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07/13/2020 11:03 PM 

Current mood:  melancholy

f33l$ 71K3 SH17


07/13/2020 11:10 PM 

Current mood:  bored

please recommend me lgbtq+ movies :( 

blog, chile, aesthetic, blogger, indie, help, movies, lgbtq+ movies, lesbian movies

Queen of Metamorphine

07/13/2020 11:03 PM 

i just need to rant.
Current mood:  depressed

I jusr want 2 years to pass. I just wanna move out I cant live with my parents anymore.


07/13/2020 10:38 PM 

me myself and i
Current mood:  relaxed

hi so this is my first bloq post be nice xDuhh so im james,im  14,i  use hehim prounouns,im a leftist, im queer,we cant talk about music and art!!dm me

new user,


07/13/2020 07:55 AM 

July 13 - Profile News

I've been really busy lately, not going anywhere anytime soon but I wanted to drop an update since a few folks are worried that this site is starting to drop in popularity LOL. Don't worry hon, this place isn't going anywhere and besides, change is a constant. Better learn to embrace that sh*t less you get left behind, that's never cool. That said, what have I been up to? Well, some of you know that I work as the big cheese in regards to growing dank pot. That's right, I live in Oregon where it's 100% legal here and therefore I've been working as a legal Chief Gardener for our little medical marijuana grow-op. Basically I ensure our little plants are as happy as they can be LOL. So yeah, I've been doing that and of course, testing... duh LOL. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time on my hands this week and so I'll be able to post more tutorials and the like. We shall see!Return to News Index


07/13/2020 10:06 PM 

Current mood:  weird

my instagram is @cadvxz add me ♥3

hello kitty


07/13/2020 10:03 PM 

Safe Place
Current mood:  depressed


07/13/2020 10:02 PM 


please someone give me someting to do 


07/13/2020 09:52 PM 

Current mood:  amused

omg i love this sm it' crazy i've got a hello kitty layout 

hello kitty


07/13/2020 07:47 PM 

it eez what it eez
Current mood:  artistic

i rly wanna get back into drawing and writing again, but i literally have no motivation and it makes me v sad :,( 


07/13/2020 07:47 PM 

it eez what it eez
Current mood:  artistic

i rly wanna get back into drawing and writing again, but i literally have no motivation and it makes me v sad :,( 

Siennuh Screamz

07/13/2020 07:22 AM 

re: covid
Current mood:  confident

its been quite a while, but i wanna let u guys know how happy i am just reading that c0rona hasnt killed anybody since march 11... im so happy,relieved,blessed,grateful and everything above. hopefully ny can stay corona free by the time this bs is over :)

coronavirus, covid, quarantine, cases, updates


07/13/2020 06:24 PM 

i just wanna mean something

either to the world, or to peoplebut i just really want to BE somebody who genuinely means something to people ya know 


07/13/2020 06:23 PM 

self care is removing the option to see who viewed ur profile

because then u see all the people who looked at ur profile and didn't request to be friends and that kinda hurt doe 


07/13/2020 05:53 PM 

corona tried to ruin my holiday (how could you)

my brother and his girlfriend got a corona scare they went to a pub here that is now a whole thing here in nsw and a lot of cases have come out of it and they had to head home to get tested and we thought that the whole family would have to go homebut i had a massive breakdown xo(because i have to rigidly structire my life and put rules in place tp ensure i don't get depressed and its super exhuasting because i feel like im always ont he edge of a clif lmao xo)but then my mum arranged for them to go some and then my parents and i to stay there (but we stayed inside and didn't go out anywhere) and that wa super good and lovely so it was okay overall :)but oh boy that was a big breakdwon teehee xo

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