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11/01/2020 01:20 PM 

31 days of horror: day 27

day 27: the legend of spider forest/spiders venom/venomdir peter sykes7/10 available free hereoh to be a hapless sexy photographer who f***s a forest godesss.. this movie honestly has some of the coolest imagry ive ever seen, every shot is like a perfect painting, it really brings out the beauty of its natural setting (also the wiki summary may mislead u into thinking the main character is a n4z1 hes not!! it put me off from watching the film but the villains r the n4z1s n i dont think theres any n4z1 symbols)


11/01/2020 12:57 PM 

31 days of horror: day 26

day 26: the last house on massacre street/the house that cried murder/the bridedir jean-marie pelisse7/10available free herei just think its neat! its basically just a bitch x wife haunting her a**hole ex husband. some cool costumes n cool shots n some of the dream sequences were actually kinda nightmarish and terrifying (tho the blurry quality n sh*t sound helps the scares seem more surreal) but this movies best played in the background while yr doin some other sh*t 


11/01/2020 08:47 AM 

rotating chickens
Current mood:  happy

today was really nice. we talked for like 30 mins in the morning before maggie went on a drive with their family. it seemed like she had fun, but they were annoying them in the beginning cus they were talking. after a while, we went and shopped for stuff on aliexpress. we found some cool stuff and maggie showed me some outfits.  she made a wishlist too. i wanna get them everything on it. maggie would look so cute in some of the things thats in their wishlist. she told me funny stories about how her mom used to punish them. they told me about some cute things that they like/get urges to do when they walk next to someone. i hope maggie does it(especially dig their nails into my arm) to me lol its so cute. we played some cod. that was really fun, but i fell asleep for a sec right before we started playing lol. later, they told me really funny stories about highschool. about their friends, and the school, and stuff like that. maggies a really good storyteller. they got sleepy though at like 11 which is really cute. i got to hear maggie snore:)) it was so so adorable


11/01/2020 02:09 PM 

31 days of horror: day 25

day 25: thoroughbredsdir corey finley9/10available free on seriesonline.iothe inherit homoerotiocism of wiping blood on your best friends cheek and laying on her lap n holding her hand while u frame her for murder


11/01/2020 01:42 PM 

31 days of horror: day 24

(poster by matt talbot)day 24: jennifers bodydir karyn kusama11/10available free on yeah ig u could say i like this movie a regular amount. anway jennfier check can jennifer body check me into the next universe


10/31/2020 10:44 PM 

31 days of horror: day 21, 22 n 23

day 21, 22, 23: cheerleader compi decided just to put all the cheerleader movies into one post, so if u like jugs and butts and bugs and cuts, these r the flicks 4 u (forewarning: all films are high camp, so if you’re looking for some psycho thriller you can look somewhere else)satan’s cheerleadersdir greydon clark4/10available free here shot, directed, and acted like a porno, this flick is about a cheerleader-turned-demon who uses her newfound power to save her friends from a satanic cult and win football games. and somehow it’s still  boring. it’s mindless, but the characters (though without much or any personality) are fun, and near the end it gets interesting. it’s basically a bunch of dumb hot chicks running around for an hour, as this move has absolutely no gore (excusing 3 seconds of footage at the end) and no apperence of the prince of darkness himself. i wish they showed more of the end, where it was just a cheer squad spreading pep with the power of the devil on their side.  it was overall a fun watch, but not very fast paced or meaty in structure or in corpses.  all cheerleaders die dir lucky mckee n chris sivertson7/10available on lesbian dyke drama and jock murder. the gore is so bad it’s good and the story is full of dumb humour and gossip. i mean, who hasn’t revived their ex girlfriends corpse accidentally setting off a chain of events that causes her to crave human flesh?  cheerleader campdir john quinn8/10available free here this movie is funny, gorey, and well, camp! it’s my fav out of the three, and it’s a trashy 80s classic. totally recommend for any cringe binge, this movie is a miracle in that its a B movie that never drags, and the cinematography is actually, like, pretty good. the ending is fine, but let’s be honest, no one goes to these things for the plot. it’s fun, it’s sexy, and it contains knock out lines like “that judge in the orange skirt... Make yer pee pee harder than a ten pound bag a' nickel jawbreakers, you know what I mean?”


10/31/2020 10:15 PM 

life halloween edition

its Halloween i have decided that I want to stay in tn which is strange, but I honestly feel like poopoo and don't want to go out and I just feel like if I do something bad will happen to me idk. i just have a strange feeling about tn and I hope my friends are all safe if they do decide to go out.              update about my life is I'm currently talking to this girl. i like her shes so funny and adorable. i hope I don't mess things up with her as I always tend to do with literally anyone else that shows a small interest in me. she tends to do this thing where she doesn't text me during the weekends which I find odd but shes just perhaps busy             umh well anyways I still don't know how this site works and iim now wondering if once I post this, will people in the public see this?? if you can and are reading this umh well sorry????! I'm honestly taking these "blogs" as an excuse to rant so don't mind me!!! also have a wonderful day and hope ur Halloween was good! also follow me!! i dont have friends on here lmaoo. talk to me too =)  


10/31/2020 10:06 PM 

Current mood:  happy

It's Halloween! My favourite holiday! I didn't get to do my usual yearly stuff, obviously. I watched Halloween movies and ate a bunch of candy though. I saw the endings of The Corpse Bride and The Addams Family, and watched all of The Addams Family Values and Halloween (the 2018 one). I f***ing love the addams family movies, there's nothing better.I didn't wear a costume this year because I'm not going out, but I'm thinking of recreating some old halloween costumes. 



