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10/29/2020 02:01 PM 


wait wut im serioslly failing biologyyyy


10/29/2020 09:43 AM 

Current mood:  cheerful

sorry for writing so was really nice! i danced for maggie lol. they said i wasnt bad:) but, that i dance like a white person haha. maggie also said my hips are stiff(which they are)and theyd help me in person  they said i was cute though:) and a few times when i was doing better maggie sent really funny gifs and said nice things. maggie said i could keep up with their dancing :)) then we watched cumbia videos together. i really wanna dance cumbia with maggie! it seems like so much fun, and dancing with them in any style would be amazing. we played cod for a few hours yesterday. i was playing really bad at first lol. maggie super good, and i kept wandering off for some reason and kind of retarded i guess. when we switched over to ranked i did a bit better, until we played against cheaters and people playing on mouse and keyboard  maggie wants to get top rank, which is 10 best players in a server. i think that they can get there, and i hope i can help at all. maggie got a new water bottle today! its fuccin HUGE! like wow lol. we talked about kittens for a bit. watching maggie play with kittens would be so fun:) maggies having an allergic reaction to something:/ they think its possibly the water, and mayyyybe the water bottle. maggies gonna test it out right now and im really curious to see what it is. we played a little more cod at about 9-11(lol) after that we watched baskets together. its really funny:) and i love watching shows with them. after that i put on music for while we sleep. im really happy today

nora :3

10/29/2020 02:28 PM 

stupid horse
Current mood:  depressed

woo yeah yee waaah wwowyes yeah woohoo


10/29/2020 09:13 PM 

Current mood:  confused

this is so weird....


10/29/2020 11:30 AM 

aww man....

i wish i could go home.... but where is home??? i feel homesick even tho ive lived in da saem place 4 9 yearz... it makez me sad, i dont feel ike i belong here, m i even human? do i belong to this country even? wheres my home? whats it like?...


10/29/2020 07:01 PM 

Current mood:  happy

Hello, I am new here. I am still learning how to use this. But I am willing to make new friends.Till we meet again,Pretty Kitty


10/29/2020 12:11 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky

just watched unfriended , totally good ! not that scary but being on this app srsly minda creeps me out after watching it :( no lie . 


10/29/2020 12:11 PM 

Current mood:  cookywacky

just watched unfriended , totally good ! not that scary but being on this app srsly minda creeps me out after watching it :( no lie . 


10/28/2020 10:02 PM 

Current mood:  animated

the only time i feel happy is when im drinking energy drinks and listening to The Garden. 


10/28/2020 08:29 PM 

Horror manga

Magical Girl ApocalypseGod's left hand Devil's right handThe Kurosagi Corpse Delivery ServiceManholePet shop of HorrorsDomu: A child's dreamAjinHideoutHeadsI Am A HeroZashiki OnnaIbitsuShiga HimeThe Laughing VampireMr Arashi's amazing freak showLychee Light ClubFranken FranMieruko-ChanThe Shadow Out Of TimeIchi the killerFuan No TaneKouishou RajioHomunculusKamisama no Iutoori and Kamisama no Iutoori NiGantzUzumakiBlame!Helter Skelter: Fashion unfriendlyThe Drifting ClassroomHappinessTomieGyoRabbit doubtFreak islandPanorama of HellDragon headOffal IslandWonderlandThe Horror Mansion


10/28/2020 06:26 PM 

first post uwu
Current mood:  bored

heyyy whats up its adriana the sc3n3 Qu33n aka rawr_its_adriana here whats up i hope i can meet new friends and have fun on here

#scene #emo #scenequeen #emogirl #rawring20s #scenecore


10/28/2020 05:32 PM 

FriendProject dont go away

FriendProject dont go away there is no father below in an underworld no unholy trinity that would condemn anyone or a Trinity that preaches or condones all died.FP dont go away I seen the holy family of legend of worship on a brick wall at church. 


10/28/2020 02:42 PM 

diary entry 1

i think it might be nice to chronicle my daily life somewhat. is it silly to do publicly? yeah, probably. but like i mentioned yesterday, i feel like i can't say anything on web 2.0. i say something personal on twitter, tumblr, etc, and it gets immediately commodified, boiled down to funny #Relatable #RT soundbites that are entirely divorced from the context of me, my life, my feelings. i've started to hate being a consumable entity for an audience.maybe this can be a safe place, you know?anyway, i have a few Disorders(tm), and one of them involves chronic insomnia. last night i went to bed at 3:30 AM-ish, which is better than the previous night's 5 AM, but still not great. i was hoping to wake up earlier than yesterday, but unfortunately, my girlfriend left their phone in my room last night, their alarm went off this morning, and it woke me up after about 6 hours of sleep. it took me another hour to get back to sleep and i ended up getting out of bed at 1:30 PM.such is the life of a chronically ill person, i guess. it doesn't matter too much; COVID-19 has made it so that i no longer have any responsibilities beyond household chores. it still makes me feel like sh*t, though.i'm gonna try to work on gathering photos for my albums today, i think. i want to post my cat on here; he's my son and i adore him.i'm gonna smoke tonight so hopefully i can reset my sleep schedule with that.that's about it. maybe keeping a daily diary entry here will give me more purpose in life...


10/28/2020 02:46 PM 

doo doo?
Current mood:  thirsty

felt cute, might doo doo myself later


10/28/2005 12:59 PM 

Current mood:  amorous


scenecore, fangirl, mcr, emocore, scemo, emo, scene, Gerard Way, gerard way, hawthorne heights

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