never bothered to learn about him.28. Something about your neighbors that you hate:I suppose making loud honking noises with their car early in the morning.29. Something about your neighbors that you like:I suppose the benefaction of deer meat for giving them a deer stand.30. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party?No.31. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?I guess you could say that.32. Have you ever held hands with someone of the same sex? Children dont count...No.33. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?I don't wear a bathing suit.34. Do you like your eyes?I don't hate them.35. Do you think you are pretty?Not really.36. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot?Not a very nice question. Everyone is beautiful...It's just a matter of mutual interests.37. Have you ever called someone fat?Also not a very nice question. I wouldn't call anyone such a vituperative term especially when I was called "fat" throughout most of my teenager and early adult years.38. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger?I'm too introverted to do such a thing, but I would make the stranger feel better about himself or herself.39. Are you a bully?No. I'm a victim of bullying.40. Have you ever called a complete stranger fat before?No. This is the same question as 37. I don't understand the weight shame questions.41. Do mean people lack a soul?No. That varies from person to person.42. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you?Such a thing has never crossed my mind. Even if it did, I never would.43. Have you ever practiced witch craft?No.44. What do you think of Satanists?It's their life. It's none of my business.45. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you?No.46. Do you believe in hexes?No.47. Do you believe in vampires?No.48. Who was the last person you cussed at?That's an interesting question. I barely ever sworn. I wouldn't use such language to others.49. Do you have a jacuzzi?No.50. How much money is in your pocket right this moment?No. Wearing compression shorts.51. How much money is in your checking account?That's private. These have been some odd questions.52. How much is in your savings?Won't tell.53. Are you well off?Not even close.54. Do you have kids?I will count my Pokémon as a yes.55. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)?I love my pokéfamily. 56. What do you think of people on welfare?For the best I suppose.57. If we had a war over a tax on tea, why the hell have we accepted a tax on everything else?Not sure. As I said, odd questions.58. Are you smart?Seems egotistical to say yes. It all depends on the subject matter.59. Did you ever get left back in school?This was answered before.60. How many times have you gotten after school detention?Never.61. How many times have you gotten in school suspension?Never.62. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for?Never.63. What is your worst subject in school?Science.64. Tell me what your back pack looks like:I have two. One is red and the other is dark blue.65. Who is the ugliest person in your school? Based on 'the inside':These are some very negative questions.66. Who is the happiest person you know?Choa, my favorite dog. I miss him every single day.67. Who is the loudest perosn you know?Students from high school I guess.68. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?Bullies from high school especially the one who do it to show off to their love interest.69. What celebrity do you think is hot?I'm not into famous people.70. Did you read Twilight?No.71. Last movie you saw in theatre:In theatre was probably The Last Jedi since a high school friend invited me.72. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?No.73. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?No.74. Have you ever cheated?No. That is such a horrible thing to do.75. Have you ever flirted with someone online that you never met?Probably when I was younger.76. Have you ever met with someone you met online?I believe I met someone online at a mall.77. Have you ever been mean to someone just to make yourself feel better?Good gosh no!78. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person?My past I suppose.79. Have you been honest?I was dishonested as a little kid, so I'm always being honest now.80. Have you ever done drugs?I smoked a cigarette when I was a kid. Didn't care for it.- PhuCat

Survey, Myspace, Questions, Blog


07/10/2020 01:03 PM 

News Index

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07/10/2020 12:05 AM 

Review of Uncut Gems
Current mood:  stressed

I don't know if this review is at all waranted but I doubt anymore is going to read this sh*t and I like doing film reviews! I don't really know what I was expecting when I put on Netflix and me and my sister picked Uncut Gems. I was like 'okay so this is another Adam Sandler disaster where Drew Barrymore can't remember sh*t for more than a day' (I love that movie btw). So I wasn't really expecting much to be happening that would actually get my engaged in the movie. Then the f***ing thing started and I was immediately thrown into a world full of stress, power, pressure, and anguish. Adam Sandler's character, Howard, is a jewel salesmen working in New York. He gives off the air of a rich man but you can tell within the first few minutes there is more to the story than that. Howard has multiple kids and is married with a wife yet is still leasing an apartment for his mistress to live in. Howard constantly pawns off items he will soon need to give back for calataral. He has a gambling addiction, a money addiction, and a power addiction. Throughout the film I was amazed by the performance by Adam Sandler. The cinematography, though not incredibly noteworthy, did a great job of demenstrating the high pressure situation through close ups and choker shots. The soundtrack to the film was suprisingly sick as hell, it reminded me of one of my favorite albums of all time Plantasia By Mort Garson. I won't spoil anything here about the ending of the movie but let me just say I was shocked completely by it. The sudden changes in atmosphere, mood, and setting in this film maken for the ending to be even more unsettling. The main thing that stuck out to me was how well the film did with continuing on this story so well, never leaving a lose end and making everything seem believable. It felt like I was Howard's partner for a second if I am being real.  It's on Netflix right now so there is really no excuse not to watch it, it's a bit long but it is suprsingly fast paced throughout the entire film. Overall I would rate it a 7/10 maybe higher if I think about it more. if anyone is seeing this comment your thoughts below  

film, review, reviews, film boy, uncut gems, Adam Sandler


07/10/2020 02:46 PM 

all my homies luv teddy bears
Current mood:  pure

i admit 2 this day i will not leave my house without my teddy bear in my backpack or in my arms ♥ his name is pb and i luv him 


