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07/24/2020 01:44 PM 

Rob thoughts 01
Current mood:  adventurous

  Guess i found a new website to make a page on 😈. I'm never good with first posts so I'll start with an introduction. My name is Rob (duh I was born with a full name it's robert, but plz just call me rob) And I live in metro Detroit Michigan 🤟🏽 I'm curently working my first big boy job since I graduated from college last winter (two big boy things wow) and at 25 I'm still not used to adulting right. I love a good show (an electronic music event, not television, we'll get to that) and love loud speakers blaring music in my face. Music festivals are my favorite pass time and are what I love to spend my money on. Meeting festival friends is one of the best things in the world and you can't change my mind. Out of state ones that are my favorite are okeechobee in FL and buku in New Orleans. Both of those along with my home state Electric Forest are my holy trinity. I'm always down for a good time whether it's going out to eat (noms. Lots) chilling or honestly doing nothing. Reality tv is a guilty pleasure too. Not crappy reality tv though , real housewives only. I'm not good at endings posts too so come back later for another I guess 🥴 -R  

Welcome, hi, first post, EDM, festivals, personal, new, I’m not boring I promise, hello


07/24/2020 01:39 PM 

my minidiscs lol
Current mood:  drained

first minidiscsecond minidiscthird minidiscfourth minidisc takes a turn with a digitally made cover that i printed on a minidiscif you'd like to listen to these 74~80 minute playlists, find me at:


07/24/2020 01:41 AM 

I’m extremely bored
Current mood:  tired

I really should go to bed but oh well

Siennuh Screamz

07/24/2020 01:29 AM 

late post but
Current mood:  ecstatic

hai guyz! late po$t but nmber one.. i changed my name and DEFINITELY like it better thn my 1st one.. #2 im back from vacation!! $hit was sooooo fun ^.^ i can still feel the force of the waves.. :3 but im also SCREAMING!!! *not literally* bcuz 1 of my celeb crushez noticed me and im just like AAAAAAAAA


07/24/2020 01:17 PM 

what is nirvana but being really done with this bullsh*t?
Current mood:  numb

easier said than done

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* KennyG555   *:・゚

07/23/2020 10:15 PM 


Man, this site is kinda boring with no friends. If ur seeing this and have similar interests, add me uwu 


07/24/2020 12:34 PM 

what does success look like?
Current mood:  anxious

i am going back to college next month but during this time I've thought a lot about how my future looks and what I want. Ive seen many videos and people saying that college is a waste of time and money. I know there's a lot of opportunities out there for me if I put in the time and effort but idk what I see myself doing. My mom asked me, "do you see yourself doing psychology for the rest of your life?" If I'm honest, no, I dont see myself doing one thing for the rest of my life. What I do know for sure Is that i want to travel the world and meet people. I want to make memories and learn more about what the world has to offer. I want to get out of my comfort zone and go out there. Ive closed myself off for too long. I purposely isolate myself from everyone to "focus on school". While that is true to some extent, i also do it bc I'm scared of interacting with others and putting myself out there. I have severe social anxiety and i didn't even get a job this summer bc i dreaded the idea of doing an interview. I am just tired of feeling lonely, helpless and like a burden to myself. I want to be comfortable with who i am, i want to grow as a person. College did offer me insight into something that was different, doing clubs, getting a job, even going to parties has made me realize i like being independent, i like not feeling restrained. Honestly, it helped me become more comfortable with myself allowing me to express who i am better. But now i dont see college doing that for me anymore. I want to get a regular job, meet people, and get a place of my own, but i dont want to disappoint my family or myself bc everyone has this high expectation from me, I also hold myself to high standard so its probably my fault for beating myself up so much that I feel like giving up. Idk if I'm giving up or if I'm realizing that i dont have to do what everyone expects me to do. but at the same time i dont want to end up like my parents. What do i do? I blame myself everyday for everything, why i dont have that many friends, why i cant get a long with people, why its so hard for me to get a job, why i hate my body, why i am unable to push myself to become a better version of myself. i want to change ,myself for the better but idk how or where to start. I just want to be happy and proud of who i am and what i have in life and the things ive earned. 

boredom, college, school

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* KennyG555   *:・゚

07/23/2020 10:08 PM 

Current mood:  happy

Ay, my first blog! This place seems pretty cool. Probably will post more on here or just rant about my life. ANYWAYS gonna go, craving some noodles. Byeee


07/23/2020 10:48 PM 

idiot !! (;¬_¬)



07/23/2020 09:44 PM 

Current mood:  numb

nostalgia. 2010. minecraft. go hard. techno. scene. emo. rawr. glitter. synth. liner. alcohol. drugs. mugshot. black. cow. zebra. cheeta. guidette. guido. club. party, go hard.

substance, club, nostalgia


07/23/2020 08:08 PM 


thinkin abt how this site is a christian site....... (if u go 2 more theres a section that says knowing god and if u click on it it'll take u 2 some website abt christianity)


07/23/2020 07:38 PM 

New :)
Current mood:  content

New to this friend project stuff! Seems really cool :) add me + 🤍 🌺



07/23/2020 07:37 PM 

* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.

* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.  ·   . * *    . .       * .  °· .     ·  ✦ *       · * .  •     · •.   ✶ ˚  · .    · * ✧ * ˚     · . · * .      ✵ .    ✧ ✵ . ·      ✵  ✫ ˚    · · .  · ✦ ˚   ·   . · •. ✺  *         ⊹


07/23/2020 07:19 PM 

10 years of one direction
Current mood:  crying

if one direction doesn't announce a reunion tour i will be reuniting with god later on tonight :)


07/23/2020 06:10 PM 

life update i guess >.<
Current mood:  nervous

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛Recess by Melanie Martinez ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶soo i haven't blogged in a month oopsie. im like the worst at consistently maintaining things in my life so that's no shocker to me heh. honestly nothing extraordinary has come up in my life recently. i've literally been re-living the same day since March 15th sooo ♥___♥ !!!! i'm about to do something that i've been thinking about doing for a long time but also put off for such a long time. hopefully this time i pull through with it all the way. f*** im so mf anxious but i know that once this is done i'll feel so much better. wish me luck.on other news- i have a newfound obsession with nudibranchs and poodle moths. ethereal creatures hit diffff bruv :''-) like i will literally sit down for two hours and watch informational videos on them or add pictures of them to my pinterest folders. issa healthy obsession doe ♡

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