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07/14/2020 11:23 PM 

What my profiles gonna be
Current mood:  awake

Hey! My names Bobby! How's it going? This profiles gonna be very aesthetically based. Gonna be pretty cool :)


07/14/2020 10:47 PM 

Current mood:  tired

i'm running off of 2 hours of sleep : ( i'm tired and need affection 


07/14/2020 09:59 PM 

music music music
Current mood:  confused

the launch of my song is in 5 days AAAAA it's the first time i release a song and i'm quite nervous JSDNJS should i start promoting it today? or three days before? I need hELP PLEASE DKJKD

blog, chile, aesthetic, blogger, indie, indie music, friends, music, fashion

Abby Isnt Here

07/14/2020 08:42 PM 

I'm exhausted

Jesus Christ, I just want to sleep. I have so much to do, to move. Ugh. Also I'm really bad at being a waitress. But it's okay. I'll be fine. It's almost time for me to quit my pool job and see if I can get my old job back but geez. I'm so so tired. 


07/14/2020 08:10 PM 

my fav thingz
Current mood:  happy

Name Your Favorite… Place: my room :P Person: my cousin faith ♥ Color: pink, pastel green, black Food: trail mix   Smell: any incense Book: cmbyn Movie: too many but probably back 2 the future and whisper of the heart   Music artist: the 1975, simon & garfunkel (so many others) Genre of music: alt/indie Magazine: i dont read magazines  Texture: velvet Time of day: sunset Day of the week: thursday Tumblr: mine: abibenjamin-xx Thing to do when bored: write, watch movies, walk around the city Celebrity: i like youtubers not rly celebrities  Class in school: social sciences Website other than Tumblr: friendproject  Drink: smoothiez Animal: CATS & butterflies ♥ Flower: daffodila Font: courier new / anything typewriter Video game: minecraft or animal croassing :P Anime: Inuyasha or any studio ghibli Play: not into theatre Sound: music Fruit: strawberries, mango Vegetable: kale, zucchini  Store/shop: village discount outlet  Article of clothing you own: war of ages sweatshirt Fashion/style: 90s Pattern: anything w butterflies Workout: core  Quote:  Historical figure: abigail adams Boy’s name: dean Girl’s name: vandalia Potato chip flavor: sea salt Meal of the day: breakfast, and second breakfast Ice cream flavor: mint Soda: i dont drink soda rly but when i do RC cola :P Popcorn flavor: kettle Season: spring Month of the year: november Word: f*** Disney princess: ARIEL Insult: ur mom Joke: *cough* Cussword: f***kkkkk Letter: A YouTube channel: the purple palace or eva meloche Eye color: anything Memory: rn its this past week, i met a boi Dessert: tiramisu Candy: mamba Restaurant: colectivo Language: italian Thing to learn about: history Thing about yourself: im pretty and im sweet :P 


07/14/2020 07:42 PM 

i cant do this anymore teehee xo

i cant keep lying and trying to help myself off the floor and acting happy for myself the way that you a t happy for a kid so they dont get sad like what the F*** why is taking care of myself a full time f***ing job i dont even get payed and i am not qualitifed and the hours are excessive and i can't do it anymore i f***ing QUIT i will now be seeking unemployment benefits xo


07/14/2020 07:40 PM 

angry girl rock

sh*t slaps so f***ing hard omg im glad im in an emo/goth/punk phase rn because the music matches my mood rather than me being undecisive and not being able to pcik what music i want to listen to which is a common symptopm for me when im depressed (music do mean a lot to me and i listen to the music that matches my vibe)i love the power angry girl rock gives me 


07/14/2020 07:37 PM 

am i depressed again? ugh

i think ive been kinda depressed for a while but i just keep repressing it and fighting it and working it against and and since i have the energy to fight then im not really depressed? i'm pretty sure thats my mindset but it f***ing sucks and im so exhausted and im burnt outits like you know when youre trying to keep someone else together but then you fall apart yourself? its like that except i'm BOTH people and im already falling apart and then the me trying to keep it together is falling apart tooam i actually stable or am i just repressing and fighting my natural self teehee idk xo 


07/14/2020 06:48 PM 

wanting to make some friends :>
Current mood:  blissful

hey girliez i need ppl to talk to!!!!!!!!!! someone be my bff also im not 20 im 13.



07/14/2020 06:14 PM 

f*** off

f*** off 

Vomit Boy

07/14/2020 01:50 AM 

i've been having spider problems...
Current mood:  contemplative

how often do you think of me?do you write about me in your corners of the web?do you spin me into your slick remarks, inside jokes i wouldn't know that you only keep inside your head? codewords for me in tags and songs and hopes that i would see it,like how i write these words for you? 


07/14/2020 04:39 PM 



lili <3

07/14/2020 03:09 PM 

Current mood:  adored

I wanna b in 2007 :(

y2k early 2000s


07/14/2020 01:50 PM 

mediocre day
Current mood:  blank

Day 3: It's a late post because I forgot but whoops oh well. Today wasn't as bad or lonely and I figured out why I've been extra sad and angry. It's that time of the month lol. Anyway today was better and i didn't fight with my parents that much. A friend fell through on her promise again which is fine i don't care too much. I watched a lot of Harry Styles tiktoks and clips. He really is like a perfect human. He has a sense of humor, is kind, talented. idrk and also he's british. I feel like british people are just like better in general or like people with accents. Because for people with american accents at least, american accents are normal. and so they're not as special speaking wise. I mean like accents just make everything a person says 10x better. Like harry niall or robert irwin lol. once i spent a day talking in an australian accent and then it felt weird to hear an american accent. It was like a little dip into an aussies point of view. the prime minister of new zealand is a badass boss. shes honestly one of the best people on this planet. she gets things done and isn't stuck up and isn't annoying AND isn't racist like some leaders... so all in all today was a pretty good day. but my mood was blank because the six day search for Naya Rivera, who played Santana (arguably the best character) on Glee's, body has seemingly been concluded. They found a body today at lake piru. today is also the 7 year mark or anniversary of cory monteith's passing. that seems a little odd that she was found on this day. Also her son got back into the boat at only age 4 and naya was a very good swimmer so the whole situation is really odd. I feel like a four year old wouldn't be able to get themselves into a boat from a lake without assistance. So i feel it was maybe a dangerous situation and naya quickly put her son back into the boat and then something happened from there. hopefully the autopsy reveals answers. It's just so sad. 2020 has been such a rough year. In some ways change is being brought about though, which is phenomanal (im not sure how you spell tht lol) but corona is just really taking a massive toll on america and we are only getting worse. I firmly believe that we will not get anywhere with the type of leadership we have as well as the decisions being made right now. Hopefully progress will be made. One of my dreams is to go on tour and do concerts. That would be so special for me. I think that would be the thing that would make me the happiest. But i don't know if people will ever be able to tour again, or at least the way they have in the past. obviously this will come and go in waves like the flu it's just dependent on when scientists find a vaccine. I believe they have some ideas that they are testing but right now it is heartbreaking to see people die from this virus. Like Nick Cordero. He lost his life recently after a very long battle with this virus. he seemed to be making progress but unfortunately passed after his body was just to weak. It also is infuriating to see people refusing to wear masks and calling this virus a hoax. I feel that if they experienced it first hand maybe that would change there mind but i think they are truly karens. Im putting that in the funniest way i can. bring some light and humor to the situation. I think that's enough for tonight. 

sad, concert, one direction, harry styles, naya rivera, glee, corona

millies day dream<3

07/14/2020 01:14 PM 

see you when

too busy relapsing to be on here ♥

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