07/10/2020 02:22 PM 

Current mood:  blissful

why does everyone on this website look so cool omg im tryna figure out how to properly work this 


07/10/2020 10:36 PM 

where are the communes?
Current mood:  cookywacky

No one else just gets the urge to run away? I've been feeling that way the last couple days, i feel like mmm what i do doesnt matter? I just wonder what it would be like to be a struggling artist in philly but you know, really live life. To be a waitress ina small town and just know eveyone and live a nice life?? Never have too much but be happy and fulfilled. This "college is the fast track to success and happiness" thing is not doing it for me... there is so much more );Might take all the money i have and buy a tiny house in the middle of no where and grow my own vegetables (:


07/10/2020 05:19 AM 

Current mood:  adored

im so proud of you. anyways now that you've heard something you've never heard beforegn

mwah, ily, <3, proud, myspace


07/10/2020 01:11 AM 

icky boys
Current mood:  disgusted

as a bisexual, nobody told me i could feel the ick towards both genders-BUT STILL feel attraction towards them. obviously if you're reading this and questioning you should read the bi manifesto, great manifesto btw. but it's normal to get disgusted by someone. even if you love them. feeling the ick should be normalized as apart of the relationship. youre not going to be head over heels for them every second of every day, maybe you do (congrats btw), but it's fine if you don't. you are still valid but regarding the bisexuality ick: it's perfectly normal to fluctuate back and forth. you're still valid if you're 90/10, or if you're 60/40 most days and 30/70 other days. there's nothing wrong with that. even if you're in a relationship with a certain gender, and it fluctuates against them. you are valid. this is something that i had to figure out on my own... i doubt this will get out to anyone who will see it & care but that's fine 

bisexual, queer, relationships


07/09/2020 10:53 PM 

Current mood:  chipper

hello.i'm anhayiel and here's some things about me:my height: 5'5"my sign: virgomy fav color: bluemy age: 15 (turning 16 very soon) hobbies: drawing, painting, language learningsiblings: two younger annoying rats (love them tho lol) fav song atm: ahora te puedes marchar by luis migel fav movie atm: i don't be watching movies like that so ig bird box idk major: i wanna major in either architecture, or in psychology (or double major if i'm lucky) pets: my doggo Chloe! (ive jokingly thought of making a group on here about my dog but now i'm actually considering it lol) there's more info about me on my profile!socials:    insta-  @._1e0nard0_.   twitter @anhayiel_mp4

intro, introduction

⸸Succubus Ari⸸

07/09/2020 11:43 PM 

Two Face

| Category: Poems | One side is happy the other is sad. One face is empty the other face mad. Like a coin, theres a head and tail. I might seem fine even if I fail. but there is always two faces to show,one for the public and one that will neverbe shown.

CEO of Lumka

07/09/2020 11:33 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

The intention of the installation is to touch on the areas of absurdity within white american culture, while prolonging an experience of subliminal confusion in viewing the body of work. I am writing to you today, not only as an artist, but as a changemaking individual seeking your magazine's recognition regarding my new installment. To tell you more about Lumka, I began this movement in my first months of college. At first it seemed to be an ongoing joke with friends regarding minute absurdities in everyday life. Eventually, this concept manifested itself into a microculture in which one does not only work in Lumka, but lives in Lumka. In the drop that went live yesterday 07/07/20 8:45 pm EST I went live to perform a live DJ set with my close friends and collaborators, Long Puppy (Music collective by Charles Cleworth and Sophia Nunez). With every viewer this live show donated a dollar towards The Bail Out Fund in celebration of Lumka. The DJ set featured remixed music by Charles Cleworth, 100 Gecs, and GFOTY. The set was recorded and eventually posted as an IGTV on my personal instagram @cortneylconnolly. Our initiative is to tap into what it meant to grow up as a kid of the internet era, that when mixed with the real world humor can be found. While I am the official organizer and creator of Lumka, I find collaboration to be key in the furtherment of the brand and collective. I am obsessed with understanding how Lumka can be understood through different perspectives. This is just the beginning of Lumka, as I plan to put out a clothing line in the next two weeks, another painting installment by the end of August titled "White Numb" and a third installment "Lumka 2.0" that will be featured December 2020.  I am reaching out with the intention of spreading the word of Lumka, in which it is not just a singular art installment, but a growing collection of people where the fans are the creators. With your help by potentially writing a review or feature of Lumka we could target more of an audience in which art and life can coexist freely in the created space.  Thank you, Cortney Connolly CEO of Lumka

lumka, 100 gecs, ultrapop, radio, nirvana,


07/09/2020 08:21 PM 

So I’m new here
Current mood:  blah

Hey there,  I'm Zam, I'm new here so I figured I'd make a post. Feel free to add me, I want to make new internet friends lol. Now the VF is shut down this is the next best platform. 



07/09/2020 10:04 PM 

Mood of the inscurities within me and the beauty that beholds
Current mood:  blah

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

#onlyyou #mindofdepression


07/09/2020 10:58 PM 

Youtube video?

I keep thinking maybe I'll make a youtube video or a tik tok showing my skincare routine? Cause I really like my skincare and I think I could help teach a little bit about it (with the little knowledge I've accumulated over the years) but I hate recording myself and I don't know how to edit videos and make them look nice soooo I probs won't be making one anytime soon but it's def a thought that's been persistent on my mind 

skincare, youtube, tik tok


07/09/2020 10:55 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

I will not spend all night on here &hearts; but this is the start of my new life 

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