10/31/2020 09:03 PM 

Current mood:  angry



10/31/2020 11:15 AM 

Current mood:  quiet

today was nice. we talked for like an hour in the morning, and then we texted. we watched sesame street. that was really fun, i didnt watch it(Or a lot of shows) when i was a kid, and maggie couldnt believe it lol. give me mud is a really good song. we talked about pokemon and our favorites for a little bit too. maggies favorite pokemon is haunter, which is a really good choice! i talked about how i used to play the card game and she called me a nerd lmao. she laughed when i told her i like(mostly used to) judge shows. then we talked about joe luis. she had a cousin who went on it. then we ate dinner together and watched some baskets. thats really fun. eating dinner with maggie is so nice. we talked about maggies emptiness. it made me sad to hear what they have to go though. i try to be there as much as i can but idk i wish there was more i can do. thinking about maggies death makes me feel really bad. this entrys written pretty poorly cus i dont feel great rn. sorry :/


10/31/2020 11:17 PM 

Metalcore youtube channel
Current mood:  artistic

Thinking about adding some more videos to my Youtube acoount, why don't you go show it some love?



10/31/2020 01:41 PM 

31 days of horror: day 20

day 20: swallowdir. carlo mirabella-davis8/10avail free on i think?? idk its been a minalso TW eds!!hello? 911? yeah this girls oscar is missingthe universal female experience of eating a little horse and having an ab0rti0n in the mall ♥ 


10/31/2020 01:34 PM 

31 days of horror: day 19

day 19: sucker punchdir zack snyder9.5/10avail on netflix yeah ik its not horror but im going as blondie for halloween so f*** off we open on a fem cover of sweet dreams on an old americana set where a young early 00s starlet in pigtails weeps over a dead woman’s body and (spoilers) child murder . best movie best F***ING MOVIE. the visuals. the costumes. the sets. the layers. oh? a group of traumatised women escaping their reality by inventing a world in which they have more and more agency as well as physical power? and they got cute leather corsets and big ass guns?  and it’s about sacrifice and pain and learning to live and learn from trauma?  i want to melt this movie in a spoon and shoot up.   tw SA


10/31/2020 01:25 PM 

31 days of horror: day 18

day 18: the descentdir neil marshall9/10sexy bitches, cave moster, blood, guts, and scandals. need i say more??(fr tho one of the scariest horror films ive ever seen AND the only one ive seen w an all female cast)


10/31/2020 12:52 PM 

31 days of horror: day 17

day 17: mother!dir darron aronofsky9/10available free on is like the only time ill put a spoiler warning bc i thik its best 2 go into this movie blind. TWs at the end) This film is intense. It drags you to the depts of human sickness and its shows you a glimpse, a moment of glittering, shining perfection. Then it rips you back to the sh*t and the filth of the world. I have only cried at a few films in my life- this one came the easiest. Usually I have to think, really think about the pain on screen. I didn’t even have to digest the pictureque layer- I was crying because I was sad. I was crying because my house was in ruins and I lost my child. You are not an outsider (even though humanity is an intruder). You are Mother Mary. And you are pulled through the f***ing ringer. And I mean it. War, famine, pestilence, death. They invade you. You think it can never end, and it doesn’t. And then everyone is dead. And everything is quiet. And then you are at peace. mother, although she cannot control any of the things happening to her (excluding the end) is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, female voice in horror. as the film is able to drown us in the complexities of human cruelty, mother is able to display the complexities of human emotion. We are never impartial to her state of mind. This film is possibly only interesting to those with a background in or knowledge of christianity, islam, or Judaism, though it mainly follows the Christian New Testament, especially in the second half of the film. The latter two of the three are not as acuralty portrayed in the story, but when the poets followers are divided in their beliefs, it does present an interesting view of how all three religious first divulged. I can see why some don’t like it- if you have little to no interest in religion, even from an atheist perspective like me (I believe god/s and spirituality is useful for reflection, empathy, and community, rather than what it has become in modern practiced organized religion) religions use as a means of violence, or if you feel no interest in human psychology and society, this may not be the film for you. If you aren’t taken by mother as a character, if you don’t see the film from her perspective, you will likely be very disappointed in it.   And also it has sexy domnall Gleeson in it  TW for: rioting, excessive police force, childbirth, the bible, and images of: sex trafficking, murder, execution, human sacrifice, nudity, sexual assault (but not r4p3), baby murder, baby cannibalism, vomiting, missing ribs, sluttyness, burning bodies, and piss. 

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